
The Captain Commander

***Author Note***

Well, my computer died (R.I.P) and I didn't have proper access to the internet since Sunday. Frankly, the whole week sucked, but I'm back now.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

***End of Author note***

The battle raged on, but since Harribel was the only one capable of seeing through Aizen's illusions, the other Shinigami and Visored were defeated one by one without a chance to retaliate.

Meanwhile, as Harribel and Aizen continued fighting, Tosen suffered a humiliating death due to abandoning his Shinigami form and turning into some kind of Arrancar monstrosity, resulting in him finally being able to see. Unfortunately, that made him cocky, allowing his previous Lieutenant, Shuhei Hisagi, to sneak attack and consequently kill him.

The humiliating part of that was that it was utterly impossible for Hisagi to sneak attack Tosen, as his other senses as a blind man were incredibly sharp. Unfortunately, Tosen accepted his transformation into an Arrancar, allowing him to see while consequently dulling his other senses.

Simultaneously, the ash spear created by Rangiku's Bankai vanished, resulting in four bodies falling from the sky.

Naturally, these four were Rangiku and Harribel's three Fraccion, and although the group's clothes looked rather disheveled from the intense fighting they had undoubtedly been doing, there was not a drop of blood on their clothes.

Obviously, that was a clear sign that the four people were extremely evenly matched, to the degree that they would faint from exhaustion without being able to wound each other.

Anyway, simultaneously, Yuna had reappeared on the battlefield and was currently spectating Harribel's fight against Aizen while fixing her clothes, which were disheveled for some mysterious reason as well.

'Well, that was a nice little workout~'

[I would give you an achievement, but you have already done something similar within Seireitei so I won't bother.]

'Wait a second! That's not true at all. In Seireitei, it was a hidden location within enemy territory, but this time, it was in the middle of a war!'

[Nope, not giving out another one.]

'Tsk, how stingy.'

Meanwhile, the fight between Harribel and Aizen continued, but unfortunately, Harribel was clearly losing this confrontation, as not only had she gotten her new powers only a few days ago, but Aizen was also incredibly powerful, even without the ability of his Zanpakuto.

Additionally, most of the other Shinigami and Visored had fallen by now due to Aizen manipulating them with his Zanpakuto's ability, making them think of each other as enemies, showing off just how incredibly dangerous his total hypnosis was.

Harribel and Aizen's blades met yet again, resulting in Harribel being pushed back; however, with another swing of her blade, a jet of water was generated that Aizen nimbly dodged, resulting in it cutting through multiple buildings.

Initially, Harribel could already shoot those water blades with the power of her Resurrection, but now that she had her Shikai layered on top of it, the blades became even faster and more devastating.

Unfortunately, even after powering up so much, Aizen still held the upper hand, as he was simply faster than Harribel and had significantly more Spiritual Power and strength.

Again and again, the duo's blades met, and after every clash, Harribel was further driven into a corner, causing her to grit her teeth harder and harder. Obviously, she wanted to win, but by now, she was pretty certain she wouldn't be able to pull that off.

Moments later, Aizen overpowered her in another clash, but this time, Harribel actually staggered for a brief moment, so, seeing an opening in Harribel's defense, Aizen took advantage of it instantly and attacked, trying to cut off Harribel's head.

Obviously, Harribel noticed what Aizen was trying to do and moved her body, which would at least prevent Aizen's blade from leaving too deep of a wound.


However, just when Aizen's Zanpakuto was about to cut Harribel, another blade blocked the attack.

"Mah, could you please not leave any possible scars on my woman's body?"

Surprisingly, Yuna appeared between Harribel and Aizen and easily blocked Aizen's attack, causing him to frown, which only intensified after Yuna called Harribel "her woman".

"Your woman? What is the meaning of this?"

Aizen's gaze landed on Harribel, who only awkwardly averted her gaze, confusing Aizen even further.

'Seriously? A human and a Hollow started a relationship? What in the world is going on?'

While Aizen wondered how a human-turned-Shinigami and an Arrancar started a relationship, Yuna interpreted Aizen's words slightly differently, and after pondering for a short moment, she resumed speaking.

"So you don't know about that, huh? Well, I guess you are the nerdy researcher type, so it can't be helped. Anyway, when two people really like each other, they might start what people call a 'relationship'. Having a 'relationship' with another person persons means..."

"Enough with this nonsense! I obviously know what you meant when you said she was your woman and was only surprised that you would choose to engage in such acts with a different species!"

Realizing that Yuna was clearly mocking him, anger flooded Aizen's body as he quickly stopped Yuna from speaking any further, causing her to shrug her shoulders indifferently.

"Suuuuuure~ I bet you get a lot of pussy... or ass... we still haven't really established which you prefer...

Anyway, your preferences aside, that's quite racist of you. You should discard your prejudice and embrace the only truth when it comes to dating people: Hot is hot!"

Hearing Yuna spout even more nonsense, Aizen's eyebrows twitched in irritation. He really couldn't fathom how Yuna's mind worked.

"Anyway, did you do all of these things just for this? You followed me to Hueco Mundo, gathered information, stuck close to me, and all that brought you was a relationship and the chance to save the one you are in a relationship with. I knew that you would betray me, but this is simply pathetic. All that time you invested into this, and all it got you was this little moment. You archived nothing."

After Aizen was done with his little speech, Yuna chuckled in amusement while shaking her head.

"You don't get it at all, Aizen. You deem yourself to be more important to other people than you actually are. My first priority after reaching Hueco Mundo has always been picking up a few cuties. As for you and your plans? Meh, whatever~"

As Yuna continued belittling Aizen, he could feel the anger within himself grow even more, almost causing him to lose his composure. However, before he could resume speaking, another voice interrupted the conversation.

"Are you done chatting?"

Suddenly, incredibly dense Spiritual Pressure flooded the battlefield as flames bloomed everywhere around Yuna, Harribel, and Aizen.

"Hee~ Seems like the Captain Commander is sick of waiting."

Realizing Yamamoto's presence, Aizen calmed down instantly. After all, facing the Gotei 13's Captain Commander with a disturbed heart could have a deadly outcome even for Aizen.

Suddenly, Aizen vanished and appeared in front of Yamamoto; however, before he could do anything else, Yamamoto moved and cut Aizen in half.

Seeing that, a frown appeared on Yamamoto's face, but before he could form any proper thoughts, a blade pierced into his stomach.

"Even you stand no chance against me while under the influence of my Zanpakuto."

"Ha! Is that so?"

Aizen briefly wondered why Yamamoto was so confident, but when he realized what Yamamoto was planning, it was already too late as Yamamoto's hands firmly grasped Aizen's arm and Zanpakuto.

"I might get tricked by the illusions you show me, but there is one thing I'm absolutely certain about: The Zanpakuto currently stabbing through my body is your real sword."

Suddenly, colossal flame pillars rose all around them, which didn't diminish Aizen's calm smile in the slightest.

"How ruthless. This will take out most of the people present."

"They will die for a worthy cause."

Seeing the massive flame pillars rising all around her, Harribel couldn't help but be a little shaken by the power displayed.

"Yuna-sama, isn't this dangerous."

"Hearing the worry in Harriel's words, Yuna only shook her head as she continued observing the fighting duo.

"No, there is no need. Say what you will about Aizen, but he is quite the good schemer. There is quite a high chance that he had anticipated a situation like this beforehand."

And indeed, that was the case as Yamamoto's flames suddenly vanished just as fast as they had appeared.



Suddenly, Yamamoto heard a weird moaning sound from behind him, causing him to turn around and slash at whatever was standing behind him. However, the flames that were supposed to burn the enemy standing behind him never came, his attack only resulting in a normal sword strike.

"Confused? I assume so. Concerning destructive power, your Zanpakuto is undoubtedly the greatest; however, if everything of a being is concentrated just on that power, it's possible to block it.

I present you, Wonderweiss, the only modified Arrancar solely created to seal all of your flames. He sacrificed his speech, his intellect, his everything just to gain this power.

That being said, there is no longer anything you can do. Farewell, Genryusai Yamamoto"

After Aizen finished his explanation, Yamamoto frowned as he looked at the bizarre form Wonderweiss took after using his Resurrection. While he was still thinking about the situation, Wonderweiss moved and attacked Yamamoto, causing him to scoff in disdain as his fist impacted Wonderweiss, leaving a hole in his body.

"Do you really think you can defeat me by just sealing my flames? Do you know why I've been the Head Captain for over a thousand years now? Because in these thousand years, not a single Shinigami stronger than me emerged."

After he was done speaking, Yamamoto vanished and reappeared in front of Aizen, attempting to smash his fist into him, but surprisingly, Wonderweis was still alive and blasted away Yamamoto with a tentacle-like white arm.

"Hoo~ You survived that? You are quiet, though."

Just like that, the fight continued with Yamamoto ripping apart Wonderweiss's arms with his bare hands, just for more arms to grow out of the wounds, causing Yamamoto to frown.

However, in the end, there was no way for Wonderweiss to win. So, after removing the upper portion of his clothes and revealing his chiseled physique, Yamamoto disappeared and reappeared in front of Wonderweiss.

"It's good that you look more like a monster than a child now. Like this, I can finish you off without feeling any guilt. [Sokotsu]!"

Both of Yamamoto's fists smashed into Wonderweiss, causing his body to be torn into pieces.

"Was that it, Aizen? All that talk, and this is all your little trump card amounts to?"

"Not at all, after all, it isn't over yet. Wonderweiss's ability prevents your Zanpakuto from producing any more flames, but when he activated his power, there were already flames around. I wonder where these flames went~"

Yamamoto's eyes widened in shock as he quickly figured out what had happened, his gaze instantly snapping toward what remained of Wonderweiss.

'Damnit! If all that power explodes uncontrolled, the damage to the human words would be beyond devastating!'

Having no other choice, Yamamoto jumped toward Wonderweiss's remains, attempting to block the inevitable explosion with his body, but before he could reach him, a cake smacked him in the face, causing him to miss his target.


"Geez, why would you attempt to kill off such an interesting opponent with such a cheap method? Boring~"

To everyone's surprise, Yuna suddenly appeared next to Wonderweiss's body, and before anyone else could grasp the situation, Yuna snapped her fingers, resulting in an enormous ice pillar rising around what remained of Wonderweiss.

Seconds later, a giant explosion occurred as all the sealed flames were released within an instant, but instead of destroying everything around them, they were blasted into the sky, the hollow ice pillar acting like a chimney, redirecting the flames in an orderly manner.

Seeing Yamamoto getting saved from Aizen's scheme of getting Yamamoto badly injured by his own flames, Aizen couldn't help but frown deeply.

'I don't care about her saving Harribel, but this might actually be a problem. Taking on the Head Captain in direct combat is very dangerous and something I would rather not do. Damn, this is the first time Yuna messing around genuinely caused a hiccup in my plans.

Mhh, this is dangerous. Fighting Yuna and Yamamoto at the same time might have a devastating end for me. I should try to egg them on to fight each other. After all, Yuna did leave Seireitei with me, making it look like she was betraying the city.

That, or I might be able to make use of Harribel. I'm not sure how important Yuna's so-called lovers are for her, but that is another good way to approach the situation.'

While Aizen was futilely trying to figure out Yuna's next move and how he could counter it, Yamamoto wiped the cake out of his face with a dumbfounded expression.

On the one hand, he was obviously angry that Yuna had played such a childish prank on him, but could he really stay angry at her if that prank resulted in his life possibly getting saved? Well, Yamamoto was confident of surviving the explosion, but he would still have suffered quite heavy wounds from it.

However, he was not only thankful for getting saved, but he was also quite shocked that Yuna had managed to control the explosion of his flames, which was a testament to just how powerful she was.

Frankly, after everything that had happened around Yuna so far, he was still not entirely certain that she wasn't an enemy, but now, Yamamoto no longer had any doubts about that, so after he was done wiping away the cake, he looked at Yuna with a serious expression.

"I thank you for saving me and containing the explosion of my flames. Initially, I still wasn't sure whether you were an enemy or not, but now I can be certain that we are fighting for the same side."

Hearing Yamamoto's heartfelt thank you, Yuna disinterestedly drilled her finger into her ear.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever. Anyway, raise your sword, and let's start fighting already."


Aizen's mind, which was currently in the process of coming up with the fifth plan for how to handle the current situation, ground to a halt within an instant.

'What!? Why!? Why would she want to suddenly fight Yamamoto!? If her goal was to defeat him, then why did she previously save his life!? Is she trying to trick me!? That's right! That must be it! However, what exactly is she planning? Mhh, maybe she will try something after I let my guard down. I see! No, I get it now! I know exactly what she wants to do. Hehe, that's quite cunning, but you won't be able to trick someone like me.'

Just like Aizen, Yamamoto was dumbfounded by Yuna's words, but unlike Aizen, who was currently playing 5D chess in his mind, Yamamoto had slightly different thoughts.

'Those eyes. I have seen them before. Kenpachi! She is just like them. She seeks the thrill of a strong fight. Usually, I don't mind people like that, but the current situation is not fit for someone who acts like that. Mhh, I wonder if I can convince her to go for Aizen for now, with a promise of fighting her at a more appropriate time?'

Meanwhile, Yuna was also deep in thought, however...

'Geez, I really should have pulled Harribel in that ash sphere as well~ Being sandwiched between Rangiku and Harribel's massive boobs would have undoubtedly felt amazing~'

... her thoughts were slightly different from the other two.

[F*cking degenerate.]

'You called?'
