
A lady's way

“Sorry love, I can risk you going to the hospital, it's better to have you angry at me than you lying on the hospital bed.“ He muttered to himself while he watched her retreating silhouette.

It was time for bed, Alex was taking a bath when Laura entered. She stripped herself naked, Alex acted like he didn't see her, and he continued taking his bath like he was the only one present in the bathroom.

Laura went to the bathtub, she bend over pointing her ass toward his direction while her hands were busy with the faucet. She let the warm water flow into the bathtub when it reached the quantity she wanted, she stopped the water from flowing.

She added liquid soap into the water making it foamy, she stepped into the tub one foot at a time. She was doing all this just to catch Alex's attention but he acted like she was non-existent.

“Uhm,” she moaned when the warm water came in contact with her skin “feels so good, more than anything in the world.“ She muttered.
