
Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen. Indecent Proposal

Shuri sat in Peter's apartment, sipping a glass of pressed apple juice. As Peter sat across from her he could hear the two Dora Milaje outside on the walkway. While it was sparsely decorated she was still impressed it was tidy. She had seen some of her male student friends dorm rooms and Peters was spotless compared to those.

"So, what have you decided?" she asked innocently, but Peter could feel the curiosity burning within her.

"First, why me? And I will know if you lie, and yes I will explain that but first, please."

Shuri sighed, "Talon shared everything with me. I went from meeting you once to being privy to every little detail of your life. I know I like you, I know we would be compatible. You know being a princess comes with responsibilities. I have already been paired with members of several Wakandan tribes. And I hated them all. Why? Simple, in Wakanda, there are two things we prize. Strength and vibranium."

Peter shrugged, "Lots of people stronger than me," and he sighed, "a lot."

"True, but not all strength is from muscles, which I will admit I do find yours to be attractive. So as I am supposed to be honest, you are very handsome. Talon shared your bedroom activities with me, and I am physically attracted to you."

"Uh, and you are attractive as well," Peter uttered, realising that this would be embarrassing for them both,

"Yes, I know. I am aware of how amazing I am, and I have been told often enough, by everyone, all the time." and she rolled her eyes, "We can skip that part. Flattery got boring after the first several thousand times someone tried to kiss my hand."

"So, then why?"

"You are also very smart. Maybe not as smart as I am, or Tony Stark, but in your field, you excel. I am a generalist, as is Stark, you focus and in doing so, perform better. I like that."

"And you think telling me that I'm smart but at the same time I'm dumb, does what?"

Shuri laughed, "I never said you are dumb, but your fake hurt is amusing. You have no arrogance, Peter. You know that Liv is smarter, which is why she runs your company. You know Stark is smarter, which is why you are angry he stole your designs. I have yet to prove I am smarter but I was raised on technology a hundred years more advanced than anything you currently know."

Shuri pulled out her tablet, "Your CLS, after altering it with Wakandan technology." and as Peter looked over the design he frowned,

"Nope, this won't work." and as he pitched one of the schematics he almost dropped the tablet as its display became three dimensional, "thanks for the warning," and she giggled,

"I also like the faces you pull. Now what won't work?" and as Peter pulled at the image he highlighted a circuit.

"This, you have the polarity wrong," and the discussion fell from what Shuri liked about Peter and devolved into fixing the schematics of his CLS.

Peter found himself sitting next to her, as she pulled and altered the schematic as they spoke. The server was capable of running a virtual diagnostic. As they spoke, he realised she was touching him and as he took a look he shook his head,

"Sorry, damn, sorry," and he sighed and moved away. "I don't normally have guests up here," and as he reached over for the neutraliser she shook her head,

"Ororo warned me, and I am wearing nose plugs. I am aware of your pheromone Peter, and as you can see." And she pointed at the green light on the virtual test, "we have your CLS working. Well, virtually at least."

She sat down next to him and pulled out the plugs, "this is why I like you, we worked together and you were not afraid that I was smarter, and while it took you a while, you were concerned, and I was touched." and as he took his chin she tilted his face and kissed him gently, "and now I wish to be touched more."

While he touched her lips with his, he leant back and shook his head, "No. I know you're not lying, I uh, have a power that lets me tell, but there is one more thing. The symbiotes."

Shuri sighed and moved over to her original seat, taking a sip of apple juice, "you are worried this is all a trap to contain and destroy them?" and he nodded.

"Our history tells of a bloody conflict, and we are worried. We are also worried about the Stacy formula, the Banner formula, Extremis, Ultron, Iron Man, Hydra, Oscorp, Asgard, and whatever else is waiting in the dark. Do I wish to be a host to one of these creatures? I do. My experience with Talon was wonderful, and I will not lie that I would do anything to experience that, but would I marry you? No." Shuri put her glass down and came and knelt at Peter's feet. "I would sleep with you though, especially after," and she looked slightly embarrassed at the thoughts she had shared with Talon.

"I like you, and I believe that can grow into love. You are kind, and handsome, and a lot of other things a young woman will not admit to until she is married. But is it for the symbiotes, no, it is for me." and she lay her head on his lap. "I found someone I like, not a sycophant, not a gold digger who wanted me because I am rich, but someone who was kind and invited me into his home. Even though my brother had been antagonising him." Peter ran a hand over her hair and ran a thumb over her ear, making sure not to catch the intricate golden earrings she wore,

"Do you believe me?" and Peter nodded,

"I can read minds. The experiments done to me gave me the abilities of a symbiote without being bonded to one. I can extend armour and make shapes, I can connect to machines and control them, I produce not just an attraction pheromone but fear one as well, and I also have an Infinity Stone."

"If you are trying to seduce me, you-" and Shuri sat up straight and stood, "You have an Infinity Stone?" and she grabbed his shoulders and her face was inches away from his. Peter was just as surprised she knew what it was, as she was that he had one.

Nodding, "uh, if you move back" and as she stepped back he coughed lightly and took the stone from his mouth. "I keep it in a small pouch in my chest, so nobody can take it."

Shuri's eye lit up, "can I touch it?" and Peter held out his hand and she lifted it. "Hmm," and she put it back down. "That is just a rock."

Peter laughed, "It only reacts to people with telepathic powers, so for you, I suppose it is just a rock." and Shuri sat back in her seat,

Crossing her arms she pouted, "I suppose it works for the others?" and Peter shrugged,

"Other than Wanda, who was exposed against her will, nobody else was telepathic when we first got it, but I suppose. We haven't tested it since. They trust me to keep hold of it."

"You know if anyone finds out that countries would go to war to have that?" and Peter shrugged, he knew about the existence of the stones but had no idea their myth was so widespread.

"Which is why we weren't telling anyone." Peter smiled, "Only the people we trust know." He missed out that in telling her, if her reaction had been one of greed or claiming it would be safer in Wakanda, then the conversation would be over, and she would have no memories of its existence.

Shuri grinned, "and it lets you read my mind?" and Peter nodded, "Then what am I thinking?" and she bit her bottom lip,

"I do, but I don't actively read minds," and he leant forwards, "I guess it's rude, like listening in, but it's more than just that. You get thoughts and feelings as well, so it's cheating." and he gently kissed her, feeling that was what she wanted.

Shuri laughed, "and how am I supposed to prank and tease my partner when he knows I am joking, or hiding something." and Peter smiled and shook his head,

"I get enough of that from Gwen, you're not special there." and she looked at him, raising an eyebrow

"Oh? And you compare me to your other woman so easily, and dismiss me so quickly." and Peter leaned back, rubbing his hands over his face,

"No, I didn't say that,"

Shuri laughed, "I know, and you are just as easy to tease as my brother, but I think there will be some things that we can do," and as she grinning she ran a hand down her front and a small section of her robe became slightly transparent. Peter could see the curve and outline of her breasts, and how erect the small dark nipple was.

"I can see through your clothes, it's another power," he said with a deadpan look on his face and she tutted,

"You are no fun" and as she swiped her hand back up she sat back, crossing her arms and pouting,

"And you don't like being teased back" Peter laughed. "Of course I can't see through clothing," and as he laughed more Shuri huffed,

"I do not like to be teased, and you Mr Parker, are a bad man." but that just made him laugh more.

As she sat, with her head turned away from him, he sat grinning and shaking his head,

"Is that all it takes to faze the mighty Princess of Wakanda, you know that Gwen is much worse than I am." and she pointedly huffed and turned her head,

"I am not talking to you. I cannot believe that such a man exists." and Peter laughed,

"Well, Better Peter Parker, teaser of little girls, than Venom, black hearted butcher." and that got her attention,

"Little girl? I am twenty-two years old, I am not some child for you to..to, and you are still teasing me." and Peter nodded,

Shuri stood with her arms crossed, "I am not used to being treated like this." and he laughed and sat next to her,

"You picked us, not just me, but all of us. So, suck it up princess, cause it's adorable, and well, other than Wanda, you're the youngest."

"I am? is Laura?" but Peter shook his head,

"Older than I am. I think Wanda is only twenty-one, but we never really asked."

Shuri huffed, "I am still a Princess, or do you have another stashed away somewhere." and Peter laughed,

"Nope, no more princesses, I think" and as she laughed she batted his shoulder,

"I am not used to being treated as such," and Peter shrugged

"Can't help you there." but as she moved over to the larger chair and patted the seat before sitting down,

As Peter moved over and sat next to her, "No, I am not used to being treated like I am just a person, not a royal, not second in line to the throne, not a stepping stone to power." Shuri patted his leg, "I like it, and I like you. You never answered my question."

Peter nodded, "I know," and as he reached behind him and took the scroll off the table.

"I, Peter Parker, do formally request to be considered for Royal Consort, of Shuri of the Golden Tribe. Princess of Wakanda and second in line to the throne."

Peter extended a blade of symbskin and slid the tip of his thumb, letting a small amount of blood drip onto the scroll. As it lit up he had a moment of panic, thinking his Extremis filled blood was about to set the whole thing on fire but instead, a small seal appeared at the bottom of the scroll and Shuri's eyes lit up and she clapped.

"We are compatible," and as she took the scroll, she took his wrist and ran her own finger over the blade, cursing softly. The scroll contained a simple genetic scanner that would ensure there would be no serious medical conditions in potential offspring. It was the first test, and one nobody could cheat at.

"I, Shuri of the Golden Tribe, Princess of Wakanda, Second in Line to the Throne, Inheritor of Basts Power and High Priestess of Her Name, Accept." and as the blood dripped onto the parchment, a second golden seal formed and the whole scroll rolled itself and snapped shut.

"There, now we are engaged, and once I return this to the Royal Court, the proceedings for our courtship may begin."

As she leaned over and gave Peter a small kiss on the cheek,

"I will warn you though, not just my brother doesn't like you. We have a political enemy, the White Gorilla Tribe, and their champion really hates you."

Peter frowned, "I don't know anyone in Wakanda, so uh?" and he shrugged,

"Oh, they are not Wakandan. Their champion is Fisk, Wilson Fisk."
