
Chapter-19 The Players being the Players.

The following day, Maryam was in the computer lab. She had something major to search on web. The lab was a stretched hall- many computers, two long rows with an aisle in between, lines of computer sets opposite each other and each separated by blinders, tri-wheeled chairs for each set and two doors opening at the corridor. The ambience was silent. Everyone was working. Maryam was indulged in a research about her happenings in India those days. The network was bad, but she was eager.

Mihran and Farman showed up out of the blues from the back door and exclaimed in their normal fun mood. Maryam was startled, but didn't tune out. The Players jumped on two seats and slid to the computers opposite to that of Maryam. Due to those huge blinders, she didn't realize who was sitting opposite her. She only paid attention to her work. The Players sensed boredum.


They turned on the speaker on high volume and slid their chairs to a group of girls. They closed the doors and windows with the assistance of the students interested. They played party songs, and everyone started dancing and hooting. Maryam was getting distracted with the music, so walked off straight away. She turned to see the beginners of the fun- hustle, but couldn't see through the crowd. A girl standing at the door halted Maryam and said inaudiblly in Bahasa, 'Kemana kamu pergi? ' ( Where are you going? )

'Um, excuse me... '

She tried to cut off from the scene.

'Pemain! ', the girl exclaimed cheerfully pointing towards the dancers. But, she left the hall. It was a total chaos inside. Everybody was enjoying.

As Maryam emerged out and paced back to her class, a group of boys walked past her. By one of the boys' shoulder, Maryam got hit. Her book, pencil and papers got shattered on the ground. It was Abdul. As soon as he realised someone was bashed by him, he returned for help. While collecting her stuff, she was whispering in irritation in Hindi, 'What the hell! Looks like nobody wants me to just let me be! '

Abdul knelt and started gathering the papers which were flowing along with the outflux of wind.

'Maaf! ', he apologized. Maryam didn't understand the accent, but didn't point it out. He started saying more in Bahasa. Then, she said, 'Sorry! I can't speak Bahasa! '

They got up. Abdul, while handing over her stuff, said, ' Okay. Sorry... Have a good day. '

'Thank you. '

'Terima kasih. '

'Sorry? '

'Instead of "thank you", say "terima kasih"! ', he suggested.

'... Okay... Thanks. '

Then, she walked off while he kept watching her. She had learnt two new words. Abdul walked his way to the computer lab. He started banging at the doors with his friends. The door Maryam had passed through was open. He walked in and his friends quickly turned off all the speakers and computer sets.

'What the hell is going on? This is a school sector, not a club! It's not your house! You all are going to pay for it! '

'How do i delete this guy from existence? ', Mihran mumbled in annoyance.

Abdul faced Mihran and shouted, 'How idle you are! Huh? Don't you think you're a distraction more than an attraction? '

'Thank you. And? ', he said in sassy tone.

'You're crazy as hell! Look at you! '

'Thanks. And what? We don't need you right now. Get out. '

He ignored Mihran and addressed the people there.

'Now, mind your own business. Get back to your works if you remember what you were doing! '

'Apply it on yourself a little, too', Mihran taunted and walked away.
