
Miledi Reisen

The trio vigilantly walks through a corridor with rows of full-plate knight armor, expecting them to jump at the trio at any moment.

They are all a little jumpy after all those traps that they had to avoid and live through.

Thankfully they had the inner world to regenerate the mana and rest up otherwise they'd have died a lot of traps were bypassed from their Perception which made Masashi realize that he needs to find some way to upgrade that ability.

They didn't spend too much time resting in the place since that would give Miledi more time to repair the dungeon and they didn't want that.

So they cleared the labyrinth after only some minor breaks and rests.

Some of them are still damaged since Miledi hasn't had the time to repair the dungeon completely from when Hajime cleared it.


The armored puppets burst to life and start to attack them. They had very irregular attack patterns as if someone was controlling the armor.

After an annoying fight with the armored puppets that kept changing the attack patterns and using underhanded tactics, they move on from that room to the next room.

Opening the door they find themselves on a floating platform surrounded by a lot more floating platforms.

There was a singular main platform with a damaged-looking golem that was probably the final boss of this place.

"Why is the boss damaged?" Mai asks.

"Probably cause the kid cleared the dungeon recently and it hasn't had time to repair itself yet."

"It? How rude!~" Another voice startles Yue and Mai a little as they focus on the damaged golem.

"Who?!" Mai says looking at the golem.

"Heyo~ Nice to see you~ It's me, everyone's favorite idol, Miledi Reisen-chan~"

That cutesy, high-pitched voice doesn't suit the dangerous-looking golem at all.

"Why are you doing this bit, I'm pretty fucking annoyed right now. So, are you gonna just give us the magic, or do we have to fight you for it?"

"No can do~ If you want it you have to fight me for it~"

"But first." Suddenly Miledi completely changed her tone of voice.

"I want to know why you want to get the magic." She asks in a completely no-nonsense serious voice that told the trio that lying won't be forgiven.

Masashi didn't care and said, "To be honest… We don't have that special of a reason. I just want the magic for the fuck of it."

"What!?" Miledi is a little dumbfounded by the answer since she was expecting at least some kind of reason.

"Yeah, remember that guy that came before us to clear this place? We're the ones who sent him here.

"He's in this world because he was forced, I'm here because I was bored." Masashi shrugs his shoulders as he says that.

"…I see. And what do you think of the gods."

"Don't care, never did, never will. Hajime's the busybody who'll fulfill your wishes. I'll just help the guy up if he fucks up. Also, the gods are pretty much all dead, except for one."

"Wait. Really!?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew but I guess you've been alone for the past centuries waiting for someone to come here, haven't you?"

"I was sleeping. It's not a big deal."

"I see. Anyway, do you still want to fight? You still haven't repaired your golem yet as it seems so why don't you take a rest and give us the magic?

"You've seen our monstrous mana capacity. Even in your anti-magic domain, I can cast any of my large-scale spells to take care of things.

"What do you say?"

"Fine forget it, the one before exhausted me enough and I haven't repaired the golem yet. You guys can just take the magic and fuck off. I want to take a nap."

Miledi just walks off into her room as the golem goes into some sort of repair chamber.

Masashi, Mai, and Yue are just dumbfounded at this turn of events.

Even though Masashi said to her to just give them the magic, he was just shooting his shot. He didn't expect her to accept his words.

"Really? No big annoying boss fight? I don't get to bash her face in?"

"Well, she's probably more than a little crazy after so much time of self-isolation so there's that."

"Forget it doesn't matter, I just want to get out of this place."

"Let's go." Masashi hops with Mai and Yue onto the main platform and from there to where Miledi went.

They see a little floating golem pixie version of Miledi that points to the magic circle in an inconspicuous place.

The trio goes into the circle and accepts the authority of Gravity Magic which will enable them to use the gravity element.

"The proof of clearing?"

"Here you go. You should be happy that I had a spare or you'd have to wait until I made another." She hands Masashi the ring.

Miledi then summons a rope from the ceiling and pulls it. Turning the place into something of a toilet bowl that would flush them away as Masashi grabs onto Mai and Yue.

"Fuck you, you goddamn bitch," Masashi disappears from his spot with the girls, going to the inner world.

"What the fuck!?" Miledi notices a big bunch of explosives floating in the place that Masashi disappeared from.

"Not again." She screams as the explosives blow up in her face.

Masashi, Mai, and Yue appear in the inner world.

"What a bitch."

"Tell me about it."

"Forget about her, it's done. We got the magic. We can move on now." Masashi says as if he went through some traumatizing event, he hears a ding but ignores it for now.

Yue was already putting Gravity Magic to use by making herself float around using a mix of gravity and wind magic.

"I'm curious…" Masashi thought something and used gravity magic on the inner world.

Suddenly Yue fell to the ground, "Ouch…"

"Sorry Yue, I was testing something." Masashi apologized before trying to increase the gravity of the inner world more.

"This is cool. I can affect the gravity of the entire place with just a thought."

"This is very useful. I can make a gravity chamber for physical training in here without any issues."

Mai thinks something.

"If that's the case after we got gravity magic… Won't we be able to do the same when we get time magic? We can just speed up or slow down the time in the inner world whenever we want."

"…We finally have an actual reason to get the other ancient magic now."

"Each of them corresponds to a certain authority in Tortus and getting that authority means that we can affect the inner world with that authority."

"Later down the line that's probably going to make this place much more like the real world."

"All right enough excitement we should go back to the Orcas labyrinth, we'll train with gravity magic for now before moving to the Divine Mountain to get soul magic."

"Sure." Masashi uses the gate he left there to bring them back to their old temporary base.

The three of them appear in front of the waterfall.

"Let's spend a few days getting familiar with Gravity Magic and then we'll leave for the Holy Church.

"I want to make a better mode of transportation for us."

Masashi, like the environmentally friendly man that he is, decided to bring out one of the executive liner private jets that he'd gotten from his parents' inheritance and recycle it to work on mana and fly using gravity magic. He took this one since this one had their name on it and its disappearance wouldn't cause as much issue as it would when his jet disappeared.

"We'll be traveling in this baby from now." Masashi pats the hull of the plane that was surprisingly able to fit easily in the open area of Oscar's lair.

This one was a pre-modified corporate jet that was made for international travel and could seat 10 people with ease. And that was only due to the interior which was pretty much a mobile home with beds, couches, a bar, and everything that one would need for a long journey.

Looking at it even Mai is surprised, "When did you even put this inside your inventory?"

"I went to the hangar where it was stored and took it," Masashi says as if it was the most normal thing for him to do.

"…Sigh. Cool, I guess. Our ride's gonna be comfortable."

"All right shoo. I want to play with this baby." Masashi said to Mai and Yue as if they were third-wheeling his time with the plane.

"…Come on Yue. He isn't gonna pay attention to us after he got his new toy. Let's try out some stuff with gravity magic."

Mai pulled Yue who was already focused on using gravity magic to fly around and think of incorporating it into some of her stronger spells.

"Hmm? Yeah sure. This is very interesting magic. We can do so much with it."

Yue like the magic freak that she is already has ideas on how to use gravity magic very well.

Yue and Mai go to train using Gravity magic in combat while Masashi does his own thing and practices its use in another way.

Masashi may not be training its use in actual combat, but he was still getting very good training since he was enchanting the plane with gravity magic.

That needs very precise control over gravity magic so he's getting his training in using it too.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advance chapters of the novel on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.


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