

Currently, Hikaru had a lot of projects to work on but he was seriously short of workers.

Even though the 4,000 group of mixed-bloods were coming, that didn't prove that they could help him.

For those mixed-race people to work, they need  to learn how to work. After all, mixed-blood people only know how to fight, and they never learn anything.

For them to be able to work fluently it will definitely take quite a long time. And Hikaru didn't have that much time right now.

Suddenly, Hikaru received news from Shala, she said that a group of people appeared from the Race Gate.

They were the Dwarves.

Hikaru was overjoyed hearing that. Although the Dwarves were not a strong race, they were a race that possessed extremely skillful hands.

They were masters in metallurgy, construction and crafting.

Hikaru hurriedly used his teleport skill, and immediately appeared in the room of the Race Gate.
