
Chapter 5 - Quite Gullible

All three charged down the hall and finally came to a stop.

To Evelyn's room.

"Are you really serious? What the fuck does he want with her." Miyuki asked angerly. "I don't know, something about blood." Francis replied. "Blood? Her dragon blood?" Avery added in to the conversation.

Her dragon blood.

Of course.

Why does everyone want it? Do they think it will make them immortal? Miyuki sure isn't immortal, so why could they want it, unless they're all delusional.

After their stopped, Francis busted the door open, revealing Oliver with a sword, in his grasp hovering above Evelyn. Miyuki moved into full view of the altercation.

His heart sunk to his feet.

"Evelyn! No!" Black static jolted around his legs and arms as his body moved on its own. He bolted towards Oliver in an instant, reaching for the sword.

While stepping over to him, Oliver glanced over to Miyuki. He quickly turned and thrusted the blade into Miyuki's torso. "Oh fuck-" To everyone else, this happened instantly, but to Miyuki, it was in slow-motion.

He was thrown back, falling onto the hallway wall, with the sword still firmly stuck in his abdominal cavity. Lightly-colored blood slowly poured from out of his wound. "What the- Why does it look different- How did he see me coming?" Miyuki's vision began to get cloudy.

Avery and Francis ran to his aid. "Miyuki!? Oh my god are you okay!?" She hesitantly asked.

Francis got down on his knees, took the blade out, and started the healing process. "No, no, no we can't lose you man." He said timidly.

"I don't know if I can face him." Miyuki said, shaking, with fear in his voice. "I can't, I can't, I can't." He said, shaking more violently. "Yes you can, you can do it. I know it. You have it in you. I believe in you." Avery said as she rubbed her palm on his left cheek. He looked at her and a tear fell down his cheek.

Oliver slowly marched over to the three, who were all placed near the corridor's wall. He laughed briefly. "Oh poor, poor Miyuki. Your 'suffering' never ends, does it? You know I can't keep your party alive, because then I would lose the election. I would really like to be king, so your sacrifice is vital."

Avery stood up, facing her new enemy. "Get the fuck away from him." She charged and pummeled the left side of Oliver's head, sending him airborne down the hall. She quickly ran into the room to check on Evelyn.

"It's okay Miyuki, I got you man, you can do this. You can save everyone, you can do it." Francis gave him reassurance as he healed him. "I have faith in you."

"Th-thank you Francis." He proceeded to cough up blood. "Fuck. I can't die, not now. I need to.... save.....Evelyn. I need.... to save... Avery." His eyes started to close slowly. "Don't fall sleep, get up!" Francis lightly slapped the side of Miyuki's head.

Avery came out of Evelyn's resting quarters "Miyuki, Francis, she's okay-" Then with a flash of yellow, she vanished. Miyuki's jolted awake when he watched as Oliver slammed her out of the way.

Oliver has super-speed.

"A-Avery!" He tried to reach out his right arm but he was still weak, he couldn't move it well. Francis turned to his left and saw what happened. Within a second, Francis was pushed back a few inches.


Oliver's sword was deep in his brother's chest.

Francis turned his head towards Miyuki."Mi-Miyuki, you can still...save everyone."

Oliver kicked his brother from off of his blade. Francis lied there still, blood rapidly pouring from his body. "W-why....Oliver..?" He quietly cried out as he bled.

He became stiff, his eyes still open.

Francis was dead.

Oliver murdered him.

He murdered his own brother.

"Goddamn it, I told you I would kill you if you betrayed me brother!" He got on his knees as as few tears fell down his cheeks. "You goddamn, traitor!" He roared out.

Miyuki had just watched this all unfold. He started to hyperventilate. "Fr-Francis..."

Evelyn was almost murdered.

Avery was knocked out.

Sakuta and Lillith's state was unknown.

Francis was just now murdered before his eyes.

"You....motherfucker! I won't let you kill my friends! I wont let you get near Evelyn or Avery!" Miyuki scrambled to his feet and grabbed Oliver by the collar and bolted.

Oliver thought fast and jabbed Miyuki in the eyes, temporarily blinding him. He was let loose and took his chance to attack. The two of them, rapidly punched and kicked eachother as they glided through the air. Miyuki got ahold of Oliver, and with no other choice, smashed himself and his opponent through the wall, falling from the second floor, and crashed to a landing.

Miyuki laid on the pavement, clutching his wound. "Fuck." He tried to get up, but he was abruptly grabbed.

"Hey Miyuki, you're ready to actually fight now? You gullible fuck." He head-butted Miyuki with great force and then socked him in his jaw. Miyuki fell, grabbing his, now-bruised jaw. He could barely stay awake.

"You fucking dick." Miyuki uttered.

"What did you say? Speak louder, I couldn't hear you." He said as he continued to taunt Miyuki, putting a hand up to his ear.

"I said 'you fucking dick'!" He swept Oliver's legs, causing him to instantly collapse. Miyuki took his chance, he stammered to his feet and grabbed one of the royal's legs then sprinted.


*shake* *shake*


"Mr. Eloise, get up! Quick! Lillith is injured!" Avery tried to shake him awake but he was still asleep.

"H-huh? What? Lilith!?" He finally woke up.

"It's Lilith! She's hurt!"

"What!?" He grabbed her and shouted his daughter's name.

They popped into her room, the two scattered towards the bed. "Lillith!? Oh no." She had a deep would in her abdomen. Sakuta grabbed her. "Oh God no, oh God no. I can't lose you too. Miss Avery I'll be back really quick, when I return, we have to help Miyuki." Then again he spoke. "Leonidas Archer." Within a second he vanished with Lillith.

Avery stood there, shaking slightly. "Miyuki, please stay strong."


His face, was slowly scraping against the concrete, his blood trickling into a trail. "You really trusted me? You're so pathetic. I saw you fight him that night you both came over. You could barely hold your own, and you needed help from Sir Leonidas. Pathetic." While he was being dragged, Oliver struck Miyuki's right kneecap with the blunt side of his sword. Miyuki collapsed to a tumble, and Oliver caught himself before he ended up like his opponent.

They were in a dirt field, close to a neighborhood in the kingdom. The morning sun was peering over the Valis Castle. Miyuki slowly got up, his sword clutched with both of his hands. He breathed in slowly, then out slowly. He wasn't ready but he had to try. "Come on! Come on you piece of shit!" Miyuki stood in his own kind of stance.

"Miyuki, Miyuki, Miyuki. You are so foolish. You listened to me for the last week and a half and you thought you were safe? I planned this all along, I was going to kill the whole of the Valis camp. But my stupid, ignorant brother foiled my plans. That motherfucker! He knows I fucking want the dragon blood, and to get rid of my biggest political opponent." Spit spewed from out of his mouth as he rambled on.

"I'm done with your shit." Miyuki pointed the blade's tip towards Oliver. "Dusk, now!"

"Fog of Shadows!"
