
She Who State the Rules



Models were staying at The Belle. Those beautiful people we see on TV? Yep, some of them were staying at my inn.

Wait, were they really models, right?


Those were the words I asked on the third day Duncan was gone. They were good-looking people, yes, but there was something about them that made me weary. 


I looked at the pair of good-looking men who were currently eating with me in the kitchen of The Belle. It was noon and Jane took the kids to Riley's Confectioneries for lunch. The owner also had kids. Mine and hers must have hit off because Claude had been bugging me to have a sleepover. 

The two men with me were not really models. Yeah, I asked. What can I say? At least these two were, let's say less dazzling than the rest. 

They could pass for Hollywood actors from the way they looked. One would be an equivalent to Daniel Craig and the other would-be Keanu Reeves. 

Yes, they are good-looking, but their personalities? Man, if I knew that they were asholes, I would never give them a room. No matter how much money they can give. 

They were a bit of a prima Madonna that I wanted to kill them on the spot. They expected my staff to wait for them like a servant from the olden times. 

I do not employ male staff, except for the head chef. All my employees were female. Women that needed to escape and find solace from their past. 

So, when Kee asked for his luggage to be carried to his room, we all gave him a look of disbelief. The man was carrying one briefcase. ONE FREAKING CASE. The kind that he could carry alone. 

But did he? No, he did not. Jana had to carry it after him. He did not even tip Jana for her effort.

The other was worse. He complained that everything in the room he was using smelled. We had to change the sheet four times and douse the whole room with air freshener so he could stop complaining. 


I shook my head. I started calling them Dumb one and Dumb two in my head. Calling their names would be too good for them.

Right now, I wanted to hurl the knife that was near me. Both had that look on their faces that they were stripping my clothes. 

It was not a good feeling, but if I backed down, they would see it as a submission. I cannot let them do that. So, I met their gaze head-on.

The urge to gauge those eyes was growing by the minute. Next would be stripping the skin off their body. 

Call me morbid but being mentally stripped by people like them tends to unleash the darkness in me. 


One of them groaned, as if in pain, or was it pleasure? I don't really care. If they could read my mind; I wouldn't care either. 


"If you gentlemen would excuse me," I politely said, "I have things to do. Feel free to explore the place. Just make sure to be mindful of not going to the places guests are not allowed." I remained them. 

Each guest was given a map of The Belle. Yes, the place was big. The Belle had thirty-four rooms in use. Aside from the various function rooms that people could rent, the place was one of the biggest hotels in town.


"Oh, woman, if there is something we want to explore it would be you," Dumb two said. His dark brown eyes slowly swept from head to toe. 

I clenched my hand into a fist, fighting the urge to slam his head on the marble countertop. I knew that there was a reason why I wanted one. 

I am one, bloodthirsty woman. 


Dumb One glared at his companion and said, "I'm sorry, my companion is a bit...thirsty for woman companionship." 

At least this one had more sense. But not much. He did ask for his room to be aired out, while he was out. By air out, it means that all windows will be left open. In fall. 

I looked at them and coldly said, "I suggest that you look for them at the local tavern." I pulled out my phone and showed them a picture of one of the most notable watering holes in the village. "I am sure that the ones you seek will be there." I paused for a moment, letting the words sink in before continuing, "However, if you plan any extracurricular activities with them, I might suggest you do it at the convenience of their home. "


It was the politest way I can tell them not to bring a woman to The Belle. A woman they just wanted to fuck.


"You do not mince words do you?" Dumb Two said. The light of lust began to fade from his eyes. It was replaced by curiosity. 

Curiosity about what? I do not know. 

"Why should I? We are all adults. I am laying the rules." I stated. I looked at their eyes and saw something that they were not expecting. 


"Since we are on the same page, my staff is also not part of your entertainment."

"Why would -"

"If you are bored, there are many places in this town and other places you can go to. You can also go to Inverness."


The two men looked at each other. They were not expecting me to be this blunt, to be this honest. 

What were they expecting? Me bending to their will because I am a woman, and they are good-looking people? Please. 


"As I have said, The Belle is not a place for you to bring a woman here," I said once more. "There are kids running around the ground. Even if you argue, it would be nightfall, it is still inappropriate for a young woman to be seen in a godly hour." 

I saw a glimmer of respect enter their eyes. Whatever these two were up to, I would be glad once they are gone. I stood up, gave a respectful bow, and finally said, "Have a good day gentleman."


I saw them looking at one another as I left the kitchen. Whatever they do in their free time was none of my business. As long as they pay and follow the rules it will be fine. 


As long as they leave me alone, I won't have to release the demon in me that I try so hard to hold on to. After all, no one wanted to see Julie mad. 

As much as possible, I do not want to get mad, or angry. Jane had seen me once. She told me that writing was the best thing I could do to vent my anger.  

And that I agree. I can hurt, torture, or kill people in my book. In reality? A dark part of me craves that bloodshed. For now, writing keeps it at bay. 


Funny thing is, I have never felt this irritation with Duncan. Was it because I was attracted to him? Possibly. 

I looked up at the morning sky once I was out in the open. 

[Duncan,] I whispered. [Why do I miss you?]

So sorry for the late update. It evaluation week for my students, so I had to do their evals... while I was writing this update. hahaha.

Thank you for your support guys!

Will resume the usual update next week!

JulieStrife18creators' thoughts