
Post Praimfaya Chapter 9 - The duel

When the armored hefbis saw me gripping the axe, his eyes burned with hate for some reason. There was no doubt that this freak was angry at me for actually daring to face him in front of his followers. It felt strange, almost as if I was going to fight a spoiled brat, one with a huge bone up his ass.

"Why now? Why didn't you attack weeks ago?"

I wasn't expecting a response from the creature, but still, I would lie if I didn't say I was surprised when he pounded his fist into his chest before a few dozen spears flew toward me. Most of them didn't even reach me, however, one of them almost clipped my shoulder. Looking at the spear that almost injured me, I didn't hesitate at all before grabbing it and throwing it back at the hefbis that threw it at me killing the creature on the spot.

A second later, the armored hefbis lunged towards me, and I sidestepped, completely ignoring his attempt of tackling me to the ground. To be fair, once he was behind me with his back all exposed, I could have stabbed it, but I choose not to. Why? I don't know, maybe it felt cheap to kill him like that or maybe it's because I truly want a good fight against a worthy opponent.

Before that armored hefbis could do something, five of his brethren charge forward, roaring and shouting as if I wasn't going to acknowledge them at all if they weren't doing that. Sadly for them, I was expecting something like this to happen ever since they threw spears at me so before they could react, I brought the axe above my head and slashed down on the closet hefbis, cutting him in two. The remaining four creatures froze in fear for a second before yelling out a battle cry and just as they were about to reach me, their leader roared at them, making them back off.

"Now you want to fight me like a man?"

The armored leader let out a huff just like a bull would do before charging forward. Not wanting to give him any time to actually hit me, I swung my axe at his armor, taking off the entire left arm, despite the armor protecting it.

As soon as the pain reached him, the armored creature looked at me with that look on his face that screamed I'm going to kill you. Maybe that was because my axe cut through his armor like paper, or maybe it was because of his massive rusted sword that I doubt even saw blood. would be the last thing his victims ever saw. With whatever strength he had left, the creature raised his sword. His followers cheered for their leader, but the cheers died when I dodged his first swing and sliced his sword in half. His eyes went wide open looking down at what remained of his sword just as I punch him in the face. The leader staggered backward, trying to regain his footing, and then lowered his head to charge at me in fury. He never got the chance. My axe flashed—slicing off one of his legs, then the other. He tried to grab me. I back away, picking up half of his broken sword. The other creature backed up in fear letting go of Clarke and Madi, who got away from the horde. Despite his injuries, the armored leader bellowed in rage. He didn't seem to be very smart, to begin with, but now his anger made him reckless. Regardless of how much his wounds hurt, he steps on his stumps and charges me. I can't read minds, but for some reason, the creature thought that he had won when he saw that I wasn't going to do anything.

Right when he was in front of me, I face him and rest my axe against my leg waiting for the creature to do his final move. Somehow he didn't even slow down, almost as if he wasn't feeling any pain when out of nowhere his body stopped, unable to move at all. He looked down in surprise at my axe stuck in his chest.

"Hasta luego ."

Taking my axe back, I swung at his head, taking it off his body. With their leader dead, I turned toward his followers. While the odds were quite in their favor, going by numbers, it felt only fair that they were over a hundred versus one. None of them moved, they only stood there staring at the body of their leader in disbelief, not being able to understand how he died just like that.

The atmosphere in the forest was tense as they waited for me to make my move. The next hefbis in charge roared before the rest of his horde followed. I readied my axe for the incoming charge when out of nowhere a loud gunshot echoed in the forest, cutting right through a few hefbis, stunning the horde on the spot. A few seconds later, most of the hefbis were down on the ground, shot by Clarke and Madi from afar. The few that survived the bullet hell, charge at me madly, trying to avenge their fallen brethren only to meet the same end as their leader.

In the end, we killed every single one of them, but at what cost? I wasn't injured all that much, but Clarke's leg injury got messy, while Madi had a few bruises on her body thanks to those creatures. With the last hefbis falling to the ground, I dragged my body towards Clarke and Madi, happy to see them all right. It was a long day and, to be honest, I hope that nothing like this would ever happen again.

"You girls ok?"

"We are fine Leon. What about you? You were the one that was alone against all of those creatures."

"I'm alive and in one piece, princess. Besides, you two are all right, that's what matters. Let's go home girls, we deserve a good night of sleep."

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons : 

Fallout Armagedon


And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts