
"War Declaration"

"Noora... Don't look back and find you daddy!"


Eleanora tried to speak but couldn't.

Neither she could move.

She just stared at the beautiful lady with dark blue hair and golden eyes infront of her.

People was screaming as slashing and swords clashing sounds was heard.

Then she finally noticed the black shadow approching her mother from behind.

Tears kept flowing out from her eyes as she refused to let go of the hem of her mother's dress.

'No...No...it's today...my mother will die today...'

'I need to stop this...'

'I can stop this...'

She tried to move again but couldn't.

'Why can't i move?'


'This is just my memory...another dream...'

'I can't move as i want...'


Eleanora realised what she thought was true as a sword just pierced through her mother's chest as she remembered.


"Run...Noora... I love you...and, your father a lot..."
