
| Weird Going On's

Ray sighed heavily. 'Alright,' he moaned and Rolland moved aside as Jane came back in and started swabbing at his injuries.

Jack raised his arms in his baggy fluorescent jacket. 'And since I'm fresh out of clean shirts, if you have any spare clothes a little less conspicuous than these…'

'Got some gear in the sleep room,' Ray offered through gritted teeth. 'Help yourself to whatever ain't been burnt.'

Jack screwed up his nose as he entered the gloomy room, it reeked of smoke and charred plastic. The fire had done some damage but it hadn't consumed everything in the closet. He pulled out some combats and a black tracksuit top – nice and inconspicuous.

He got back to find Jane cleaning up Ray's head.

Ray winced as she daubed antiseptic onto his sticky scalp. 'Jane, you take Ro over to West Pack to see Lucy,' he ordered. 'Me and Paul, we'll hit Woody's.' He looked up at Jack. 'Guess you'll be shooting off now, huh?'
