
Chapter 5

Hadrian placed both of is hand on the floor of new room provided by Nuada,it was huge and started chanting,as golden lines come together to create simple lines and geometric shapes and runes,this spreads throughout the room.It room applying many enchantments to recreate a modified version of the Room of Requirements.

Nuada asked"So this Room is going to create all these magical creatures for me to fight and none of them are really real?"

Hadrian grinned and replied"Yes,anything from monsters,other fighters to an army could be created for you to fight."

Nuada was now really looking forward to this,if this worked he could have the best training ground.The room slowly changes ans becomes a Savannah,Nuala was in awe thought"Everything looks so real."

Nuada carries a sword and lance forged by magical silver. The spear is also retractable, and bears a special tip that can inflict a mortal wound even on immortal creatures. The spear's lethality is increased with its ability to magically detach the tip of its spearhead when impaled to a living being's flesh at the user's will and regenerate the lost tip. The detached spearhead cannot be removed by conventional means as slight disturbances on it will cause the spearhead to move closer to the victim's heart. His sword, has a special shape with a groove cut at its center to catch and dispatch the blades of enemies.

The room slowly changes to savvnah

Nuada then sees Nundu a magnificent creature,looking almost exactly like a lion, it has a large mane that bursts forth when it roars.It stands proudly on a in field and upon seeing Nuada starts to become more vigilant moving slowly,threateningly towards him

Nuala was slightly intimidated by this new creature ,so she walked a bit close to Hadrian for safety and questioned"What is that?"

Hadrian explained"That's Nundu,they are extremely hard to subdue.It is very rare beast became truly terrifying."

While Nuada extended his lance and took his fighting stare,while the Nundu snarl guttural snarl,

the Nundu launches at him,as Nuada quickly dodges with his inhuman physical capabilities,this causes the Nundu to emits an earsplitting roar, enraged that the got away. It twists on itself, turning to face

Nuada, and bares its fangs with a lethal HISS.

Nuada smirked and gesturing it to come at him,enraged the beast further

as rhe Nundu leaps towards,but again Nuadu jumps flips over it like everyday thing.The Nundu was not to underestimated as with quick twist in the air

SK-RASH!! claws slash the air.

The claws were still able scratch his arm,as Nuada falls down and recovers with roll.Nuada looks at his injury and the looks at Nuala,who now has the same wound on her arm and bleeding.

Hadrian seeing this was shocked,he has heard about twin connection like Fred and George.But his was taking to different level as he asked Nuala"How?

Nuala still not looking away from the fight replied"Both of are twins and because of unknown reasons share a preternatural link that binds us spirit, mind, and body (when terribly harmed).This link can either help us to 'bear one another's burdens' or to help the one locate the other and know that we are in danger, safe, or acting out of sorts. The link seems to be strongest when we are in close to one another."

Hadrian slowly held his hand over the injury as the wound started to close with that asked"So the scars you have are because of this."

Nuala nodded and replied"I never hated by brother for that,but proud of how hard he trains."

Both Hadrian and Nuala sees Nuada slow injuring the Nundu by cuts on its arms and legs.This not only causes it bleed out and the movements to become more sluggish.

Nuala then tracing her scar on her hands and said"I will also bear his burden."

Nuada rolls onto his back, and throws his lance straight to Nundu's chest

The Nundu screeches an ungodly wail of pain and rage and slowly gasping falls on the ground dead.

Nuada walked to towards his advisory,he kneeled next to it spoken in elven"May you return back to Aiglin( the Father Tree)."

As Nuada then removed his Lance,which has his spear head missing,the lost tip them slowly regenerated.

Hadrian understood that detached spearhead went deep into the Nundu's heart to pierce it.

After seeing him perform the rites Hadrian clapped and said"That was amazing."

Nuada smiled and replied"Thank you,my friend."

As Nuada looking around the room,which was returning to normal said in awe"This magic is just amazing."

Hadrian nodded and replied"I know,took me long enough to understand it."

Nuada smiled patting his friend on the shoulder said"This is greet gift."

Hadrian shook his head and looked at Nuada's wound,which was healed and asked"What if I told you that,I can make sure to stop the physical connection between you too,while still keeping the spiritual connection."

Nuada and Nuala was surprised,as Nuada asked"You can do that."

Nuada always felt guilty of hurting his sister,when. ever he was injured while training,Now he had someone say they could keep the spiritual connection.But cut oof the physical connection was huge boon

Hadrian shrugged and replied"I could do that."
