
He Back

It's always the same place whenever you look at it. Barren wasteland with only red sand which is slightly sandy.

The cracks in the ground were like gaping wounds in the skin that could never heal.

The clouds that were there were reddish and orange. Like a combination of blood and flames burning the sky.

And though those clouds were quite thick and filled every inch of the sky here, they only rained once every fifty years.

Then when it rains, what falls from the clouds is not water. But a reddish liquid that will melt whatever it hits.

Even so, all of that doesn't matter because in this place there are no plants or other living things.

There is only that tree. Standing alone in the middle of a vast land whose actual extent is unknown.

That place was in a secret dimension that sealed the tree along with its power.

A great power capable of corrupting anyone who interacts with that tree.
