
S1E32 - In the CDC

(AN: I don't remember all the details about the CDC, so if I got something wrong, I don't care. This some AU type shit.)

I run through the door just in time for it to slam down behind me. I'm slightly blinded by the white lights all around us. I look to Dr. Jenner, who is holding an M4, and say,

"Thanks for letting us in."

He nods his head towards me and says,

"You all look a little worse for wear. Follow me."

We follow the doctor, who turns the gun away from us, and starts walking away. As we walk behind him, he introduces himself,

"I'm Doctor Jenner, by the way."

I speak first,

"Penny, pleasure to meet you."

Everyone goes down the line introducing themselves. I speak after everyone's done,

"As you can tell, one of us is down an arm. Do you guys have any prosthetics she can use?"

Jenner looks at Amy and says,

"We should have some. Some are experimental, though, but they should work fine. I'll bring you there after we get downstairs."

I nod my head as we get to the elevator. It's a bit of a squeeze considering how many people are inside of it, but we all fit inside. I feel a little pair of hands grab my arm and squeeze up against me and find Clem holding on to me.

I take my other hand and run it through her hair. She lays her head down on my arm, obviously tired. Jenner speaks to us as we continue down,

"This elevator goes down about a mile into the earth. So, needless to say, you don't have to worry about any of them getting down here. All the ventilation runs up to the roof, and the AC is still functioning. We're completely disconnected from the power and water grids, so we still have both."

Amy perks up and asks,

"D-Does that mean you have…"

Jenner nods his head and smiles slightly,

"Hot water? Yes. Yes we do."

Amy gets excited and nearly passes out due to her still lacking blood. Andrea catches her and holds her up as she waits for the dizziness to leave. Everyone starts to celebrate the hot water, saying how long it's been and other stuff like that.

While they celebrate, I decide to check out what I got from killing those walkers, and the store,

[Walkers 51 / 50 - 140p]


[Quest Completed: Kill 50 Walkers]

[Adjusting rewards…]

[200p, Walker Killing 3, Armor Crate (Bronze)]


Jeez. Those rewards don't really feel all that good now, honestly. Well, let's look at the store and see what I can get.




[Assault Rifle Shooting 1 - 400p]

[Ammo Crate (Bronze) - 500p]

[Weapon Crate (Bronze) - 700p]

[Armor Crate (Bronze) - 700p]

[Mechanics 1 - 800p]

[Blacksmith 1 - 1000p]

[Carpentry 1 - 1000p]

[Medical Crate - 1000p]

[Guncraft - 1500p]



Well, I can't get much. I'd have liked to get another skill related to my sensing. Maybe like a hostility sense, or something similar. That'd be useful for knowing when someone is gonna try and stab me in the back.

[Store Items unlocked: Hostility Sense, Bloodlust]

Oh! How much are those?

[Hostility Sense - 3000p]

[Bloodlust - 5000p]

Holy shit, alright that's a little out of my price range right now. For now, I'll need to get [Assault Rifle shooting 1].


Now I have all the basic guns down. I've noticed that things like spears, axes, and other types of weapons haven't shown up in the store yet. Maybe I have to learn those skills on my own? I don't understand why, though, considering I've bought every gun skill I could so far. And, I haven't found a skill for the bow yet either. Maybe because I haven't held one before? But that wouldn't make sense, considering I've held an axe and used it to kill someone before… Who knows, this is confusing.

The elevators ding, and the doors open up, revealing the white corridor of the underground portion of the CDC. Jenner walks out first, with us following behind.

"Alright. We have more than enough rooms for all of you. I'm sure you're all eager to hop into the showers, but please do keep in mind that we are running on backup generators, so limit them to an hour at most, otherwise nobody will have hot water. Alright, Penny, Amy, would you follow me, please? We'll see about potentially getting you a new arm."


AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Pat.reon.

https://www.pat.reon.com/sorrestwriting (Remove the .)

As an apology for not uploading the past two times, I'll be double uploading today and wednesday.

I just needed a bit of a break.

Sorrestcreators' thoughts