
Chapter 90: Phoenix Tree!

With the appearance of "leaves" and "fruits", the whole tree seems to be alive, standing majestically in the sky at a height of one thousand meters, and it has become a symbol of holiness in the minds of countless people.

"Oh! God! This must be the tree of life mentioned in the Bible! It is the place where the Lord was born! I saw such miracles, it must be the will of the Lord!"

Many people abroad saw the whole picture of the entire giant tree through live broadcast, and they were shocked and hurriedly fell to the ground, kowtowing to the TV, computer or mobile phone.

"Now I can finally understand what Mr. Zeke said is full of sci-fi and the future. Even after a hundred years, the first sight is still amazing enough to see what the buildings look like."

It turned out that the designer who helped Zeke draw the design drawings saw this scene through live TV, and the whole person stayed in place.

The same goes for the other designers, who were all shocked and speechless, unable to say a word.

In fact, they are not unable to draw such a design.

However, the starting point of the architect must be realistic. With the current technology, it is already a big problem if the building wants to reach a kilometer, let alone that kind of tree that can be built above the kilometer. Branches, leaves, fruits...naturally, when something beyond realistic understanding appeared, they were all shocked. If they hadn't watched the entire live broadcast, they would have thought they were watching special effects.

"Have you seen it? Did everyone see it? This is what ZTech could do! Only ZTech can do this in the world. Except for my idol, Zeke, no one can do it."

After Jericho Rosales saw the giant tree, he was so excited that he jumped up. He pointed to the giant tree outside the floor-to-ceiling window and shouted to the other stars.

It can be seen from his enthusiastic and excited performance that he is a die-hard fan of ZTech and a true fan of Zeke. Just one building can make him, a big star, excited to this level, which shows how exaggerated the admiration has reached.

"Stunning! Stunning!"

"It's really fortunate that I survived till now, otherwise I wouldn't have seen such a grand scene. Elder Zeke is really amazing."

"He's even more powerful. His abilities have definitely far exceeded the peaks that modern people can reach. I'm a little suspicious now if he is someone who has traveled back from the future."

"Hahaha! Elder Zeke is really the lucky star of my Phoenix Kingdom! As soon as this giant tree comes out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and the kingdom's status in the world will be elevated again."


The elders and ministers were overjoyed and laughed loudly. They were all excited

that Zeke had created another miracle of the Phoenix Kingdom.

Don't look at it as just an amazing building, but the impact it can bring is extremely far-reaching.

Although the Phoenix Kingdom already has such landmark buildings, it symbolizes the immortal historical civilization, and the modern landmark buildings are more representative of the development of the current institution.

Not only that, a building that shocks the world also has a great stimulus to the economic aspect of the agency. This giant tree alone will definitely attract people from all over the world to come to watch and play. The kingdom's economy will be improved.


Suddenly, Zeke's voice came out during the live broadcast on TV, computer, and mobile phone.

Everyone looked and saw Zeke's figure in the picture. He held the reporter's microphone in his hand, and countless microbots wrapped around his feet, holding him up in the sky, with the helicopter. standing face to face with the camera.

"I'm very happy that you can come and watch the entire construction process of our ZTech Company Building."

"Now I officially announce to everyone that this huge steel tree in front of you will be used as the office of our ZTech Company."

"It was an idea I stumbled upon, and it was this idea that made me abandon all previous traditional architectural concepts and build such an elegant company building."

"In order to commemorate today, and to commemorate the splendid future that ZTech is about to open, it also symbolizes the power of my Phoenix Kingdom. I named it 'Phoenix Tree'."

"It will represent me, it will represent Phoenix Kingdom, and it will always stand here and witness everything."

Following Zeke's solemn words, countless people couldn't help applauding Zeke in front of computers, mobile phones, and TV sets.

Outside the warning line below, or standing on the roof of a certain building, or in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, celebrities, and business leaders all applauded Zeke.

Even those foreigners who are not Phoenix citizens were moved by the Phoenix Tree built by Zeke and applauded.

At this moment, Zeke once again became the focus. His brilliance will no longer disappear in a flash, but will stand forever in the center of the Phoenix Kingdom, becoming the object of countless people looking up.

"Jarvis, put the Iron Man in place."

With Zeke's order, more than 600 Iron Man immediately turned into a torrent of steel in the sky, all of which flew towards the "trunk" of the Phoenix Tree.

The Phoenix Tree seems to sense their arrival, and automatically opens hundreds of gaps from the extremely smooth surface without the slightest gap, allowing the Iron Legion in the sky to fly into it.

This is not a scene in the construction process, but it still amazes countless people.

At the same time, they also noticed that the Phoenix Tree made by Zeke is more extraordinary than they imagined.

Seeing this scene, Grace turned around and left.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

"Where else can I go? Of course, I'm going to take a closer look at this Phoenix Tree."

Grace's beautiful eyes glowed, "Grandpa Deron, I believe you can't wait now, right?"

"It's been a long time since I've seen something so shocking."

Prime Minister Deron nodded slightly.

"Let's go! Stop by to visit today's superstar Zeke, let's congratulate him."

The corners of Grace's mouth raised slightly.

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[Tl/n: Want to read a romance fanfiction? No Harem? And in the world of Marvel? Try this one; Marvel: My girlfriend is Spider-Woman?!]

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