
I am good at this game

Johnny POV

I was chilling in the living room listening to Charlie trying to write a Jingle for a commercial, it is clearly just Beethoven, Jake's coming to spend the weekend and I'm gonna take him on a tour in Los Angeles, i also found a place for him to play some soccer cause I was teaching him and he is pretty good for a kid his age.

"If you've got bugs♪

If you've got ants♪

If you've got bugs and flies and

slugs and things that crawl♪" Charlie sang while playing his piano.

"We're here!" I heard Alan's voice coming through the door and i got up from the sofa.

"Mom, come see my room!" Jake said while riding a small scooter.

"I'll be right there, honey!" Judith said.

"Hey Uncle Charlie, hey Uncle Johnny" Jake said before going to his room.

"Hi, shorty!" Charlie said.

"hey Kiddo" I said.

"Hello, Charlie… Johnny" Judith said.

She is still thinking about it. isn't she?

"Hi, Judith. What're you doing here?" Charlie said.

"If you must know, I'm here to help Jake set up his room, so he feels like nothing's changed" Judith said.

"Really? You don't think he'll notice his dad's living here and his mom's dating chicks?" Charlie said.

"Could you say that a little louder? Jake might not have heard you. Just for the record, I'm not dating anyone and I threw your brother out 'cause he was sucking the life out of me" Judith said and started walking to Jake's room.

"Could you say that a little louder?" Alan said

"You know a lot about sucking, don't you Judith?" I said as she was still holding onto that I might as well tease her a little bit about it.

She stopped walking and looked angrily and blushing at me and started walking again.

"Jeez Johnny, I thank you for trying to defend me but there's no need to offend Judith like that" Alan said.

"Yeah sure buddy, that's what I was doing" I said.

"Uncle Charlie and Uncle Johnny haven't met Porky yet!" Jake said while going out of the house running.

"I don't suppose that's a Rubenesque 19-year-old girl" Charlie said.

"it could be a nickname and she's can be just fat Charlie" I said.

"Porky's his pet guinea pig" Alan explained.

"You're bringing vermin into my house?" Charlie asked.

"Uncle Charlie, check him out! Isn't he awesome?" Jake said.

"Yeah" Charlie said.

"See those little black things? That's his poop" Jake said.

"Awesome" Charlie said.

"I don't want him in the water this weekend. He might have an ear infection" Judith said.

"Oh, Mom" Jake said kinda sadly, did the kid forget about what we were going to do.

"No, it's okay, pal. We can go to Disneyland. We'll have a great weekend. We can play miniature golf, go bowling, bike riding, whatever you want" Alan said.

"Actually I was going to take him for a tour on LA, but I think he forgot about it" I said.

"That's right, i forgot about it, can I go Dad? please please?" Jake said.

"Well if you would rather go and have fun with your uncle Johnny instead of going to Disneyland with your old man, then, sure" Alan said trying to guilt trip him but i don't think the kid understood it.

"Great!!" Jake said.

"Alan, relax, you're starting to sound like a tampon commercial. Jake, why don't you go put Porky in your room?" Judith said.

"Okay" Jake said and ran to his room.

"Alan, I'm very concerned. He's just a child. I don't know if he can deal with this" Judith said.

"Give your son some credit. He's an incredible kid" Charlie said.

"I was talking about you" Judith said to Charlie and walked away.

"That's fair" Charlie said.

""Yeah"" me and Alan said.

"Jinx, you own me a coke, man, i am good at this game".

hey guys, i changed the synopsis, there's gonna be a lot of other movies and tv series so if you guys could say some so i can get some more ideas, he will be sleeping around a bit, some married woman might be caught by his apearence and charm, but you guys know he doesn't do it on purpose right?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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