

Five months, twenty weeks, it's been that long since she spontaneously moved and she's been loving every minute of it, for it felt even more peaceful than the last city she had loved in, yet she kept a few things on her routine she refused to change and now that she had acclimated to the city, she was close to knowing it as a local that has been living in it for years, curtesy to the few friends she had come to make.

Every morning she woke up for a run, and she had Charlie join her being that that was how they had met to begin with. Then there was Cassidy who was a college exchange student that had been living there a year longer than Bella, they had met at a Lou out which Josh the surfer, had dragged her to a few weeks after she had committed to learning how to surf amongst other things.

Then there was Kendrick, the personal trainer at the local gym she went to every morning after her run. Although he wasn't her personal trainer, they hit it off when he had offered to hold the punching bag for her. Impressed by her skill, he had made sure to invite her to their boxing training, something about not liking a small young girl such as herself alone in a new city with no idea how to properly protect herself.

Of course he came to be proved otherwise, when Bella had taken out one of the first trainees he had chosen fit to spar with her, and so began their unconventional friendship then. A group of friends she had made sure to do background checks on out of fear of having what happened back in New York happen again. She had decided she would practice more caution like her old self since it seemed to be a necessity now.

Having not heard from any of the people she had left behind, she allowed herself to blindly hope that they weren't really look for her. Something she would come to know would be another mistake despite how careful she was being, one man more persistent than the other refused to give up his search for her on the other side of the country.

Luka Genovese had become a mess of rage when he had found out that his little sunshine had given his men the slip and in result to that, his piccolo had disappeared off of the face of the earth as if she had never existed. Although a part of him that hoped she had left on her own will, that she had escaped the both of them, was glad she was gone, another part of him had wondered if whether Deacon had been playing dumb when he said he knew nothing and that he perhaps had a hand in her disappearance, and that had had him worried.

Until he realised that his little sunshine had really escaped the both of them, and made sure to task his best IT man to get a deeper look into her and find out where she had gone. However, imagine his shock when nothing came up and they reached nothing but a dead end. Unlike Deacon, who had raided her dorm room like a mad man only to find one peculiar letter in a mattress, that had him questioning just who his sweet Bella was to have such a hiding place.

But of course, although he had worked with Luka at first out of the fear that perhaps their enemies were behind her disappearance, that truce was soon broken when evidence proved otherwise and things had returned back to how they had been between the two rivals.

And so he had kept that piece of information to himself, and what had returned to him in a yellow envelope thick with papers, had shocked him to the core as he gave out one most sinister smirk on his lips, at just what the papers told, along with the pictures. He had let out a laugh that would put the devil's kind to shame as his mind raced in absolute wonderment, and the knowledge he had come to know made him ever more desperate to find his sweet Bella.

That would also come to be reason behind his impatience and anger that would lead to the demise of his own father, so he could take over and actively pursue his soon to be both wife and weapon, for his father had thought his infatuation with the young woman nothing but stupid lust followed, by a lecture of how he ought to wake up and grow up, and the final nail in the coffin, an arranged marriage to someone that wasn't a masterpiece as his Bella was. But he had decided he would bide his time and fool them all.

Bella could feel that Sin was starting to be restless and bored, no longer could she be pacified by endless hours in the gym and boxing ring, mere punches seemed incapable of satiating her need to see blood, serious blood. And no longer could she be distracted by things Bella did to distract herself, from music to cooking, to surfing and subjecting herself to raging college parties Cassidy dragged her along with her friends to.

Yet one party came to be Sin's rescue when one devilish young man walked through with his posy of friends, and had Sin's hackles raised, claws out and just about ready to pounce.

`Gosh, will you stop` Bella said exasperated in her mind, surprised she could hear her own thoughts through the loud music.

A red cup in hand that had nothing but water in it, her body in nothing but a short black dress that was literally forced onto her by both Cassidy and Linda who couldn't stop insisting to the point she had given in. She was simply glad that it didn't cling to her skin and cutely flared out, paired with one thing she wouldn't budge on, black sneakers. Fiddling with her dolphin necklace, she thought then that perhaps she would visit an aquarium the next day.

She didn't realise that her eyes were still set on the white polo shirt clad young man, paired with black jeans, sunglasses hid his eyes but it was clear to her that he must have felt her gaze on him as his head turned in her direction.

"Oh my gosh, he's coming our way" Came Cassidy's screech too close to her ear and she cringed only to face the excited young woman's way wondering where she came from.

It became apparent that she was tipsy bordering on drunk from the slight red in her eyes and Bella knew she would have to be the responsible one as always and make sure that she would get home safe. Although she hadn't wanted attachment, it seemed she couldn't help herself where the young woman was concerned with her larger than life attitude and bubbly self, like an innocent child that new nothing of the world, and she couldn't help but be drawn to care for her as a sister would.

"And who is he, to have you so excited?" Bella questioned still facing the seemingly struck young woman, whose face turned to look at her to answer only to be interrupted by the man himself when he said

"Xavier, and you are?" the young man spoke, his hand in his pocket as he stood in all his swag before the young women, his other friends having dispersed somewhere. Bella simply took him in, ignoring his question, and noticing this, Cassidy spoke up

"She's Delilah, and I'm Cassidy or Cass, whichever" the young woman tumbled out the words. Xavier simply looked Cassidy's way for but a second before returning his gaze back to Bella, who to him, looked like she couldn't be any more less interested as she blankly looked at him.

"Nice to meet you, Delilah"

[He smells more like trouble even closer. Don't screw this up Bella]

`Whatever you're thinking, it's a no Sin` she said like a mother would to a child except she found that her guard was too down enough for her other half to take over and she could only watch through her eyes as Sin threatened

[I dare you to resist me just once Bella, besides, it's time I had some fun, you've had yours long enough.]

Both Bella and Sin knew Xavier was nothing but trouble, and they wouldn't let Cassidy anywhere near her, and so she would be a douche and do what she must simply to protect the young woman. Even if that meant giving in to her other side. Besides, Bella truly kept her other half at bay long enough, she was bound to be restless and be demanding as she was.

"Likewise, Xavier, was it?" Bella tune had changed and was now nothing but sultry as she questioned the obvious. A change that Cassidy couldn't help but furrow her brows at and a change that only made Xavier smirk, he reached for her cup only to take a gulp of it. with amusement in his eyes he questioned

"Water, seriously?"

"I'm the designated driver" she gave a nonchalant shrug blinking his way. He could only chuckle with a shake of his head. Now that he had his last target for the night, he would have fun

"Do you girls wanna leave this dump to have more fun someplace else, I know of a really good spot with a view I'm sure you'll love" he suggested. And Cassidy seemed more excited to respond, almost jumping on her feet

"Yea, I know I would love to" taking a hold of Cassidy's wrist, Bella made to drag them out of the beach house, with one glance Xavier's way, she said

"Just give us a minute, yeah?" flashing one of her dangerous sultry smiles, she wasn't surprised when Xavier fell for it as he shrugged


Bella along with her confused friend beeline for their car and Cassidy asked then

"What the heck Delilah, why are we headed for the car" trying to get the young woman's grip to loosen on her wrist, which didn't work until Bella opened the passenger door and said

"Get in Cass, I've gotta tell you something first, then we'll return to your boy Xavier" when Sin finally had the girl sitting in the car, she pressed a pressure point on her neck and Cassidy was knocked out, and she made sure the car was locked.

Certain that the young woman would wake up only to question what happened, she walked back into the house. With an extra sway to her hips, she marched toward where Xavier sat with now a flock of girls and his friends. The young man simply shot her a winning smile as he pushed off the young woman that had sat comfortable on his lap.

"Where's your friend?" he questioned

"She suddenly got sick, it seems I'll be the only one to tag along" she said with a shrug watching the young man stand up. Ignorant to the other young woman's protest and dismay.

"That's fine with me, sweetheart" Bella felt sick to her stomach in that moment, but tried to ignore it.

And so began their journey to the streets she was yet to know, and by the looks of it, Bella could only worry in the back of her mind, whereas Sin simply got more excited the closer they got to their supposed destination.

Xavier stopped the car before a bricked building that had an iron door, caring little to look in the back seat where squeals came from and smooching sounds from his friends and the young women they brought along, she got out of the car when Xavier did, and he walked around only to wrap an arm around her waist.

He smelt nice and spicy, Sin thought as she got a whiff of him up close. Xavier gave three patterned knocks and the door was opened by a bouncer. Bella knew then that this was a club, Sin's ultimate favourite playground and Sin could only stretch Bella's lips into a predatory smile.

[Ha! Would you look at that] She said in her mind as the red and purple LED's lit the atmosphere of the club that seemed to be larger than what one would suspect from the outside.

It was full to the brim as Xavier led them up a certain set of stairs and his friends followed behind. Bella wondered then why Xavier would go to a college party when there were more willing woman here, and that was when a thought struck her, he was a spotter, and that almost made her hurl.

Her theory was proven right when he walked them through an isle of VIP booths, the entire theme of the upstairs area a typical red for the kind of atmosphere around it. He settled them in a booth and a waitress came up a moment later to get their orders. She had her hair in a ponytail, her outfit too revealing and heels to high than both Bella and Sin could appreciate.

"So, Delilah, how long have you lived here?" he questioned, his arms splayed on the back of the booth as he leaned against it, Bella to his side

"Does it look like I haven't lived here long?" Sin shot back with a question, her blue drink untouched.

Xavier took her in the, from her Champaign strands to her dress paired with sneakers, a combination he thought to be cute and so was her face, as innocence drenched it even when she flirted with him she still looked innocent to him, and that was his undoing about her, as her brows furrowed in question. Perhaps it was why he settled for her, but now he felt reluctant to give her away. Shrugging he said, after a gulp of the transparent drink in his thick short glass

"I just haven't seen you as much as I've seen your friend at Alaric's parties" exposing just how frequently he attended college parties, for it was clear from Cassidy's rave about this Alaric Due, that he threw the most parties deemed the best of a college parties.

"So that's your habit then, go to the party get a girl and bring them here?" Sin couldn't help but test him then and he gave a chuckle

"Would it bother you if I said yes?" he asked

"Well that wouldn't really make me feel special would it?" he shook his head with a smile, only to change the tides and question

"What about you then, do you make it a habit to go along with any guy that offers to take you places?" although he thought himself simply curious, he wanted to be the only one she made the exception for, alas her response suggested otherwise, unless she was teasing as she made to lean closer, her hand splaying on his thigh, his legs parted, she said

"It depends" her words dripping with promises reflecting in her inky black eyes. Gulping only to shift a little he asked

"On what?"

"If whether I feel naughty or not" her words were nothing but a whisper heavy with suggestions he found he wouldn't mind if she carried them through.

And her hand was neither innocent as it creeped up too close to his privates. It seemed her hand was nothing but a seductive succubus that could make a man rise from mere touch. She smirked then when she saw him rise beneath the constricting jeans,

"And what are you feeling now?" he asked, his own voice nothing but breathy. She leaned back then, as if the moment hadn't happened to begin with, she shrugged before reaching for her glass, Bella gagged and her other side all but took a sip and giggled both at her and at the look on the face of the guy next to her.

"That's for implying I'm nothing special but another girl to add to your number" she said with mischief in her eyes glancing at him. No longer stunned, he gave a small scoff beneath his breath at the young woman before him,

"That was so not cool" he said shaking his head, although a small smile came onto his lips.

Had it not been for the profession he seemed all okay with having, she would have thought him acceptable in that moment, however, that wasn't the case. And that was more reinforced when one of his friends came to their booth and said

"He's here, it's time" only for his eyes to land on the still wide awake and barely drunk young woman that should be otherwise, and his gaze returned back to Xavier, and Sin didn't miss the look that scram, 'What the hell dude!', to which Xavier simply shrugged

"You're asking for trouble man" his friend shook his head,

"I'll deal with him, you ready?" Xavier assured and questioned.

Sin knew what was happening, and the fact that Xavier seemed reluctant and unwilling to sacrifice her to whoever HE who was there, it didn't change the fact of the matter. Those young women his friends had come along with would disappear to never be heard from again, an into an even more unforgiving world. Deciding to play coy and dumb, she questioned

"What's going on, are we leaving again?" she asked and Xavier looked at her then, his ray bends still hiding his eyes and she found that the dark lenses were starting to irk her.

"No, I just have some little business to take care off, then I'll take you to that view I promised, okay?" although he himself had no idea of what he was doing, he would be fine either way. Sure his father would be pissed, but it wasn't like their client would leave empty handed.
