
Chapter 14: Failing Beautifully

The Long River

Cas bolted to his knees, spinning and throwing his body over Mingan’s as she lurched awake. Behind him, Edon snarled and hacked—the Lovell male likely didn’t appreciate the clear view of Cas’s bare ass. “Wolf or base?” he asked her in a low voice.

“Base? What’s going on?” She glimpsed between his limbs. “Edon?!”

The moon temples were large, but they weren’t meant to hold wolf forms. Cas managed to snatch up his discarded shirt and drape it over Mingan before turning and leaping over the steps, landing in his wolf form right in front of Edon.

“Nobody hurt each other!” Mingan pleaded over the ensemble of warning growls. Out of his peripheral Cas determined there were at least five other wolves, all Alphas considering their size.
