
Gift Box

When the fourth floor was reached, Alexander knew that this was the place where the entire company was managed.

Sullivan's boss office was on the far corner while the other places were mostly designated for the accountants and credit managers.

The structure of the company is relatively simple with Sullivan at the helm of things and the others responsible for the micro-level stuff.

The pitiful ten employees on this floor are enough to tell the importance and replaceability of this group of people.

They are responsible for managing the accounts from the Home Alone movie and paying and managing the companies' necessities and employee salary

Director of marketing, director of propaganda, and those high-end titles did not have a place in this business.

The Creeds wants to keep it as a small company with big earnings at the moment.

As Sullivan had instilled in Alexander, the company is something that you should be able to control at will and not the other way around.

The fate of Steve Jobs being kicked out of his own company was a clear-cut example.

The Creeds want to develop the companies in a way that everyone is replaceable but not them.

Distribution, production, and marketing employees could be poached by other companies but they are easily replaced by another person no matter what position they were on.

Essentially housing designated roles and not capable, ambitious individuals. It is better to house an effective and capable group of people than an extremely talented employee.

Being extremely talented and ambitious should be placed upon the Creeds. The employees only need to adapt and do their tasks well.

Even if Creed Films and Distributions are already an internationally capable company at the moment, it is better to keep it manageable and not too rampant on formalizations.

The six or so conference rooms on the floor aren't even used to hold corporate meetings but they are mostly where the movie planning and deliberation are held.


As of the moment, the doors to the conference rooms pinned titles on the projects at work.

Run Lola Run is among them. This is the theatrical release project that the company is handling after Home Alone.

It is set to be released on the first weekend of February.

The duo passed by the door and Alexander couldn't help but ask. "Grandpa, how is AD 1's progress with the movie? I lost track of it after Miss Kidman finished all of her running scenes. The Damon guy's pitiful young boyfriend was also quite good."

"Why do you always call Edward and the others that? That is quite disrespectful, you know! But whatever floats your boat, I guess." Sullivan gave a rare admonition but he was still a spoiling old man.

"The movie's already done with post-production. It even has the more complete logos for the company. The videotape version of Home Alone has now been applied with it." The old man was quite excited about the logo. It was a big regret to not have it shown on Home Alone's theatrical dominance.

With all the people brainwashed by Kevin in the theaters to rewatch the movie, the Creed brand would have had a much more impactful debut and formed an influence among the people.

Run Lola Run is a low-budget film with high-profit prospects given that it came from his grandson's scattered scripts and sketches. However, it was very unlikely to have a crazy effect like Home Alone.

The Creed brand would have to make do with debuting along Run Lola Run.

Alexander also felt the same way as his grandfather regarding the logo regret but he was quick to let go.

"I'll watch it later then. We still have to go to your boss office."

The duo then continued on with their headquarters trip. It was a disappointing end though with the boss's room being too plain.

Old Sullivan just wasn't that showy or too particular with office aesthetics.


Alexander was sitting on a swivel chair in the office and swaying around with a bored look on his face.

Old Sullivan, who wanted to fool around with his grandson, knew that whenever he is in that mode, it might take a while to truly express his boredom to other people.

The boy was just too patient, stuck to his own world, and loves to keep to himself. To try and disturb other people like a rowdy child wasn't his thing.

The old man had to cough out loud to get rid of the awkward silence. "So, Alexander. What do you think of this as your 12th birthday gift?!"

"It is extremely overpriced compared to the guitars and toys of my previous birthdays but it is quite amazing." Alexander muttered. "All the old gifts had heart while this one is about hearts and immensity."

"Haha! Your grandfather is always quite good with gifts." Sullivan branded himself with a prideful attribute again. "But, unfortunately, this company and building isn't your true gift?"

"Oh! What is it, then?" Now, Alexander was intrigued.

Sullivan sat up from his chair, approached the room's window, and beckoned his grandson to come forward. "You should take a look at what's directly beside this building."

Alexander was quick to comply and saw what his grandfather was pointing at.

To his surprise, it was another building. Not quite as tall as the Creed HQ with only three stories but it was considerably wider.

If Alexander was guessing its size, then he could say that its overall height was about the same as the Superstore series' Cloud 9 building but only half its size area.

For Alexander, who was used to working in middling Silicon valley companies, the entire painting was huge.

At this office height, he can see the entire building's rugged rooftop and functioning temperature conditioning system exhausts.

"What about this building, grandpa?"

Alexander was baffled at the building in his sight. He did see this when they drove in but didn't pay much mind to it. All that registered in his mind when he saw it was that it was huge and the wall was quite cool-looking with brick structures and sturdy metal fencing.

Sullivan smiled at Alexander and confidently said. "That entire place is bought just for you."

"What?!" The boy abruptly exclaimed from the surprise. "You mean that that entire building is my gift?!"

"Not exactly." Sullivan smirked boastfully. "To put it in perspective, the entire building is just the gift box while what's hidden inside is the gift!"

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

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