
Chains of the Past IV

"During one of my painful episodes, I said, 'It is under the rug.' Remember? Give me a moment." Inigo says as he makes his way up the path and outside the cabin.

Sweeping aside the fresh layer of snow, Inigo pulls in back the rug revealing a key beneath it before exclaiming, "Ah ha! I knew it was here! I have found the key!"

"Huh, and I thought you were supposed to be the blood hound of the group." Serana digs at me with a smirk of superiority.

"Well, better a blood hound than a blood sucker." I shoot back with my own look of pride.

"You know, back home my mother used to keep a spare in the same place." Inigo says trying to lower the tension between us, before handing me the key with somewhat trembling hands.

"Could you do the honors, my friend? My hands are uncharacteristically shaky for some reason.

"Of course, Inigo. Let's figure out who's behind your melting brain." I say, taking the key and opening the door. Carefully entering the cabin in case who's ever here might be hostile.

And the caution was warranted... As the walls are covered in paintings of Inigo and a large map of Tamrial filled with pins and red strings that seems to have been tracking Inigo over the last few years.

"My friend... Is that a picture of me?" Inigo whispers to me with concern.

"I think you might have a stalker... Though, luckily he seems to be too old and ugly to be a yandere." I whisper back, noticing an old man sleeping on a bed in the corner of the room. He's balding, with nappy hair, and a beard tied into a braid, which rises and lowers with each of his light snores.

"What is that my friend?" Inigo asks in confusion.

"Uh, it's an orc word for an obsessive woman who stalks the object of her affections while killing anyone who she views as a rival for that affection." I explain quietly.

"That sounds fairly normal in my household actually." Serana adds offhandedly.

"Well... That is unsettling... But, I do not sense any danger here... Let us wake him." Inigo says, prompting me to wake the old man.

I tap on the old man's shoulder waking him up as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh my, you're... You're here... I was beginning to lose hope!" The old man exclaims as he gets out of bed.

"How did you know I was the dragonborn?" I ask in shock.

"What? Dragonbum? No! Not you, you obstreperous orc! Him! Get out of the way!" The old man exclaims, pushing a me aside as I'm in shock at the complete disregard as I hear Serana suppress a snicker at my expense.

"Inigo? Is it really you? Or am I dreaming?" The old man asks in a bit of a daze.

"That is my name, and let me tell you this, if you insult my friend again... I will be forced to harm you, do we have an understanding?" Inigo threatens, as I see the hairs on the back of his neck bristle and he grips his sword in my defense.

"Huh... Never seen a guard cat before..." Serana says as she leans against a wall.

"My apologies, I am often too terse for my own good. I mean nothing by it, I assure you." The old man says, apologizing more to Inigo than me, which I brush off.

"That is better... My friend here is the legendary dragonborn, a renowned mercenary commander, thane of Falkreath and Whiterun, a proud father of several children, and a prolific lover-" Inigo starts to exalt my many titles before drifting into my lesser virtues, making me cover his mouth in a mild panic as Serana's ears perk up in interest.

"I see... And who is she? Your latest lover perhaps?" The old man asks, motioning towards Serana as me and Inigo look to each other before busting out laughing.

"What's so funny about that?" The old man asks as Serana folds her arms and tapping her fingers against her arms.

"Yes, do share what's so funny you two..." Serana asks, as her blood red gaze makes my hairs stand on end and Inigo gulps nervously.

"Ummm, I already have a a partner who is... Very much your opposite, no offense meant." Inigo explains as Serana eventually nods before leaning back against the wall as she examines her nails.

"Well, I'm sure you make quite the team, Inigo, but it is you who I have been seeking all these years! I'm so glad you're still alive!" The old man exclaims, joyously dismissing the awkward atmosphere that had a risen.

"But, who are you? Why have you been seeking me?" Inigo questions the old man.

"My name is Langley. Langley Longseer to some. Dear boy, I have much to tell you, but how did you find me?" Langley asks with keen interest.

"Well, I started to get brief, painful visions a while ago... They showed me flashes of this place and you, followed by a nasty tugging sensation." Inigo explains, relaxing slightly before Langley's face lights up in revelation.

"Ah ha! The spell works! Not quite as was intended, but it got you here in the end! I was about ready to string that conjuration mage up by his toes!" Langley exclaims excitedly.

"You summoned me? I have to tell you, your spell needs work." Inigo says, rubbing his head as he feels the pain from the latest summoning attempt.

"Yes, I've been trying to locate you for quite some time... I even traveled to Riverhold, where I found your parents shortly after they died, gods rest their souls... Oh dear, you know about that, don't you?" Langley explains, before a look of sad compassion fills his face and he looks to Inigo. His condolences caught on his lips, awaiting Inigo's response.

"They were killed protecting a trading caravan. I had head... You were there?" Inigo questions Langley.

(Author's Note: Hope everyone in America enjoys this long weekend!)
