
Building Alliances IV

"I didn't know Falco, I thought I might die in that stinking place. I don't believe I know this person with you. Who is this man who fights like a true warrior?" Korst asks before turning to me.

"The Captain of that mercenary band that rushed into our aid and a new friend of Marcus Jannus. Korst, you won't believe it. Marcus is in Skyrim!" Falco enthusiastically exclaims.

Marccus Jannus in Skyrim? You must be drinking too much mead again Falco!" Korst says, quickly dismissing Falco's claim.

"No, it's true. And he's back in Helgen with Valerius." Falco insists.

"Helgen? I'll bet Valerius never saw that one coming, ha, ha, ha! But why is Marcus here?" Korst asks after a good full-bellied laugh.

"I'm not sure, but something about rebuilding Helgen, I think. Korst, we can talk about that later. Now, we need to go!" Falco says, worrying about if any Thalmor would come back.

"Agreed, let's get out of here before any more of those Thalmor maggots show up. Perhaps our new friend can lead the way, we will be right behind you." Korst says.

I look at him, barely able to see the signs of the torture he must have gone through, "How about you take my horse, and Falco and Cienna can share Inigo's horse? We'll travel much quicker that way." I suggest.

"Sounds fine by me. What about you two?" Korst says before asking the others, who nod in agreement.

"Then it's settled, but how will you be getting there? Aren't you riding on the horse with me?" Korst asks in confusion.

"Don't worry. I'll be sure to keep pace." I smile before switching out of my Imperial Captain's armor and into some comfortable mage's robes with magika regeneration. I start racing off with my longstride spell, leaving Korst and the others flabbergasted before running after me with their horses.

We travel in the evening light, getting back to Helgen under the cover of night, where they dismount the horses, tying them up before we head down into the basement of the Keep, passing Marcus and Gerdur, who seem to be in a heated negotiation.

There I find Valerius studying some documents at a table he has made as his desk. Looking up he is shocked by our arrival.

"Valerius! I've got a few friends you might want to meet!" I proclaim loudly as we enter the room.

"Shor's bones, I see now why Marcus has spoken so highly of you. Quite impressive work, indeed! Now, let's see if we can find out what in the name of Akatosh is going on in that prison." Valerius says before turning to Korst.

"Korst, thank the Gods you're safe. But how in Oblivion were you even captured?" Valerius asks, standing up to greet Korst.

"I don't know how they found me. It's like they knew exactly where I was hiding. I never had a chance to escape." Korst tells him in confusion.

"Well, thanks to Silvantus, you're okay now. Is the anything you can tell me about what you learned while there?" Valerius asks intently.

"It's a prison, alright, and it's heavily guarded inside. Well, it was heavily guarded. There are none alive in there now. The Commandant was never there that I could tell." Korst explains.

"Did anyone mention where he was?" Valerius continues to question.

"I overheard the guards joking about him getting soft in their Embassy and spending too much time with some whore from the Tall Mast Tavern. But that's all I could hear them say." Korst says.

"Did you learn anything else?" Valerius pushes, seeming dissatisfied with the lack of information.

"Well, I didn't think much of it at the time, but I overheard a guard talking about how many prisoners were coming and going from the prison. And I noticed several new prisoners abruptly get taken away while I was there, just like he said. They were not tortured, beaten, or starved either. I guess they saved all of that for me. And wait, yes, one group had a family, a woman, and a small child, but he was not old enough to fight. The guard was joking about raping the woman and selling the child to bandits as a slave. Could that be true? They're selling slaves?" Karst thinks a moment before recalling a bit more information.

"Well, now, that's certainly a lot to chew on. Excellent work, old friend. I'll check and see if any of my sources know about any of this. Thank you, Korst. Go get something to eat and some sleep. I need you well rested. Dismissed." Valerius says after thinking about what Korst said for a moment, before dismissing him, much to Korst's relief, as he goes off to find something to eat and a bed to lay on.

"You've done me a great service, Silvantus. You saved his life, and for that, I will never be able to repay you. Is there anything else you can add?" Valerius asks.

"The only thing of note was that one of the officers revealed that a message has been sent to the Dominion revealing that they know of the presence of the Keepers in Skyrim." I tell Valerius.

"I see… Did you hear anything about slaves?" Valerius asks.

"Nothing about slaves, but the prison was huge, and Korst was the only prisoner that we could see." I explain.

"That is odd, isn't it? So it looks like the Elves are up to no good. Hah, where else to easily kidnap people than in Skyrim! All they have to say is that they're worshiping Talos. I'm sure many of these Enforcers skulking about in Skyrim are under their command. I know you've had a long day, and I won't keep you. We'll let you know when we have anything new. But please check in with Marcus as soon as you can. Thank you again for your help." Valerius says before heading back to his makeshift desk to study some reports.

"Well, if you're going after slavers, count me and my company in. Happy hunting, Valerius." I tell him before heading upstairs to see Marcus alone, seemingly exhausted from all the negotiations.

"Mr. Malborne, you never warned me how tenacious that woman could be." Marcus complains with a sigh.

"Sorry, but she makes her own deals. That's why I trust her. Anyways, Valerius said you wanted to see me?" I ask him.


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