
As Clear As Day

Taehyun's pov

"So…" I closed the glass door and approached the stainless steel table where our first potential suspect is seated. She didn't bat an eye and continued to stare blankly at the table so I had slightly slam the folder that I was carrying in front to catch her attention.

"Kim Mi Young, daughter of Choi Beomgyu's apartment's owner, a close acquaintance and the last person to see the missing person before his professors decided to report his absence, you have the right to remain silent until your lawyer arrives, however, if we can come to an agreement, we shall grant you a lighter punishment for the crime you committed."

"What else do you want from me? I already told everyone that I don't know anything." Her reply was too suspicious to me so I wrote her name to the top of my list.

"Are you two dating?" I casually asked. Not that I expect her to answer, all I want is any form of body language that could confirm that she had done it.

"Sadly no." She sighed and slumped her back against the stainless steel chair. "Beomgyu's nice but he's quite shy and reserved when it comes to that topic."

"I see." I looked her in the eye and continued, "…it must be frustrating for the people attracted to him. Or is it possible that he's already dating someone in secret?"

To my surprise she looked shocked. It was brief and sadness came through by the way her voice cracked a bit.

"I haven't seen anyone else come to visit him in the whole six months he's been living there. Not even his own family and relatives. You can check the security cameras at the apartment's entrance and on every floor."

"Alright." I sighed in relief. If what she was saying was true, this can prove her innocence. And now I have more problems to face because I can't hold the search and rescue any further or else the volunteers and the media will vilify us even more.

"Are you sure it's wise to let those people out there to help us? There's a high probability they'll wipe out any evidence left while we're busy." Yeonjun immediately argued with me as soon as I entered the observation room next door.

"I know. But we have no other choice. There's no obvious motive for anyone else. The judge only picked her as the main suspect due to the circumstances which I'm ironically about to debunk myself."

"Do you think he's still alive?" Yeonjun asked in worried tone.

"Let's hope he is. Or else we will never get to the bottom of this."
