
A Harder Battle

Lutan along with a team of five knights went to the village to close that portal .

Lutan met the master of the brigade town whose name was Vilash . Vilash sent his location to Lutan via a magical thread. He found Vilash's location by following the thread .

Lutan left at afternoon with his members but reached at next morning .

Vilash was standing on the top of a hill .

Lutan after meeting Master Vilash : Good morning master .Master Zoh has sent us.Iam Lutan and along with me are ten experienced knights.

Master Vilash : Oh so you are finally here.Have some rest before i tell you your job .

Master pulls his fingers and big resting room appeared out of nowhere on the hill.

Lutan : Master we will like to first know our mission's information.

Master Vilash : I guess Master Zoh have told you

about the problem .But the problem is even bigger than it looks . The portal that have been created is controlled by a very powerful curse.Many strong people had to face death fighting that .I would have gone to face it directly but on the top of our town curses have been raining like a normal thing.The thing that's stopping those curses are me and my friend's powerful shields.If we go to fight the shields will be off and the place will be in the face of danger .

That's why i asked Zoh for help .I can tell you that you are really talented but i wanted Some more experienced fighters. The creature is really dangerous and deadly .The raining of curses suddenly in our place is realyed to it.It can control many curses . It will not be a good idea to go and fight it without confidence.

The reports tell me that the creature can also use some relly powerful techniques which can destroy everything .

Lutan : Our other experienced masters are on other different missions . By hearing you i can tell that the creature is really deadly but We don't fear death . We will go and fight it till yhe end of our lives .

Vilash : I hope so .

Lutan : We will leave now . Please tell us its location.

Vilash : I will but not until you all take some rest .

Lutan was really eager to go out at that moment but as he understood he had no other options he agreed .

Vilash : Fine .

At evening Lutan and his team started their journey.

Master Vilash sent a thread flying and told them to follow the thread .

After following the thread they reached a jungle .

Lutan : We are already inside a jungle.

Suddenly a flying snake like object came really fast towards a knight but he managed to tackle it easily .

Lutan : Looks like the effects are being seen here.It feels we are very near.A sudden mystery atmosphere surrounded them.

Lutan remembers :

Master Vilash told Lutan ," The portal was being made for many days but due to our lack of inspection in those places they could build it slowly.It is a really strong portal.It can transport many powerful Evil powers through it . Now many children's lives are in danger. Iam honestly ashamed at it. I am getting a feeling you can stop it .

Lutan replied ,"Mistakes happen Master . I will try my best ."

Master Zoh thinking : This is a big challenge Lutan.I hope you will emerge victorious .

Lutan and his team after walking a fewore time reached near a river where the thread disappeared.

One knight told Lutan ," Sir is this the place ?"

Lutan without wasting any time and without answering the question jumped inside the river .

The knights followed him there .

Insidw the river there was no water.

Lutan : The water is just an illusion. The creature whatever it is very powerful .It is land here.

Inside the river was land and they could mive easily like in land .

After walking a few more distance Lutan discovered a cave inside .

Lutan : Iam not getting good feeling from this cave . I have to get ready for long battle.

Lutan shouts : Knights be ready.

We will Charge inside the cave.Be ready.

All The knights took out their swords.

Lutan took and deep breath and yelled ," Charge".

All the soldiers along with Lutan started charging at the cave ready for a fight without knowing what lies ahead of Them .

As soon as they tried to enter the gate they faced an invisible resistance at the entrance.

Lutan in threatening voice told : Well this ..ah ..You shouldn't have stopped me .

Lutan swirled his hands and threw a blue ball beam towards the entrance .A huge blast occured there.

The resistance was no longer there .

Lutan : Careful guys as you have heard many powerfuls have died here.Be careful .

They entered inside the cave .

It was really dark inside .

A knight swung his sword hard and fire came out of it .The fire caught on the dry leaves inside it.

With now the lights on Lutan and his team saw a group of very strange creatures . Read coloured creatures with a horn above their head and their teeth was coming out of their mouth .

One of the creatures said ," Welcome weak humans .I see there are a lot of extra food for us. I was tired of eating fishes and wild animals.This is fresh.Its been a long time since i last ate humans .

Suddenly the creatures body disintegrated into pieces.

All the other creatures were shocked .

They saw Lutan was standing near that creature.

Lutan said to the knights ," Soldiers finish the job ."

Suddenly a strong wind started blowing and within a few time all the creatures were finished.

The knights were moving really fast .

One creature who remained and tried to escape inside the cave got destroyed by Lutan's magical powers . Lutan's eyes turned upside down as the creatures body broke .

The knights gave a victory roar as they prepared to go inside .

They were now filled.with confidence.

Lutan thought as he saw the front way towards the cave : I.don't know what's inside this cave but something's telling me the final battle isn't going to be near this easy .

Iam inside this cave and I have to.defeat the master of this cave .

- to be continued
