
Bronze Artefacts

Perhaps because Malia was both a Vampire and his Vice-Lord, Ikaris' outfit was largely matched with the young woman's with a few differences.

To begin with his outfit was almost entirely black. Black leather boots, black pants, black belt, black shirt, charcoal gray vest, high-collared black overcoat. The only touches of color were the silver buttons on his coat and the metal buckle of his belt. On the back of his coat, a black angel with silver contours leaning on his falchion identified his affiliation: the emblem of House Morgunis.

Ikaris was not an emo or gothic metalhead in the throes of a teenage crisis and had obviously raised some objections. However, after listening to the Arch Imp's reasoning, he had given in to his artistic sense.

Glenrow's point was that he didn't need any color to mesmerize and enthrall the crowds. In his own words:
