
This Useless Wife

"I'm Lord Hua's wife."

There were only two people inside the dingy office, the guard and her. The sterile fluorescent light fixed on the ceiling gave the impression that this was an interrogation room, although, in reality, it wasn't. The door was open to the street, there were filing cabinets, the remnant of the past, and some more desks and service counters, indicating in a normal situation it was an office for people to report something and the guards take the reports. It seemed like a normal police station in Chiaki's ideas.

But there were only two people at that time, and the silence that descended upon them was uncomfortable. Chiaki couldn't withstand it as she notice the pupils of the guard widen. He was either surprised or afraid, and Chiaki didn't know which one. Would he be angry?

"Sir?" Chiaki asked again. "My name is Chiaki Spring. You can record it, but please release me so the lord doesn't worry about me going missing."
