
Eye of Creation.

The world was suddenly engulfed in darkness.

The sun was setting so it shouldn't have been a surprise, nevertheless, looking at the sky it was easy to guess that nothing about what was happening was natural. For starters it was way too sudden, then there is the fact that no stars could be seen above them.

A loud boom resounded as the Valkyries activated their propellers and took off from the scene. It was the right course of action in this situation. Whatever it is that caused the sudden change, it was large enough to cover the entire city. With them inside its domain their odds were far too low and a tactical retreat was in order.

"So it was a trap after all." Nine said, her eyes glowing slightly as she used night vision to scan the surroundings.

"Five! Tell me the proton canon is ready!" Zero Three cried, whipping her head left and right nervously.

"It's just outside the city." Said Zero Five, doing her best to stay calm.
