
The Heroic Tale of a Cursed Knight

作者: Calamity95
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During the last day of YGGDRASIL I find myself teleported to another world that is more brutal then I could have ever imagined.

6 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter 1

In the year 2138, Yggdrasil was the most renowned of the many DMMO-RPGs (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) developed in that era. This game allowed players to become fully immersed in an imaginary world with the help of a neuro-nano interface, a combination of cyber- and nanotechnology that was connected through an intracranial nano-computer network. This enabled the players to experience physical sensations as if they were actually present in the game's setting.

Yggdrasil had first come out twelve years prior in 2126, developed by a Japanese creator who had been anticipating the appropriate moment to launch the game. Compared to different DMMO-RPGs at the time, Yggdrasil gave players an abundant measure of flexibility. For instance, consider the class framework, a central component of character customisation. Considering the progressed classes just as the essential ones, there were more than two thousand. Because each class had 15 levels, players could have seven or more classes by the time they achieved the general level cap of 100. They could meddle according to their wishes if they met the fundamental prerequisites. Though it would be counter-productive, a player could get one hundred classes at level 1 if they wanted to. Thus, the framework was such that, except if they were purposely composed that way, no two characters would ever be the same.

Players could then further customise their experience by purchasing the creator's tool kit separately, which allows them to alter the aesthetics of their weapons and armour and adjust the settings of their virtual residences.

Players who set foot in Yggdrasil were overwhelmed by its sheer size and the nine fantasy worlds it encompassed, such as Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim. It offered customizability, such as graphics and various classes, which appealed to the Japanese creative spirit and helped skyrocket its popularity. The game gained such popularity in Japan that its name, DMMO-RPG, became almost synonymous with Yggdrasil.

But that was all in the past now...

<0 >

The bright purple flames illuminated the round chamber's walls, casting an eerie light throughout the area. A small table illuminated by moonlight through the glass ceiling above stood in the centre of the room. The silence is palpable in the small room, the occupants seemingly overflowing with unspoken words, yet no sound is heard. Contained within each person's gaze is the weight of their sorrow, an expression that speaks louder than words ever could. One looks at the room, and you would think it was the end of the world. In a way, you wouldn't be wrong.

"It really is the end…"

A tall, elderly-looking man with long, pointed ears finally broke the silence. Wearing a long black robe with red embroidery and a skull neckless around his neck, you might mistake him for a monster, and his sharp, cruel eyes do little to dismiss that thought. But he wasn't a monster. He was an elf, a player and the leader of this little group.

"Hey thewe, boss. Don't be sad, be happy. It's the last day, aftew all,"

The woman, clad in eye-catching armour with very revealing coverage, embraced the pointy-eared boss, but her gentle chest pressing against him only aggravated him, and he pushed her away with a light shove. Another player, only this one, was a nekojin.

"Don't be like that. I have just the thing that will cheew you up,"

"I can't believe you still waste your storage space with those things,"

A knight whose body is made up of only shiny white bones chuckles, seeing the toy mouse the girl took out while her boss could only shake his head. He was an undead, a skeleton and one of the most renowned players in Yggdrasil.

"But it's Kawaii!" The girl smiles, rubbing her cheek against the toy. "This is my favouwite toy mouse. It always makes me happy when I play with it. I thought it might make you happy too, boss."

"You should keep it,"

"You'we so cwuel boss, but I still love you and this little mousey,"

"You never change," The group chuckles as the girl starts playing with the toy mouse as if she really was a cat. "But thanks for making the end fun."

"You can cyount on me any time, boss,"

"Hey, by the way, chief," The skeleton knight turns to the boss as the laughter dies down. "Didn't you invite your little sis to join us?"

"I did, but you know her," The boss shrugs. "She said she would rather hunt bosses on the last day than sit around here reminiscing of the good times."

"Is she at least coming to the party,"

"I'll ask her once she is out of combat,"

The sister was rapidly traversing the dungeons, making the most of all the techniques she had picked up over her time in Yggdrasil to gain an edge against the creature lurking in the passages. She was unbeatable; the spells at her disposal enabled her to exploit any monster's weaknesses, and her resilience to damage rendered even the most precise attacks ineffective. Nothing could stop her.

Her success was due to two factors. Firstly, her race as a Lycanthrope gave her a great advantage, as few weapons or spells could hurt her. Secondly, her choice to focus on defensive classes further reduced the damage she took in each encounter to a minimum. Add in the fact that her race gave her regenerative abilities, and she was an unstoppable force against those unprepared to face her in battle.

"Too slow!"

In the past, it was players that ran from monsters but now it is the monsters that are doing the running. Strong, fast, agile and durable. A deadly mix and one the monsters were powerless against. Wieling a warhammer in one hand and a shield in the other, the girl crushes anyone who gets in close while blasting the distant one's away with powerful spells. Once she finally reaches the boss's room, she is excited and ready for the coming battle.

Standing at an imposing height, the boss was clad in armour that seemed to be forged from the finest of metals. As he stood from his throne, a flowing cape adorned with intricate designs billowed behind him. A crown studded with precious gems adorned his head, signifying his position as ruler of this dungeon.

It was said that the boss was a powerful sorcerer, capable of casting spells that could turn even the bravest of knights into cowering fools. As she approached, she could feel her heart start to race, and her palms become slick with sweat despite that being impossible in this game. She knew that defeating this boss would be no easy feat, but she was determined to prove her worth as a player in this game.

"You dare challenge me, mortal? You are no match for my power and might. Begone before I decide to vanquish you myself,"

The boss's voice boomed through the virtual world as he addressed her, his words dripping with deadly calmness. But she stood her ground, determined to see this fight through to the end.

With a deep breath, she charged forward. But as her hammer was about to land, the boss summoned a scale suit of armour around his body, repelling the attack. The boss retaliated with a burst of fire from his palm, forcing the girl to roll out of the way. She quickly regained her footing and continued to attack, dodging the spears of fire and ice the boss shot towards her.

The two engaged in a fierce dance, their swords clashing against magic and sparks flying. She struggled to keep up with the sorcerer's quick movements and desperately searched for an opening to strike. But the armour sorcerer seemed to anticipate her every move. He summoned a wave of fire that sent her sprawling to the ground. She saw a warning pop up as the flames singed her skin, but she refused to give up.

She stood up, her eyes blazing with determination. She could feel her adrenaline pumping as she again launched herself at the sorcerer. But this time, he was ready for her. With a swift strike, he disarmed her, sending her hammer flying across the dungeon.

"Dimensional Move,"

The girl was quick to put some distance between herself and the boss. 'Dimensional Move' was a low-level 3rd tier spell. Still, to magic casters, it was an escape spell to put distance between themselves and their adversaries.

"Hell Flame,"

With a burst of energy, she launched an attack using a powerful spell. The sorcerer was momentarily stunned, and the girl saw her chance. She lunged forward toward her fallen weapon as the disposable cash shop item she used to shorten the casting time vanished. But in a split second, the sorcerer recovered and cast its own spell even as flames engulfed its body. A lightning bolt shot out of its hand, striking the girl and sending her flying across the room. She landed hard on the ground, her body bruised and battered.

As she struggled to get back on her feet, the girl saw the sorcerer approaching, and the flames wrapping around its body went out. She can already see another spell being cast in the palm of his hand. She quickly cast protective spells on herself. The armour sorcerer casts a powerful spell, causing the ground to shake and forcing the girl to jump out of harm's way.

Their clash of magic continued, with the girl dodging and deflecting the sorcerer's attacks and striking back with her own spells. But the sorcerer seemed to have an endless supply of dark magic, and the girl was starting to tire.

"Chain Dragon Lightning!"

Determined not to give up, she summoned all her strength and launched a fierce attack. The air crackled with energy as her spells hit the sorcerer's armour, but it seemed to have little effect, to her dismay. In a moment of distraction, the armour sorcerer seized the opportunity and struck the girl with a powerful blow from his staff. The impact sent her flying across the room, and she crashed into a wall.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" But as she got to her feet, the girl only laughed as her wounds healed. "No wonder players fear you. Let's have fun. Grand Fireball!"

But as the battle raged on, all her efforts seemed in vain. The sorcerer was relentless, launching spells and strikes that the girl struggled to defend against. Her health bar was rapidly depleting, and she could feel her chances of defeating the sorcerer slipping away. But she refused to give up. She dodged and weaved with renewed determination, narrowly avoiding the sorcerer's attacks. She strategised carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And then, in a moment of sheer luck and skill, she saw her opportunity. The sorcerer stumbled, leaving his flank exposed.

"Flame Claw!"

With a swift movement, the girl launched a powerful strike, causing the sorcerer's armour to crack and shatter. The battle reached a fever pitch as the sorcerer's magic surged in response to his weakened armour. But the girl was not backing down. Picking up her fallen hammer, she released a fierce battle cry and attacked, landing blow after blow.

Fueled by adrenaline and determination, the girl fought with a ferocity that surprised even herself. And to her delight, she saw the sorcerer begin to falter. His attacks became weaker and less frequent, and she knew she was getting closer to victory. She continued to push forward, her sword flashing in the fading daylight. And finally, with one last powerful strike, the sorcerer fell to the ground, defeated.

As she caught her breath and looked around the battlefield, she noticed the sorcerer's armour slowly disintegrating, revealing the loot beneath. The girl's eyes widened with anticipation as she walked towards the pile of treasure, her heart pounding with excitement. With trembling hands, she began to examine her newly acquired item.

The first item that caught her attention was a shining sword imbued with the powers of fire. Its handle was made of solid gold, and the blade was adorned with intricate runes, emanating a fiery glow. But the sword was not the only item drop she received. Behind it lay a set of enchanted armour, glowing with magical protection. The armour was sturdy and well-crafted, with intricate designs etched into the metal.

The girl's heart skipped a beat when she saw a small, shimmering box amongst the items. She carefully opened it, revealing a sparkling amulet engraved with ancient runes. As she put it on, a surge of energy passed through her, and she could feel the magic coursing through her veins. But she sighed and quickly removed it. It wasn't as powerful as she first hopped. And finally, there was the final drop of gold coins.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Hey, sis, the others want to know if you are planning to come to the party,"

But just as she planned to leave, her brother contacted her. She shakes her head before replying, her brother's face appearing as the video call connects.

"I already told you how I want to spend the final hours of this game,"

"Come on, Alice, just come to the party. It'll be fun," He pleaded. "Please, please come. The others keep bugging me about you."

He even sent her a flying he made, inviting everyone he knew to the party. Alice rolled her eyes and looked at the flyer, examining it with disinterest. The colourful font and outrageous promises of a night filled with free drinks and wild music did little to sway her decision.

"I don't want to go, Jake. It's just going to be the same as every other party we've been to," Alice argued, unwilling to give in so easily.

"But this one is different, I promise. It's at the biggest still active guild, and some top players will be there. It'll be the party of the year!"

Alica couldn't help but roll her eyes again. She knew her brother's definition of 'party of the year' usually meant awkwardly standing in a cramped room. At least here in the game, she wouldn't have to worry about trying to avoid the random partygoers who always seemed to be a little too drunk or high for her liking.

"I just don't see the appeal," Alice answers, sinking against the wall.

"Come on, Alice. I know you're not the biggest fan of parties, but just this once. I promise we'll leave if you're not having a good time,"

Alice sighed again, knowing her brother would never let this go. She knew she couldn't resist her brother's puppy-dog eyes for long despite her reluctance.

"Fine," She finally gave in, much to Jake's delight.

"Awesome! Get ready, we're leaving in an hour,"

<0 >

The sun was just beginning to rise as the young elf girl named Leafa ventured into the dense forest. Her long, pointed ears perked up as she listened to the birds singing and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. Leafa was on a mission to find and tame powerful monsters that roamed the woods.

Taming monsters was a talent that ran in Leafa's family. Her parents were respected and renowned for their abilities to tame even the most ferocious creatures. And now, at the tender age of 130, Leafa was determined to continue their legacy.

As she walked deeper into the forest, Leafa's gaze swept over the towering trees and the lush greenery surrounding her. She knew this forest like the back of her hand, having spent countless hours exploring its every corner and studying the behaviour of its inhabitants.

Her emerald green eyes scanned the area for any movement or disturbance. She was looking for the most elusive and powerful monsters. Such monsters were said to possess magical abilities and unmatched strength. These were the creatures that Leafa sought to tame, for she craved the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of success.

As she walked deeper into the forest, Leafa's excitement grew. The thrill of the hunt, the adrenaline rush of facing a powerful monster, fueled her passion for monster taming. She had spent years studying and learning about different techniques and spells to control and befriend the creatures of the forest.

But suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream coming from the direction of her village. The smell of smoke filled the air as more screams echoed through the trees. Panic set in as Leafa recognised the sound. It was the sound of an attack. Without wasting any time, she ran toward her village, her mind racing with worry and fear. She knew she had to reach her village before it was too late.

As she ran, Leafa's thoughts were filled with memories of her peaceful village. She remembered the calm streams that flowed through it, the colourful flowers that bloomed in every corner, and the warm and friendly faces that greeted her every day. But now, she feared the worst: her village had been attacked.

As she drew closer, she could hear the sounds of battle: the clash of swords, the screams of her people, and the thundering hooves of horses. Her legs carried her faster, and soon, she was at the edge of the village. The scene that greeted her was a nightmare. Holy knights, clad in shining armour, rode through the streets on their mighty steeds, their swords raised high as they mercilessly cut down anyone in their path.

She saw her father, the village leader, bravely wielding his sword against the invaders. But he was outnumbered and overpowered. Leafa screamed in agony as she saw him fall to the ground, his lifeless body trampled by the horses. Leafa's eyes burned with hot tears as she felt a surge of anger and grief wash over her. She had to do something. She couldn't just stand by and watch her village be destroyed.

With a fierce determination, Leafa ran towards her home. She grabbed her bow and arrows, the weapons she had been taught to use since she was a young elf girl. She could hear her mother and sisters crying inside the house, and she knew she had to protect them.

With practised precision, she aimed her arrows at the knights on horseback, her eyes never leaving her targets. She watched as the arrows found their marks, and each knight fell to the ground with a thud.

But there were too many of them, and Leafa knew that she couldn't defeat them all alone. She desperately searched for other elves who were willing to fight back, and she was relieved to find a small group of warriors gathering around her. Together, they fought fiercely against the holy knights, their arrows and swords clashing in a deadly dance. They knew they were outnumbered and outmatched but were not about to back down.

Despite their superior fighting skills, it was clear that the elves were no match for the heavily armoured knights and the spell casters they brought along. All the elves in the village who knew magic that could be used in a fight had already been sent away to fight in the war several years ago, giving the attackers a massive advantage. As they started losing ground, Leafa could feel the desperation rising within her. She knew that if they were captured, it would mean the end of their way of life.

With renewed determination, Leafa charged towards the knights, her sword flashing in the moonlight. She fought gracefully and precisely, taking down any knight in her way. But amid battle, she was suddenly struck from behind and felt a deep pain in her head. Everything went black, and she fell to the ground unconscious.

<0 >

Alice had been playing Yggdrasil for ten years, immersing herself in its imaginary world of dragons, magic, and adventure. It had become her escape from reality, a place where she could be whoever she wanted to be and do whatever she wanted to do. Today, however, was different. It was the end of the game, and all the players had been invited to attend a grand party in the virtual castle to celebrate the journey they had all been on together.

As Alice arrived at the castle gates, she couldn't help but be in awe of the majestic structure before her. The tall towers, the intricate details carved into the walls, and the colourful banners fluttering in the wind made her feel like she had truly stepped into another world. She made her way through the bustling courtyard, filled with players dressed in their finest fantasy attire. Some were adorned in elaborate robes, others in shining armour, and others even had wings sprouting from their backs. Lanterns hung from the trees, casting a warm glow over the crowd, and fire dancers performed in the centre. But Alice didn't want to mingle with everyone and share stories of their adventures. She only came so her brother would be happy.

Entering the castle, she was greeted by the sound of lively music. The banquet hall was decorated with lavish tapestries, chandeliers, and a long table overflowing with delicacies. It was a sight to behold.

Alice sighed as she walked through the bustling crowd at the virtual party. For Alice, this party was bittersweet. She didn't feel like socialising or reminiscing with other players. Instead, she searched the party grounds for her brother. But now, she couldn't fully appreciate the beauty of the virtual world. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of her brother and the fear that she may never find him. She just came to say hi to him, then planned to disappear. She checked every corner of the party, hoping to catch a glimpse of her brother's username. She even asked other players if they had seen him, but no one seemed to recognise him.

Ever since they were children, Alice and her brother, Jake, had been avid players of the game. They spent countless hours exploring the magical world, completing quests and battles, and building their own guild. It was their escape from the real world, where Alice's brother was constantly battling an illness.

She watched as her brother's condition worsened despite his constant determination to continue playing. And now, with the game coming to an end, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Without the game, what would her brother have to look forward to?

Finally, Alice caught a glimpse of her brother's familiar face in the far corner of the room. He was surrounded by a group of players, discussing their favourite moments from the game. Despite his illness, he had never let it stop him from enjoying the game with his friends. Alice pushed through the crowd and reached her brother's side.

Seeing her, a smiling face emoji appeared next to Jake's character. He excused himself from his friends to talk to her.

"Hey, Jake," Alice said, trying to sound casual.

"Hey," Jake replied. "Glad you could make it."

"I... I wanted to show you something," Alice said, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

Curiosity getting the better of him, her brother followed her as she led him to a secluded area of the party. There, she revealed a beautifully crafted item she had someone make for him. It was a sword, intricately detailed and adorned with gems and jewels.

"I made it from all the items dropped by the bosses I defeated this week," Alice explained, her voice filled with pride. "I remember you said you always wanted a sword like this… even if it is a bit late to use it…"

Her brother's eyes widened in amazement as he took the sword in his hands. He examined it closely, admiring the craftsmanship and skills required to create such a masterpiece.

"I... I don't know what to say," Jake said, breaking the awkward silence between them.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted us to end our time in the game with no regrates,"

She thought of her terminally ill brother, lying in a hospital bed in the real world while she was lost in this digital realm. But this game had been their escape, their refuge from the harsh reality they faced. Here in Yggdrasil, her brother was able to live.

As she made her way through the bustling crowd, Alice couldn't help but smile at the familiar faces of her guild members. They had been her companions throughout her journey, always supporting and pushing her to be the best. And now, as they all gathered together, she could see a sense of pride and accomplishment in their eyes.

They sat down together, and Alice told them of the fierce dragon she had slain the treacherous maze she had navigated, and the powerful witches she had defeated to gather the materials to make the sword. And with each tale, Alice pulled out a small trinket crafted from the items dropped by the bosses she had vanquished. A golden dragon scale, a crystal orb imbued with magic, a twisted branch from a cursed tree. She handed gifts out and left the ones for guild members who didn't turn up on the table. She wasn't worried about them being stolen since this was the end. Alice's voice grew hoarse as the night went on, but she was determined to share every last detail with her brother. And as the party ended, she knew that this was a night she would never forget.

But as everyone logged off, she remained wanting to spend just a bit more time in the game. Alice hoped her brother would join her, but he had to see a doctor in the morning and reluctantly logged off with everyone else.

Now, as she stood alone in the virtual world, she couldn't help but wonder how she had ended up here. She remembered the day she first stepped into the game, excited and curious about the wonders that awaited her. But now, after ten years, the game was coming to an end. The developers had announced that the servers would shut down, and the game would no longer exist.

Alice couldn't believe it. She had spent so much of her life in this virtual world, making friends and creating memories. And now, it was all going to be taken away from her. She felt a pang of sadness in her chest as she walked through the deserted streets, the once bustling cities now empty and lifeless. Countless NPC's stand motionless, waiting for orders from players that would never return.

The game had become her escape, her sanctuary from the harsh reality of the world outside. She had poured her heart and soul into it, and now she couldn't imagine a life without it. But as she looked around, she knew that in just a few minutes, it would all be gone. The world she had come to love and cherish would no longer exist.

As she made her way to her favourite spot in the game, a beautiful cliff overlooking the ocean, Alice couldn't hold back the tears that flowed freely from her eyes. Her character wasn't crying, but she knew back in the real world, she would wake up to find herself weeping. She sat down on the grass, gazing out at the vast expanse of the virtual sea. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light over the world, and Alice couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

She closed her eyes and let the memories flood her mind. The adventures she had been on, the battles she had fought, and the friends she had made. She had grown and changed so much within this game, and now it was all coming to an end. She couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, as if a part of her was being taken away.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the sky, watching the stars appear one by one. As the final minutes ticked by, Alice sat silently, taking in every last detail of the game. As the clock struck midnight, the game suddenly went dark. It was over. Alice sat in silence and darkness for what felt like an eternity. She could hear her own heart beating in her chest as she tried to come to terms with the fact that the game was gone.

But then, a slight whirring sound caught her attention. She looked up and saw a shooting star streaking across the sky. But as she looked back down, she found herself in a strange and beautiful world instead of her tiny bedroom.

She stood in a lush forest surrounded by tall trees and vibrant flowers. The sun was shining down on her, warming her skin. She looked around in wonder and couldn't believe her eyes. Was this a dream? Or had the game she loved somehow been saved and allowed to continue?

As Alice stepped forward, she noticed she was no longer in herself. She had become her avatar. She looked at her body, finding it exactly like her in-game character. Same hair colour, skin tone, armour and weapons.

But she noticed this place differed from the game she had played the past ten years. The trees were taller, the leaves were a brighter shade of green, and she could hear the songs of birds she had never heard before. She could even feel and smell it. The soft grass, the breeze brushing against her skin and the smell of nature. Feats that were impossible in Yggdrasil.

Alice couldn't believe it. She was no longer just playing a game. She was living it. Or at least she hoped she was. Alice recalls the books her brother liked to read about people being transported to fantasy worlds and living the good life. But then it hit her, and she stared at the unmatched scenery around her. But as beautiful as it was, Alice couldn't help but feel angry. Why had she been transported here? Why couldn't it have been her brother instead?

She would have given anything to see him healthy and happy, to have one last adventure with him before he… he… she couldn't even think of it… even after the doctor's constant reminders that he wasn't getting any better. Tears welled up in Alice's eyes as she sank to her knees, letting out a heart-wrenching cry. She thought about her brother's suffering, feeling guilty for being selfish and escaping to this world instead of being by his side. She hoped this really was just a dream so she could stay by his side.

"Someone! Help me!"

But then, in the distance, she heard a faint cry for help. It was a voice she didn't recognise but filled with desperation. Alice wiped away her tears and stood up, her warrior instincts taking over. She had always been a protector in the game, and now it seemed like someone in this new world needed her.

<0 >

Leafa lay there, her head pounding as she slowly opened her eyes. She tried to sit up, but her hands and feet were bound, and the sharp jolt of pain reminded her of the events that had led to her current situation. Slavers knocked her unconscious and dragged her onto their caged wagon. Leafa remembered the feeling of being grabbed roughly by strong hands as the wagon took off, its wheels digging into the dirt road.

When she finally came to, she found herself surrounded by other captives. Fear and anger radiated off of them in waves, their once proud and free spirits now broken and subdued. Their rough hands may have bound her wrists and shackled her feet, but she was still determined to find a way to escape. The cage bars were thick and unyielding, and the locks were strong and unbreakable. Leafa was trapped in this metal prison with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company.

As she took in her surroundings, Leafa's heart sank. She was no stranger to the dangers of the world, but she had never imagined falling into the hands of slavers and holy knights. She had heard stories of their cruel ways, of how they saw non-humans as inferior beings to be bought and sold as property. They even saw some races as nothing but vermin to be exterminated.

But she refused to let them break her spirit. She was a proud elf who would never let them see her fear or weakness. As the wagon jolted and swayed along the road, she closed her eyes and focused on breathing, trying to keep herself calm and centred.

The journey was long and arduous, and Leafa lost track of time as they travelled through forests and villages. The slavers and holy knights were harsh and ruthless, their whips and spears never far from their grasp. Leafa and the other captives were given minimal food and water, barely enough to sustain them.

As they entered the thick forest, Leafa's heart sank. She knew that her captors were taking her deeper into the heart of their territory, where there would be no escape. She could already see the towering trees looming ahead, their branches tangled and untamed. The sunlight that filtered through the leaves was dim and eerie, casting everything in a haunting green glow.

The wagon suddenly stopped, and Leafa braced herself for what was to come. She knew they would soon be at their destination, and she could feel her heart pounding. She prayed to the gods of the forest for strength and courage, but deep down, she knew that it would take a miracle to escape this fate.

As the slavers opened the cage and dragged her out, Leafa's worst fears were confirmed. The holy knights surrounded her with their shining armour and imposing presence. Their leader, a tall and stern man with piercing eyes, stepped forward and spoke with a voice that commanded respect and obedience.

"Elf, you have been captured for your crimes against our people," He bellowed.

Leafa refused to let him her. She had committed no such crimes, but it didn't matter to these judgmental humans. Leafa definitely glared at the knight, refusing to back down.

"I have committed no such crime,"

"You elves are all the same, always lying and refusing to confess,"

He grabbed her arm and dragged her deeper into the forest. The trees closed in around them, their shadows growing darker and more foreboding with each step. As they navigated through the dense undergrowth, Leafa couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over her. She was at the mercy of these slavers and knights, and there was nothing she could do to change that.

As they reached a clearing, Leafa's eyes widened in terror. She saw a thick, sturdy tree with a thick branch jutting out, a noose hanging ominously from its end. Her heart sank as she realised that it was meant for her. With rough force, the slavers and holy knights pushed her towards the tree. She stumbled, her feet barely able to keep up with their pace. Her breaths came in short gasps as she was brought to a stop directly underneath the noose.

The slavers grinned wickedly as they tightened the noose around her delicate neck. Her breath hitched as the rough rope dug into her skin, causing a stinging pain that only added to her fear. She could feel every fibre of the noose, every twist and turn, as it encircled her throat. Tears welled up in Leafa's eyes as she looked up at the slavers and holy knights. She could see their eyes' cold determination and righteousness fueling their actions. She was nothing but a mere creature to them, unworthy of their mercy and compassion.

"Someone! Help me!"

Leafa could feel the noose around her neck getting tighter and tighter, cutting off her air supply. Tears flowed from her eyes as she realised that this was the end for her. Her body began to convulse as she struggled to breathe. Her vision began to blur as she hung there, and darkness crept in at the edges. She knew that she was about to die, and the thought filled her with dread.

"Stop right there!" Some are standing at the edge of the clearing. "Magic Arrow!"

Leafa gasps for breath as her body hits the ground. She can barely see anything through her blurry vision. Still, she sees someone fighting the holy knights and slavers as her consciousness finally gives out.

<0 >

Alice stumbled through the thick underbrush of the forest, heart pounding in her chest. She had been following a faint cry for help, convinced that someone was in trouble. As she pushed past the tangled branches, she saw a sight that made her blood run cold.

"Stop right there!"

Hanging from a noose tied to a tree was a small girl. Her pointed ears marked her as an elf, and her delicate features were contorted in fear and pain. Alice's eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight. She had never seen anything like this before. Flashes of anger and determination filled Alice as she took in the scene.

"Magic Arrow!"

The holy knights and slavers were caught off guard, still staring in shock as the glowing magical arrows cut through the rope and realised the elf.

"So you are an ally of the god's sworn enemies," The tallest of the knights steps forward. His voice was deep and filled with hatred. "Hang her too!"

"You guys are disgusting," Alice sneers. "Triplet, Maximise, Widen Magic, Thunderball!"

Three orbs fly towards their targets and explode, sending bolts of electricity in every direction. Swords, spears, and the knight's armour do nothing but draw the attack towards her targets. By the time the light fades, everyone is dead.

Keeping an eye on her surroundings, Alice carefully approaches the elf. Gently and with careful precision, she untied the rope from the girl's neck and swiftly cut the ropes that bound her hands.

"Well, I can't just leave her here," Alice mutters.

Gently picking up the girl, Alice headed into the trees, praying that the girl would be okay while hoping she could tell her where she was once she woke up.

<0 >

Character Bio:

Name: Alice.

Age: 18

Hair Colour/Style: Black hair that reaches just below her shoulders.

Eye Colour: Blue.

Height: 5'7 ft.

Race: Lycanthrope Level 5.

Job Level: Paladin Level 10, Dark Knight Level 10, Cursed Knight Level 10, Battle Cleric Level 10, War Priest Level 10, War Wizard Level 10, Armoured Mage Level 10, Cursed Caster Level 15, and Master of Death Level 10.

Total Level: 100.


HP: 80

MP: 100

Phy. Atk: 80

Phy. Def: 100

Agility: 50

Mag. Atk: 100

Mag. Def: 100

Resistance: 80

Special Ability: 50

Total: 740



Type: One-handed Warhammer.

Class: Divine Class.

Bonus Effects: Knockback IV, Slow III and Stun III.

Special Effect: Uses a portion of the damage dealt to heal the wielder. The healing ability of the weapon depends on the amount of damage inflicted upon a target.


Greater Round Shield

Type: Shield.

Class: Divine Class.

Bonus Effects: Knockback III, Reflect Magic V, Reflect Physical V.

Special Effect: Grants the wielder immunity from non-magical ranged attacks.

Reaper Armour Set

Type: Armour.

Class: Divine Class.

Bonus Effects: Magical Defence V, Physical Defence V.

Special Effect: Doubles the damage the wielder inflects when HP drops below 25%.

Shroud of Twilight

Type: Cloak.

Class: Divine Class.

Bonus Effects: Mana Regeneration X.

Other items:

Rings: Strength Boost Ring, Speed Boost Ring, and Resistance Boost Ring.

Amulet of Humanity: Will show the race as just being human.

Contacts: The left one analyses players, monsters and NPC's. Right one analyses items.
