

Riding a dragon was exhilarating and it was also a bit scary. The onyx dragon soared us through the air, deep into the clouds. I held on for dear life on the dragon's spikes while Tag'arkh continued releasing loud whoops of joy as the dragon swirled around in the air. She had been doing this before for a long time so she was used to it already. I on the other hand, I'm still trying not to think to much about falling and pummeling to my death from this far distance.

"You are too stiff!" Tag'arkh yelled but I couldn't hear her clearly.

"What?" I yelled back as we dived head first into a wet cloud. Wet moisture stuck to my face and I shivered slightly at the cold.

"You are too stiff!" Tag'arkh yelled back at me. "You need to relax!"
