

[Time: 5:30 PM]

[Location: Central Desper's Outskirts.]

After Angel and Lya's assessment, the maintenance crew had to reorganize the field thanks to the damage caused by Fire Mutant.

As that took place, Angel and Aegis conversed in private while the beast-type Mutant caught her breath, her body healing completely. The two went over Lya's fight styles and tactics, figuring out a way for Aegis to win.

Once the cleanup was finished, Tamsin ordered the two to the field, eager to see what the male Fire Mutant could do against her Mutant. Even though Angel didn't beat Lya, she managed to hold her own weight for a while and even landed a burning punch on the girl, something Jason wasn't able to do as well.

"I'm Lya, nice to me—"

"No need for chatter," Aegis interrupted, already knowing about the girl from his sister's words. "The sooner we begin, the quicker we can end."

*Sigh* "You're like Jason, right? Thinking a girl can't beat you?"
