
Obtaining a ship and crew

The next morning, after a large amount of feasting and drinking within the Candlehearth hall on the behalf of Elda, I made my way to the palace of the kings, wrapping my cloak around me to shield myself from the morning chill.

Walking through the large doors after giving a nod to the guards standing at the entrance I found myself facing the large feasting table of the palace, filled with numerous officials and soldiers as they ate their breakfast. Giving a few looks to those that I recognized I walked forward, past the large table, towards the back of the hall.

where jarl Ulfric sat upon his throne, talking to Galmar. However, the talking ceased as they both noticed my presence, going silent as i walked forward, as did most of the hall.

It was not often that you would see a youth walk up to the throne of the jarl without any hesitation, especially not one as heavily armed as I was. In preparation for my now begining journey, I was equipped with a sword, dagger, bow, and shield as well as full armor. The armor and clothes as a matter of fact were an almost exact replica to that of my old armor back in Shyish.

As a matter of fact, nowadays, aside from a lack of beard and wolfskin I was becoming steadily more and more identical to my old self, something that brought me a small amount of pride, as i was finally becoming who I was supposed to be.

"Radukar" Galmar nodded as he gave me a guff look. Despite his poker face it was clear that the large man was unsure of what to think of my presence in the hall "what brings you here? I believed you were already gone"

"I merely wished to ask a request of the jarl," I said smoothly as i looked to the man, Ulfric, much like Galmar the was in his prime. He sat in his chair like a bear sat in its cave, fully taunt and prepared to strike with vicious ferocity "if he would hear it?"

"Speak, boy" Ulfric nodded, his face both serious yet also clearly unsure what to make of me, recognizing a fellow warrior but unsure of my threat level "Galmar has regaled me with numerous tales of your ability and mind, so i assume it is a fair request?"

"A mutually beneficial one as well" I nodded, bearing my teeth in a vicious smile.

"Then pray tell" Ulfric nodded, giving a wave of his hand to indicate for me to step forward.

Giving a nod and walking towards him for a few steps before stopping I began "Recently there have been… rumors of discord within the Stormcloak ranks"

"Oh, have there been?" Galmar grumbled as he crossed his arms, clearly not liking where this was going, especially seeing as he was in charge of training said Stormcloaks, but also understanding what i was getting at.

"Yes," i nodded before continuing "as a matter of fact the rumor says that supposedly an entire cohort of Stormcloaks have… Deserted, taking their ship, the winter war with them. And even worse, if rumors are to believed they have become little more than pirates, preying upon the people of the north!" I Exclaimed dramatically.

"And what does this have to do with your request?" Ulfric demanded, his face turning hard as he clearly felt this statement as some form of assault on his capability to control his soldiers.

"Well… as some of you know, my goal at present is the exploration of the sea of ghosts-" I answered began answering but was interrupted by Ulfric as he slammed a hand down on the side of his throne.

"Your request, boy!" he shouted clearly tired of my maneuvering.

"I want your permission to "convert" them into a crew of sorts, to use them in a way that benefits the north rather than allow them to simply continue on their little crime spree" i answered bluntly as I starred Ulfric directly in the face, taking the brute force method rather than continuing to move around the subject as it also tired me.

I'm a hunter, not a damn noble!

"Hmm" Ulfric stroked his beard as he considered my request before slowly turning towards Galmar, indicating to me and asking "well what do you think of this, do you think I should grant his request, old friend?"

Galmar was silent for an entire minute, just starring directly at me, growling and clenching his hands every once and a while.

"Yes, I believe you should" he finally conceded, his shoulders going loose as if he had just given up on something "Those men are no longer the men and women I trained, they chose to bring dishonor to Windhelm and all I can do now is send the hunters son after them. I just pray they don't try too hard to fight back, lest he slaughters them all" Galmar said, speaking directly to Ulfric and sounding more poetic than I thought possible of the man.

Soon enough Ulfric turned back to me, looking at me with an aura that could only be described as that of a true ruler as he reached out a hand.

"Then go, Radukar the son of Malatar, son of Skyrim. Rain down the wrath of the gods on those who bring dishonor to both our home and themselves and tame them to be your dogs"


It was only once the young man had left that Ulfric turned back to his friend saying "he truly is a strange one to want to explore a dead realm like the dead sea"

"Aye strange maybe" Galmar nodded, his eyes never leaving the great doors which were still closing behind Radukar "but there will be a time when Windhelm may need his help when we are vulnerable"

"I just pray that on that day, he doesn't choose to eat us whole"