
A Little Taste Of Pain

The forest grew silent once again, except for the non-stop wind that continuously rustled the leaves of trees and Anna felt stuck between making two tough decisions.

Looking at the devastated Gemma who just remained trapped in Luderick's hold. The look in her watery hazel colored eyes were silently pleading for help, and it broke Anna's heart in pieces at the thought of what must be going through her head.

If she eventually survives this, hopefully she'll be able to snap out from the shock of everything that has happened here.

Frantically returning her gaze to the small red bowl on the ground, her eyes shifted to the knife beside it, bringing back images of when Luderick had stabbed her wrist with his own clawed fingers. The remembrance equally brought the pain, leading Anna to impulsively wrap her fingers around that wrist, and she couldn't imagine herself going through it for the second time.
