
Silent Treatment I

 Twenty minutes silently ticked by in Roshan's head and weirdly, there was no sight of Anna yet. Roshan could barely concentrate when his mind kept diverting to the one woman who hadn't returned like she said she would.

Noticing his meditation was going absolutely nowhere, a sigh left his lips and his eyes fluttered open. His gaze constantly drifted to the door, waiting to hear it creak open or hear the soft footsteps that'd notify him of her presence.

But as he waited, he got none of those options.

"What's taking her so long?" He muttered to himself, already losing half of his patience and he clicked his tongue.

He honestly didn't want to bother himself about this, but his mind wasn't listening. Every inch of him was itching to go see what's happening and why she's taking so long to return from just applying mere ointment on someone.

She was in another man's room for goodness sake and it ate him up.
