
Chapter 191 The Plan of Haka

"You killed me, but I won't oppose you because of that. That thing caused me to have this powerful new form. I'm very satisfied with this deal."

The people behind him nodded.


He took a few steps forward and patted the shoulder of the surprised assassin. This was a posture of respect for people of the same status, not a subordinate.

"You will become my knight of death and fight at the front line of our great tribe."

He announced to others.

"We will destroy humans and take their land together, making this world a safe place for us to live!"

Then he turned around and nodded to Sikid, although he looked reluctant.

"You have fulfilled your promise, Sikid."

Said Haka.

"You gave me a powerful army to fight against our enemies. That's all I want to thank you for."

"That's what I should do. Haka."

Sikid replied, hoping that his voice could show his sincerity.

"I will do anything for our people."

'Idiot, a slave of Kil'jaeden.'.
