
The Buda family's chance to make a comeback (2)

The next morning, Zhao Hai and the others left Cheryl's hotel early in the morning and went directly to the peach Garden at the dock. The Paradise was parked there steadily, and nothing happened. No one approached it either. It seemed like it was a good idea to spend money to Park the ship.

Zhao Hai and the others paid the fee to stop the boat and then got on the boat, waiting for Charlie and the others. This dock was really something. When you stopped the boat here, you had to pay a portion of the money. When the boat was about to leave, you had to pay another portion. It was really black.

However, Zhao Hai did not mind. It was only a small amount of money to stop the ship. He only wanted to know when Charlie would come. While he was thinking, an ordinary-looking carriage arrived at the dock and went directly under the peach source. Then, Lirui came out of it.
