
Newly weds (3)

"You might need to retire, Peter. Your memory seems to be bad," Edgar released Peter's throat with a shove. He wasn't in the mood to have anyone else disrespect Alessandra in front of him. 

"It must be bad. How could I forget you are here to wed this wonderful woman?" Peter tapped his mouth with his hand, scolding himself for making such a comment. "I apologize for the comment, miss."

"I wasn't offended by it. It must be strange for someone to come to get married with a coat covering their head," Alessandra replied.

"The church has seen stranger things. Now, hand me the rings," Peter held out his hand waiting for the rings to be placed in his palm. "You do have rings right?"

"Only the engagement ring," Edgar placed his hand in his pants pocket to fish out the ring he collected a while ago. "Do you like this one?" He showed it to Alessandra.
