
Divine Guardians

POV Priest Amogus:

A massive temple stood on top of a tall hill.

Waterfalls of crystal clear water rumbled down the steep rocky slopes, and the mist of tiny droplets refracted the sunlight and formed beautiful rainbows.

The old priest in his blue robes with golden embroidery of wave-like patterns stood on top of the peak, watching the water flow, seeking divine revelation from her holiness, the goddess of water.

'Demons, dragons, it is as if all the ancient evils decided to rise at once from the darkness where they were hiding. Ooo, please, your divinity, give me your revelation!'

As if responding to his prayer, dark clouds obscured the entire sun, blocking off the light.

Heavy rain started falling, the temperature dropping so quickly that the rain droplets turned to ice upon landing, covering everything in the shiny, slippery ice.
