
Don't be like me

Francesca held the flower bouquet and a bracelet in Simone's hands.

"Prince Andrew has also sent this letter of apology for Miss Finley," Simone informed her. Francesca accepted that and asked Simone for tea.

"Pardon me, Miss Finley. I may take tea some other time. I need to return to the palace," Simone stated.

Francesca didn't pressure Simone and thanked him again for bringing those. After he left, Francesca came to her bedroom. She placed the fresh flowers into the vase and settled on the chaise to read the letter.

A smile tugged on her lips after she finished reading the letter. At the same time, she felt guilty for acting too cold toward Andrew. She picked up the bracelet case and opened it. The dazzling appearance of the bracelet, ornated with gemstones stunned Francesca. She turned delighted when she saw Andrew's and her initials were also carved on its gold surface.
