
Chapter Eleven

"Um... Well..." Serena stumbled through her words. The words that should be there no longer took residence in her mind.

Atlas cocked an eyebrow, and he gave Serena a slow smirk.

"I had trouble sleeping..." She trailed off, timidly looking anywhere but at Atlas.

"You could've asked me. I'd be more than glad to help you get tired." He smirked at Serena's discomfort. "I'm kidding." He threw his hands up lazily. "Let's go back to the pack house. It's dangerous for you to be outside at night."

Atlas grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the soft grass of the meadow. His large, strong hand enveloped her small delicate one. He grasped it loosely, but at the slightest wriggle of her hand, he squeezed hers tighter. A fire burned in her palm and fingers at his warm hands and at the contact they shared with hers. He towed her the entire way back to the packhouse, never letting go. He threw open the heavy wooden door and pulled her through the entryway. Slamming the door behind them, he spun Serena around and pulled her in. She fell gently against his chest, and he wrapped his arm around her waist securely.

"You're going to be meeting the other pack members tomorrow. I need you to be on your best behavior. I know we haven't talked much since... you know..." He ran his fingers through his hair, and his gaze fell to the floor.

"I know..." Serena whispered, placing her hand gently on his arm.

His gaze snapped back to hers and the stress on his face melted.

"Thanks..." He whispered back.

Serena took a deep breath, breathing in the comforting smell of cedar, and exhaled slowly.

"I never got to properly thank you for saving me that day, so... thank you. I wish you could have done the same for my father..." Serena squeezed Atlas' arm gently.

"Oh. Well... You're welcome." Atlas said quickly, running his free hand through his hair.

The two stood there in awkward silence. Hands still clasped together, but their eyes refused to meet. At each millisecond their eyes held, Serena felt warmth rise all about her face and her eyes would widen. She would turn away sharply and catch Atlas's red-tipped ears from the corner of her eyes.

"I should go to bed..." She murmured, refusing his gaze as she pulled away slowly.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." He released her hand and shoved his into his pocket as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "Um. Goodnight then."

"Goodnight, Atlas," Serena whispered as she turned and walked away slowly, a slight sway in her hips. The absence of warmth from Atlas's hand sent chills through her entire body. Halfway to the stairs, she shivered. Within an instant, a piece of soft fabric draped over her shoulders. Turning her head, she saw the muscular figure of Atlas retreating down the hall toward an open door. She smiled softly and continued toward the master bedroom.

Venus, half asleep, welcomed Serena's warmth quickly, and soon, the two were sleeping soundly.

Serena wriggled her toes and scrunched up into a ball. She flung out a hand and patted every inch of the bed sheet within arms' reach. Eventually, she managed to get a finger on a fur cover and pull it toward her.

"No, you don't." Venus joked as she pulled all the covers off the bed and threw them in the corner furthest from the bed. "You need to get up and get ready."

"No, I don't..." Serena grumbled, tossing a pillow on her exposed skin. But soon, that too was stripped from the bed.

Venus let out a light laugh as Serena shuffled further from the short frame of her tormentor.

"Come on. It's not that bad. You can meet my son officially! And of course my husband and other important wolves."

"Hmm... Since you put it that way, fine." Serena grumbled as she stretched.

"Here. Put this on." Venus shoved a short, olive green overall dress and a black tube top into Serena's unprepared arms.

"Is this really okay? I'm meeting important people, aren't I?" Serena questioned nervously, as she glanced at the clothing choices.

"Oh, it'll be fine. We're pretty casual in this pack. But if you went to the neighboring pack, they'd manage everything about your life. When I say everything, I mean, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g." Venus scampered into the bathroom and yelled out the entryway, "Hurry up and change! We've got till 10:00 to get you ready for brunch."

Serena glanced at the nightstand.


"Why didn't you get me up sooner!" She yelled back, scrambling to strip off the pajamas and slip on the tube top.

"Uh, I tried! But no. You wanted to sleep. So I resorted to something that always works for my husband-no more blankets." Venus laughed from the bathroom.

Serena hopped into the bathroom as she balanced on one leg while trying to get a sock on the other foot.

"Sit," Venus commanded as she pointed to the stool in front of her. Serena toppled onto the stool, and immediately, Venus began the work of detangling the mass of hair and pinning it up into a messy bun. "Put on some makeup real quick while I fix your hair." She pointed toward the small collection on the counter. "We're pretty close in skin color."

"Oh, thanks." The two worked quietly, and after a minute, Serena was ready.

"Here. Use these." Venus shoved a pair of black sneakers into Serena's chest. "They'll finish the look best." She smiled as she took a step back and took in her handiwork. "Damn. You're gonna make my knees weak."

Serena let out a loud snort and shot her head up, eyes wide, at Venus who just laughed.

"Thanks, Venus. For letting me use your clothes."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Now I've had a kid those clothes don't quite suit me." She smiled and pushed Serena toward the door. Give me a minute, and I'll be down there. You're the guest of honor, you can't be late out of everyone."

"Oh, okay." Serena exited the room and made her way toward the stairs.

"Wait!" Venus yelled as she ran from the room holding a small bottle. "I forgot the most important part!" She huffed up to Serena who stood there, dazed. "Here." Venus lifted her arm and squirted a few puffs of mist into Serena's face. "Now you're ready."

"What," Cough. "The hell." Another cough.

"Sorry. You need to smell nice too." Venus looked up with a bright smile that soon faded into a short fit of coughing. "Damn, sprayed too much. Sorry 'bout that."

"Okay, well, I'm going downstairs now. Join me soon... please... I don't want to be alone too long."

"I won't!" Venus called as she ran back to the room and slammed the door.

Serena gulped and slowly made her way down the stairs.

"Good morning!" Eli called from the dining room table.

Every breakfast item imaginable filled the long, grand table. Orange juice, apple juice, sausages, eggs, rolls, pancakes, and every type of fruit lined the center. The aroma of sweet and savory things filled the room and made Serena's mouth water. A low grumble came from her stomach and she moved her hands to quickly cover it.

"Glad you made it on time. I was worried since my wife is almost never on time." He made his way toward Serena and gave her a quick hug. "I see you are sporting her clothes nicely."

"Thank you." Serena blushed slightly and gestured toward the heavily laden table. "I see you spared nothing."

"Oh, this? It was Atlas' idea actually. He wanted to make sure you were received well so he thought food would be a good way to soften the circle's heart."

"The circle?"

"Yeah. Basically, it's the wolves in the highest standing. So that would be Atlas as the head since he's the Alpha. Next would be Venus, she's Beta. Then me. I'm the Delta. Liam would also be here as he's the Gamma. But he's currently gone so. There are going to be some of the older wolves who once served in these positions but under Atlas's father, Callan."

"Eli." A gruff voice warned from behind Serena.

"Sorry, Atlas. Just trying to inform her of her new home." Eli bowed slightly.

"That's fine. But let me do it in the future."

Atlas brushed past Serena and made his way toward the head of the table. His broad shoulders pulled the back of the otherwise loose-fitting linen button up tight. Serena watched him as he moved about the room, talking to other guests and making simple conversation. He held himself straight and reserved; a soft smile would hint at his full lips at the end of each discussion.

"I did that." Eli nudged Serena and gestured toward Atlas.

"What?" Serena said blinking a few times.

"He used to be the quiet kid, well, he still is in," He cleared his throat softly, "certain matters if you catch my meaning."

"I do." Serena flushed slightly but continued to watch Atlas.

"I see you're smart, and you catch on quick. I'm amazed." Eli grinned. "Ah! There is my beautiful wife." He moved toward Venus at the bottom of the stairs and greeted her with a heavy kiss.

"Good morning to you too!" She cooed, placing a hand on his chest.

A heavy weight pushed against Serena's back, pushing her gently forward only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Shall we." Atlas's voice sent shivers down Serena's spine as she turned to look up at his stern face.

"We shall." Venus quipped lightly, smiling at Venus with a quick wink.
