
Chapter 9: A Father's Will

A bright light surrounded us in a circle. I have never seen something so bright.

I was brought out from my amazement hearing the distants shouts.

"Stop them!"

"Water Style: Water gun"

"Wind Style: Wind Blade"

"Water Style: Water Blade"

Hearing the jutsu made by our owners I hid by my mother,

But just as we were just about to be hit by the myriad of attacks, the scene in front of me changed.

Confused, I looked around the unfamiliar compound; it wasn't the Yua Clan.



I knew this smell, I had smelled it countless times, but that was all I could ever do as I watched those from the Yua Clan fill their stomach with such food.

I turned to the source of smell and there I saw rows of tables filled with countless different food.

At those tables were women who looked the same as my clan, they were from my clan.

The realization hit, whatever the boy had done he had provided us food and taken us away from those evil people.

Ignoring the murmurs and confusion I ran to the nearest table grabbing a couple of freshly made bread before running to my mother, and handing her all the bread I could.

Before turning around and grabbing for more.

Afraid that it would all disappear without letting my mother eat her fill.


Ritsu, seeing the scenery change, looked around and let out a sigh of relief.

There were no mishaps with the formation or any of the people transported.

He had in total performed four attempts at teleporting groups of people, so he was confident in rescuing his clan members from captivity, if there were any.

However, he was slightly afraid something may have gone wrong with the amount of people he was teleporting.

Pushing those thoughts away.

Ritsu reached for a kunai that had a tag, before teleporting away.

It's only been a couple of seconds since the teleportation.

The kunai with the tag was an activation tag that would activate all the tags within the Yua Clans compound.

The tag he had placed on the wall of the guest room served as both to prevent those from peering into the room and eavesdropping on them, and as a teleportation point.

Ritsu took out chakra suppression tags as he threw them to the Yua Clan member who had teleported with them.

As he called for Chikao, and two younger clan shinobi, who had stayed behind in the Karatachi Clan compound to help keep any prison they may have needed to take hostage in case something went wrong.

As soon as he placed the tags and had them roped up he grabbed a specific teleportation tag as he teleported to the teleportation point.


My palms are sweating.

'I'm nervous.'

'But I can't let it show, it will affect the clan members.'

'Is that what my father thought, is that the reason my father was so emotionless.?'

'I understand now the burden my father had as the Patriarch of the Karatachi clan.'

'Worrying day by day when we might possibly be exterminated in this dog eat dog world.When will such a world end, a day where there is no war.'

'Hypocrisy, right now we are planning an extinction of a clan, families will be torn apart and blood will be shed.'

Nao Imagined the sorrowful faces and down-casted looks of his clan members, when they first had managed to escape.

However, he can't falter, at least not now.

He clenched the blade he held harder, till his hand was pale white.

He looked at the compound further ahead, surrounded by a forest and situated on a slightly elevated place.

As he stared colorful explosion started within the Yua Clan compound.

It started small, but bigger and bigger explosions resounded as time passed.

Just when that last of the explosions had stopped a childish voice resounded to the side of him.

"It's time, we'll make them pay for what they have done to the Clan, I'll make sure their descendants know it too."

A voice he knew too well in the past six years.

His son was mute for six months.

Any other shinobi child would learn to walk at around three months and to talk at six.

His son, however, took five months to walk and a whole year to speak.

It worried him and his wife.

Beforehand the child would simply nod when spoken to, or stare into space.

It all changed at the age of one.

More when his daughter was born.

His child is gifted to a frightening degree.

It wasn't a child by normal standards, Nao knew that.

Something else was at work, if wasn't for the times that Ritsu played with his sister or followed his mother around, Nao would have….

Displacing his thoughts behind he focused his attention at hand.

"Yes, make them pay for what they have done. Shinobi of the Karatachi Clan, it is time to make those traitors pay for turning sides."


"Maki! No, nooo"

A bloodied man could be seen holding a woman who was bleeding profusely.

The man attempted to save his wife by putting pressure on the wounds of his wife.

The woman held the hand of her husband as she felt her water break.

"Satoshi, the child it's here." she muttered through labored breath.

"The child!? Maki I-I I don't know what to do, how can I help?"

However, he was met with the grunt of his wife, as she tried her best to push the child out.

Seeing his wife struggle, and bleeding to death, he frantically looked around anyone who could help him.

But all he saw was raging fire, smoke clouding the night sky.

Destruction, and dead bodies dismembered due to the explosion. Luckily they weren't close to any nearby explosion however, his wife was hit with multiple broken projectiles.

He could dodge those projectiles however, his wife couldn't because she was pregnant.

Desperate, he shouted, "Is there anyone there, someone help me please!"

Time passed, luckily there were no other difficulties in getting the child out.

As the child was fully out, the man knew enough to cut the umbilicord of the child, as he handed the child to his wife.

Maki received the child, wiped the mucus from its face, as the child took it's first breath, it cried.

Maki with the last of her strength prompted herself up as she met her husband face to face as he was kneeling.

"His name is Takao."

"It's a wonderful name," replied Satoshi as he held his wife.

"Satoshi, I'm sorry, but it seems like I will be going first, take care of our child." lamented Maki.

She felt cold, and her view started to go dark.

However, not till she handed her child to Satoshi did she slump over his shoulder entering darkness' embrace.

Satoshi sensing Maki's presence fading away shed tears, but he was pulled away from his grief by the cries of his child.

Trying to coax his child, Satoshi, he hears the sounds of battle, and cries of pain throughout the compound.

As clashes of steel, and collision of ninjutsus did it sink in that they were full on attacked.

Now wasn't time to coax his child or lament his wife.

He had to find a safe place for his son and gather his clansmen to repel the intruders.

He wouldn't forgive them, he vowed.

However, within meters of moving he dodge to the left as kunais impaled the ground where he was.

Satoshi retook his stance as he faced his attackers.

They had brownish hair, and pink eyes.

There were two of them.

Sweat dropped from the side of his face, as tension rose from no one making a move.

More so since he only has one hand free, due to him holding a child.

Perhaps, impatient or wanting to get rid of the standoff.

One of the Karatachi clan members, launched kunai knives before signing into a ninjutsu.

Satoshi dodged the kunais, not before grabbing the last one, and throwing it to the one signing ninjutsu.

As he did so he turned tail and ran, putting his sense to the maximum, as his back was fulling shown to the enemy.

But he didn't make it far as a third Karatachi member stopped his retreat engaging him in direct physical combat.

Punching to Satoshi's side for a liver shot, Satoshi casual sidestepped to the left, as he wrapped his hand around the enemy shinobi and forcefully bent his elbow upwards.

As the Karatachi shinobi kneeled and held his right elbow, Satoshi grabbed a kunai from the down shinobi's back pouch before silencing the man.

He then used said kunai to deflect a kunai aimed at his head, throwing his child upwards, as he used both his hand to deal with another Karatachi clan member who came forward.

Used the left hand to block the kick aimed at his head and the other hand to hit the side of the joint effectively dislocating the knee then stabbed towards the neck of the said shinobi.

The Karatachi clan member used his hand to stopped the kunai then used the momentum from his kick to do a spin heel kick aimed at hitting Satoshi face.

Satoshi narrowly dodged it as the kick rubs his nose.

Using the large wind up, Satoshi kicked the shinobi away, as he reached out to catch his falling son.

Knocked a few distance away.

The shinobi kneels and reaches for his knee as he forcefully places his knee back into place, although it wasn't properly done, the adrenaline of battle allowed him to ignore it.

As the shinobi placed his knee back in place, the remaining Karatachi shinobi approached Satoshi, not giving him a chance to think, as he took his katana out aiming for the kill.

To his dismay Satoshi dodged all his strikes, however not without a price as scratches appeared throughout his body, and clothes.

Using a gap in the Karatachi shinobi's technique Satoshi attacked the hand of the shinobi breaking their grip from their sword.

Stunned, the shinobi attempted to back away however, Satoshi not missing the chance used all the power he could muster in legs as dash forward catching the katana and slicing the shinobi's head off.

Swinging the blade, to throw the blood off the katana, Satoshi faced the remaining shinobi, as they were a distance away they returned back to a standoff.

Just moments later from Satoshi's right a bolt of lightning appeared heading towards causing him to dodge.

A child appeared.

It was the child from the Karatachi clan, the one they had taken away.

The child had still not lost its baby fat, yet here it was fighting along his clansmen.

His instincts told him the kid was dangerous.


Ritsu arrived closer to his clansmen,

"Leave this to me, you're no match, go help the others."

He told his clansmen as he eyed his fallen clansmen.

His eyes glowing brighter as he eyed his target.
