
A pregnant woman

The truck collided with a smaller car, shattering the serenity of the evening. Metal twisted, glass shattered, and the air was filled with a symphony of destruction.

The impact propelled the smaller car into a chaotic spin, helpless against the force of the collision. Qin Yan and Xi Ting's car screeched to a halt, mere meters away from the unfolding tragedy. Their eyes widened with a mixture of shock, anger, and determination.

Qin Yan immediately got down from the car and rushed towards the wreckage. Xi Ting followed her after asking Xi Chen to park the car to the side.

As the couple approached the wreckage, chaos reigned around them. The air was thick with smoke, the acrid smell of burning rubber lingering in their nostrils. Shattered glass and twisted metal scattered the ground, creating a treacherous obstacle course.
