
Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Pietro dash his way and left a silver trail wherever he ran. His footsteps created no sounds as his boots is design similarly to Black Panther which is sound absorbent.

He reads the information about the man Kerr Joss and his associates. He won the election just recently because his opponents all had problems at the time they submit their candidacy.

It is not a secret that Kerr Joss had a hand to that in order to win the position of Mayor. His people have been dissatisfied about how he run the city, he selfishly did not consider the well being of the citizens and created many controversies around him.

The dissatisfaction cause the people to riot and his solution to that was to turn the riot away from him. The crimes is an all time high before the snap and when it happens and the people disappear simultaneously after the other, he hides inside his mansion and hosted parties all day and night.

Pietro calmly read but his blood is already boiling when he learns all the crimes he instigated and had a hands on. The smuggling of arms and people being trafficked only happened recently but it still didn't make him happy.

Kerr Joss also extend his hand on organ trafficking, he may not be the one who do the work but his loose policy created a loophole where this men got in and out with him profiteering on the side.

After reaching his destination, Pietro stop hundreds of miles away to look first and then plan before attacking. The mansion are lighten up as people came in to join the fun.

The party was host by Kerr Joss so many came to expand their networks and have fun in the process. Pietro's speed don't have difficulty getting inside but he will attract attention with him still donning his battle suit.

Pietro dash to one of the guards nearby then knock him out cold while putting the clothes on him. Now that he got a new clothes, it is time to start to first create a havoc inside to reduce the quantity of the people.

Like a security guard, he got inside while blurring his face slightly. He heard that most of the peoples topic was about the alien invasion and the disappearance of half the population.

Some are ecstatic and some talk just for the sake of talking and networking. Pietro don't have time for this so he used his speed to locate his targets. Yes, targets. Kerr Joss' associates are also inside the mansion so he had to deal with them also.

The party resume while Pietro is getting ready to his plans. When the party is almost over, Kerr Joss reveals himself full of bodyguards around him to make a speech.

Pietro dash outside and lit the gasoline he poured around the mansion. His plans was to burn the walls of the mansion and only left one exit, he rush all around in case some immediately notice a huge fire.

Once the flame intensified, the security guards bought water host to kill the fire but knock out by Pietro with a single punch, he didn't need to hold back as this people broke a few bones every time he threw a kick or punch.

The people panicked and exited to a one corridor screaming and bodyguards outside meet them while calling Ambulance, Police and firefighters.

Pietro only had a few minutes to deal with this as the SHIELD contacted him that they can only delay that much to avoid suspicions.

Kerr Joss and his associates didn't exited like most invitees but instead use a backdoor that only available for this kinds of emergency.

Pietro threw a grenade to the monitoring room, all security cameras didn't capture any of his image but he had to make sure to destroy all kinds of monitoring devices before he take the rest down.

Dashing through the inside with flame all over, airplane with water poured down. ' They are faster then I thought' Pietro murmured but still kept his focus on dealing with the rest of the securities.




Crackle of burning wood and broken bones filled the room of its sound. Kerr Joss had a handgun which is pointed everywhere as silver silhouette filled his vision.

Kerr Joss remained alone as his associates are all knockout. He splurge threats and warnings about his identity and his connections.

'Please stop'

' I surrender '

' You will regret this '

' You will regret this '

' You have no idea what I can do'

' I will kill you '

Kerr Joss spouted sentences that made Pietro twitch his mouth as the cowardice of a villain gave him enough satisfaction but his crimes is still made countless people suffer so Pietro isn't done yet.

Pietro contacted the agent " You might need to rescue this guys quicker, you can have all the evidence you can have."

The flame didn't reach to higher floors as water rained down before the intensity damages more properties. But the insides of the mansion have fire still burning and Pietro had a great plan.

Bang. Crack. Clank.

Punches and kicks broke every joints of Kerr Joss and the guns fell to the floor. His cries reverberated the room and Pietro poured the alcohol on the ground and the clothes of this people. Kerr Joss look up to see Pietro with a lighter, he screamed hard and then Pietro dash away.

The flame lighted up the room and the clothes and skins burn the people. A minute later, firefighters break inside to rescue the people. Smokes and smells of burning meat filled the ambulance as it is fortunate and unfortunately that everyone survive.

Pietro have learned from Cain how to handle criminals who deserve to suffer more than to escape by dying. Some of the bones of this guys are pulverised and skins burned with signs of trauma on their mentality.

Pietro chose to do this because he doesn't have a great mood since learning what happens to his sister and friends.

He left the place after informing the Shield agents and then dash all the way, his destination was wherever he can use his ability to stop the madness and commotion and rescue the people who needed rescuing.
