
Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Thor arrived at the Wakanda.

His appearance surprised many but in an ecstatic way. Banner even shouted to Thor as Groot and Rocket got down to prepare to fight the Outriders.

Thor's momentum created by just his aura and menacing voice full of intensity about revenge and his sole purpose to hack Thanos with his mighty axe.

Now that the Avengers had a powerful ally, the enemies are all over the place without commanders.

On the other side of the Kingdom, the part where Wanda and Vision fighting against Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, The two have the advantages of experience and raw power as they harass the two with pure strength and agility.

Wanda have taken upper hand on the battle as her chaos magic is detrimental to both of them on how she conjured spells and crimson blast.

Vision on the other hand got stabbed in the shoulder while the side of his head have clear damage of a sharp weapon.

He now have difficulty phasing though objects, the mind stone are tingling as if a powerful entity is coming to take it.

Vision have already anticipated that the two enemies or Thanos' Black Order have only one goal if not more.

Either take the mind stone or keep the mind stone where they can see it as to buy time for Thanos to come take it.

Vision looked at Wanda clenching his fist " Wanda, we need to destroy the stone, Thanos is coming."

Wanda observed Vision's expression but only see a subtle emotion from his eyes.

Corvus and Proxima heard what Vision said.

Corvus frowned and decided a strategy where they had to gave all they got even to the point where they might lose their life.

Corvus and Proxima have been fighting to keep the two on this place and prevent them from leaving and hiding, although they can locate it again but that will considered a failure in accordance to their job.

"Proxima, buy me a few minutes, you deal with the woman. I'll take the stone forcefully."

Proxima just glance at her husband but didn't said anything as they both already knew that this mission was the last time.

Proxima adjusted herself and watched intently what might Wanda do.

Charging with all her might, taking out numerous bombs and throwing it everywhere.

Despite the bomb blasting everywhere and dust and smoke covering their vision, Wanda didn't notice about Proxima's disappearance as well as Corvus vanishing from the smokes.

Wanda stacked another spell, prioritising the defense in order to the stone from the two's desperate struggle.

It only took a few seconds as Wanda blew the dust away as the surroundings cleared but also lost the both of them.

" Did they escape?"

" No, keep looking out, they won't leave until they have the mind stone."

Vision looking everywhere, trees, sky or even under the ground but no figure of the enemies.

Vision communicated with the others " Captain, we lost visual of the people of Thanos."

Wanda kept looking out but Vision suddenly moved to her side and push her.

She immediately found a metal spear coming on their way, specifically on her body but since Vision save her by exchanging positions with her.

Wanda cast crimson magic as it is not yet hopeless as long as she concentrates to rearrange the direction of the spear.

Once she is almost done, Proxima appeared under her with the lower half of her body is under the ground, taking out both her weapons then she attacked Wanda.

Vision got hit by the spear on the side of his chest, damaging further his vibranium and preventing him from leaving using his abilities.

Wanda on the other hand slumped to the ground weakened by the weapon of Proxima's attacked.

Corvus Glaive retrieve the spear and proceeding stab Vision's forehead in order to get the mind stone.

The two of them use the lost of visual to camouflage their whole body and blending with the surroundings, the camouflage came from the skins of an species of a planet where they conquered for a long time along with the technology of Thanos.

It helps both of them to hide their presence, therefore confusing their enemies sight and visual. Since vision is not a real biological organism and accumulated damages on his body, he had a hard time finding their whereabouts.

Wanda is more focus on the mind stone and the spell she is casting that she let her guard down for a moment because of her confidence in her shield.
