
Chapter 11( NSFW)


"MY EYEEEEEEEE" Seemores horrid screams could be heard all through the warehouse. Beatrix had decided that the First thing she would take from this Trash was his sight, so without warning she had her fingers dig into Seemores eye and pop his eyeball out before ripping it from its socket and crushing it in her hand. Eye matter and blood was everywhere but Beatrix didn't shy away from it but smiled.


Seemore Wriggled and screamed from the vicious pain of having his eye ripped out of his socket. He didn't know what happened, he thought that she would accept his deal, but instead, she blinded him. His other eye was tearing up but he still looked at her, no more like glared at her.

And what he saw angered him even more. The bitch was actually smiling from his suffering. No more did he look at her like an angel, no, all he saw was a demon in human skin, a siren singing her song only to drag you underwater to your death.

" Do you know, why I'm doing this Seemore? It brings me no pleasure to be here right now torturing you, no wait actually it does, haha, in any case, I digress, and before you ask it wasn't your wife nor her lover that brought this fate upon you. It was you."

"Ahhhh, I don't ghhh know what the hell you're talking about you crazy Psycho. Ahh, I've never met you before in my life."

" No I suppose you haven't, but you have met my son, the cutest thing in the universe he is. I never thought I would love something so much. So imagine my surprise when I find out a worthless, Limp dick, Retard like yourself actually had the balls to not only kick his Birth Pod but inject him with cells of another that could have potentially killed him."

" I have no ghh, idea what you're talking about, ple-please let me go, ill do anything, I I'll be your slave if you want, What about money, I can...Ahhhhhhhhh." While he was trying to calm down the Psycho and please her she suddenly grabbed his chest and started pushing down like a hydraulic press.


"AHHHHHHH, PLEASE STOP AH, IM SORRY IM SORRY" He had already broken down into tears from the pain of having two of his ribs broken.

He wanted to scream out even louder but if he did then it would just cause him even more pain.

" Do you know why you're sorry? If you can tell me ill let you go. But if you fail to remember then I guess you can live with 9 fingers." Beatrix said as she pulled out a knife from her waist and hovered it above his right pinkie.

" I, I, I injected your son with something that could kill him. I'm sorry agg, can you please let me go now."

" Mhh very good, now tell me when you injected my soon with this. Can you tell me, Tik Tok Mr. Wayat?"

" I, It was, it was, I don't remember, please I really don't remember, please don't hurt me anymore more, I'm sorry, IM really sorry." He pleaded as every word came out with a struggle from the pain he was feeling.

" Ding, oh sorry wrong answer, looks like little pinky has to go.

" NO wait please, AHHHH AHGFDD FUCK..FUCK FUCK." He kept cursing as Beatrix slowly and deliberately cut his pinky finger off like she was cutting an ordinary carrot.

" Sigh, your pretty boring you know that, most of my victims would at least put up a fight before I broke them. But your are already a blubbering mess.

Oh but don't think this is over, no no no, this is just the beginning. Oh and don't worry about bleeding to death I've already injected a dose of Goreinium in you. So you won't...ahh, I forgot you're a doctor so you should already know what that is.

'Goreinium, its a drug administrated for those who have a slow hemoglobin production rate. It can help anemics and even speed up the clotting process of a wound stopping it and a person from bleeding out.' Seemores eye widened in horror at the implications of that statement.

" Now let's have a good time shall we Seemore, now open wide." She said with a kind motherly smile as the knife was still stained with his blood. It approached his inner lip.





{2 Hours later/ Same Abandoned warehouse.}

It was silent in the warehouse not a single sound could be heard besides the one coming from Seemore or what was left of the man in any case. Still breathing but wishing he wasn't.

The Seemore that frequented brothels, the Seemore, who graduated top of his class at university, the Seemore that married his High school sweetheart, the Seemore that had a whole life ahead of him...was no more.

Now all that was left was a half-broken man that wished for the sweet sweet salvation of death.

His body bloodied and Scared. There were hundreds of them scattered all over his body. His hands his feet his scalp. No place was left uncut. His manhood had been cut off and burned right in front of his eyes. His lips were sliced in a way that made him look like a certain clown prince of crime.

Most of his toes and fingers had been cut off, and only his thumbs and pinky foot were left.

All his wounds were stinging from the alcohol and lemon juice poured all over him. A normal person would have died a long, long time ago from all these injuries and trauma but she did something to him that kept him alive.

Goreinium wasn't the only thing she injected into him. She injected other stuff as well, stuff that not only prevented him from dying but also prevented his mind from falling unconscious.

Even when he wanted to close his eye and blackout his mind wouldn't sleep, instead, it was the opposite, it was hyper-focused.

Meanwhile, the cause of all his suffering smiled in satisfaction wiping the non-existent sweat off her forehead, but that only wiped his blood on herself.

She had the smile of a Saint but the heart of a demon.

He Truly was in hell.

Next chapter is the last torture chapter. What do you guys think. To gory or was it meh.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts