
duties of contract girlfriend part 1

Chen : now your time is over suzen now tell me will you ready to be my contract girlfriend.

Suzen: .......

Chen : Now I already get my answer you're my girlfriend.

Suzen: but I didn't answer yet.

Chen: You have to answer yes you know if you .

Suzen : yes I know don't remind me again and again .

Chen: now answer me fast.

Suzen : yes but I have some conditions.

Chen: yes I also have some conditions. So let's go to club or restaurant or amusement park to celebrate our relationship.

Suzen : but this is contract relationship ok so we don't have to celebrate it.

Chen: no we have to let's go.

Then he grab suzen's hand and make her to sit in the car and they go to amusement park because Chen like amusement park and whole driving Gone silent but Chen broke the silent and said.

Chen: what is you favorite color?

Suzen : why are you asking this?

Chen : we are now in relationship so we have to know about each other tell me.

Suzen : blue and black and yours .

Chen : oh same we have similarities. Now tell me what is your favorite food.

Suzen : chicken ramen and yours.

Chen : kimbap, now what is your dream place.

Suzen : namsang tower , Seoul.

Chen : oh really do you want to go there.

Suzen : yes but not now because I want to go there with my true love not contract love ok.

Chen : Ok you will find your true love soon.

Suzen : now tell me where we first meet.

Chen : what do you mean.

Suzen : if someone ask us that Where we or when we started dating each other so what we answer huh?

Chen:ok then we will learn all this don't worry.

We arrived at the amusement park and check in there and take unlimited tickets so that we can ride or play all the swings and play mini games first we go to Wild mouse roller coaster because Chen like that ride the most but.

Chen: hey babe let's go to that one ride.

Suzen's pov

He pointed the biggest roller coaster there I afraid of height a little but the coaster look very scary. Before I could answer he drag me to the ride. When we about to sit he noticed that I afraid of the ride he hold and said.

Chen: hey babe are you ok .

Suzen : .......

Chen : don't worry I am with you just take a deep breath and sit here.

Suzen sit on the seat and hold Chen's hand tightly and the roller coaster started.

Chen: don't be scared ok I am with you.

Suzen : ok.

Finally the ride over and still she hold chen's hand tightly but chen's hand started Paining so he said.

Chen: the is over so can you leave my hand now it's paining.

Suzen saw the hand of Chen which is turned red because of tightly holding so she immediately leave his hand and said.

Suzen : sorry.

Chen: it's ok now tell me what kind of ice cream you like means which flavour.

Suzen : Chocolate

Chen: ok then wait here I will come in a second.

Suzen: ok

After some time he came back and held the ice cream to her and said.

Chen: here your ice cream.

Suzen : thank you.

Chen: In relationship no sorry no thankyou ok now eat.

to be continue (*´︶`*)♡Thanks!
