
Chapter: 11 Asia & Stray Devil Madness!






[6:30 A.M]




"Wake up...! It's time to get out of bed...! If you don't, I'll kill you! Because I'm the Tickle Monster and I'm coming to get you...! Tickle tickle tickle!"

"What in the actual fuck?" I ask as I stare at the little girl who is on the screen of my alarm clock. Turning it off I get up off my bed and receive my daily quest, grabbing my tracksuit that I had forgotten to put on yesterday. I headed into the bathroom to get ready.


[7:38 A.M]

*Quest Completed*

[Daily Quest - Getting Ready to become Powerful!]

Reward: 500 XP [x1 250 [HP] potion] [x1 150 [MP] potion]

After completing my daily quest and sending my crimson soldiers back into the undead dungeon I realize how stupid I am.

'I could have had them in that shit grinding while I slept! I am such an idiot!'

(What's done is done, Partner you can't change that. Trust me I would know from experience.)

'You're right, Ddraig. Also, how can you and I communicate mentally now? I thought the boosted gear had to be active for you and me to talk.'

(After you reached level 10 in the boosted gear, it granted you the privilege to speak to me anytime you wish)

'... Did you just say I was granted the privilege to speak with you?'

(Of course, I did)

'Damn overgrown lizard' I muttered mentally.

(What was that?)



Walking to school alone now doesn't make me feel as alone as it did, especially with the dragon in my ear the entire time.

'It's like I have an annoying best friend.'

(...*Sob*...*Sob*... You consider me your best friend Partner?)

'Of course, I do Ddraig.'

(*Sob* AHH-)

'Okay and I am shutting off the mental link. Who the hell knew that he would cry. I certainly didn't.'


Turning to my right where the yell originated from, I can't help but be struck still by sight of a small pearly white ass and panties.

"Not again. I'm such a klutz." I heard the girl say.

"A-Asia?!" At the sound of her name, she turns herself over and looks up.

"Hey, are you all right?" I ask as I reach my hand out.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Umm... how do you know my name?" she asks innocently, grabbing my hand and pulling herself up.

'Crap! All right umm... oh I got it!'

"Who wouldn't? Even here in Japan we've heard of the Holy maiden Asia Argento!" I exclaim.

"Really?!" her smile broadens at the remembrance of her title before it quickly turns sad.

+5 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 5 | Obedience: 0

'She must've remembered them kicking her out'

"Yeah! Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask, trying to sound gentlemanly.

"Yes, actually umm... I'm sorry but I'm a little bit lost do you think you could help me out?" Asia asks while blushing and poking her fingers together before clapping her hands together and giggling.

'Cute as fuck!'


After walking around for a few minutes, I decided to break the silence that had fallen in between us.

"So... Asia. May I call you that?"

"Yes, it's just... I don't know your name."

"Oh... sorry my bad."

Stepping in front of her and doing a half bow I introduce myself.

"My name is Hyoudou Issei, but you can just call me Issei." I say in mock formal fashion.

+5 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 10 | Obedience: 0

"hehehe.. okay Issei." she giggles.

"What are you doing in Japan Asia?"

"I was just assigned to serve the Church in this town."


"Yes, why? Is that weird?" she asks.

"Well... the Church here was abandoned years ago. The only living things still there are birds and insects."

"Oh... that's okay."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you. I'm so glad I ran into someone kind like you... Someone is looking out for me, huh?"


+10 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 20 | Obedience: 0

After that Asia and I both walked in silence, until we eventually ended up at the bottom of the hill that leads up to the Church.

"All right it's just up this hill Asia." I say as I turn to walk away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" she asks.

"Sorry Asia but I have school today."

"Oh... can you come visit sometime?"

"Ummm... no Asia I can't. I'm sorry." I hate to do this but ain't no way am I going up there, not yet at least.

"Oh... okay." she says downcast.

-2 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 18 | Obedience: 0

"Oh!" I quickly pulled out a piece of paper and wrote my address down on it.

"Don't let anyone know you have this okay?" I asked after giving her a piece of paper with my address on it.

"What is this?"

"That's my address."

+2 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 20 | Obedience: 0

"I-Issei what is this f-for!" she exclaims while blushing.

+5 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 25 | Obedience: 0

"If you ever need my help Asia, go there, I'll help you." I say smiling at her.

"W-Why Issei, why are you so nice to me?" she asks with tears at the brim of her eyes.

"Because you're my friend Asia."

+30 Affection with Asia Argento... Affection: 55 | Obedience: 0

[Perk Gained!]

[Nuns, nuns, and more nuns] <Perk>

Increased Affection and Obedience with nuns.

After that her tears drop and she hugs me before grabbing the piece of paper and running up the hill. Making my back into town I hear a yell from behind me. Turning my head, I see Asia smiling and waving at me.

"I hope we see each other again Issei!


[4:03 P.M]

Walking towards the clubroom after school I see Kiba standing at the door expecting me.

Name: Yuuto Kiba - Knight of Rias Gremory

Race: Devil - Low Class

Level: 31

HP: 4,800

MP: 1,400

Affection: 10 | Obedience: 0

"She knows?" I ask already knowing that she's going to rip into me for showing Asia to the Church.

Kiba nods and opens the door. We both walk in and up the stairs into the occult research club room where Rias is sitting down behind her desk. Akeno is standing behind Rias on her right and Koneko is sitting on the couch eating candy.

"Issei." Rias speaks in a serious tone.


"You must not go near the Church again, Issei." Rias states.

"Why? I thought you were going to come up with a plan and we were going to take them out?"

"And I will, but not yet. Even if this is my territory there are still proper channels that I have to go through to get the attack approved."

"Oh, I unders-" I was cut off by Rias raising her hand to stop me from speaking and lifting her hand up to her ear. A crimson red magic circle appeared next to her left ear, causing Rias to nod her head and respond with "we're on it."

Catching everyone's attention and causing the whole room to look at Rias in curiosity. The magic circle faded, and Rias turned back towards us with a frown on her face.

"Everyone get ready to move, the duke has assigned us to eliminate a nearby stray devil that's been causing trouble."


[5:57 P.M]

In the middle of a forest outside an abandoned warehouse a crimson magic circle forms on the forest floor. After the magic circle fades away it reveals 4 teenagers dressed in school attire while 1 is wearing a mix of leather armor over the top of his school attire.

"Stray devils start out as devil's servants. Like us, right?" I ask Kiba, as I am once again forced to fake confusion.

"Yes, but not exactly... When a servant rebels and kills their master to gain freedom. That causes them to become strays." Kiba explains.

"Issei?" I heard Kiba say.


"Why do you have armor on?" Kiba asks.

"You never know what will happen in a dangerous situation, so I came prepared." I respond before walking alongside Rias and Akeno towards the warehouse with Kiba and Koneko lined up behind Rias.

+5 Affection with Rias Gremory... Affection: 35 | Obedience: 0

+5 Affection with Akeno Himejima... Affection: 33 | Obedience: 10

+4 Affection with Koneko Tojo... Affection: 4 | Obedience: 0

+15 Affection with Yuuto Kiba... Affection: 25 | Obedience: 0

"According to the duke, the reports say, this stray has been tricking workers into that abandoned warehouse and eating them." Rias informs us.

"These monsters are pure evil. They don't care about anything but their own selfish desires. And that always ends in ugliness." Kiba says with disgust lacing his voice.

Walking into the warehouse Kiba summons a demonic bastard sword and holds it in the hilt at his side.


"Yes, President?"

"Are you familiar with the game of chess?" Rias asks.

"Yes I am. There are 6 types of pieces on a chess board. The Pawn, the Rook, the Knight, the Bishop, the Queen, and lastly the King." I respond.

"Good this will make explaining it easy then." she remarks before continuing.

"As the master I'm the King. My empress, the queen; my cavalier, the knight; my tank, the rook; my clergyman, the bishop; and my foot soldier, the pawn. Devils with titles of nobility grant the characteristics of these pieces to their servants. We call them our 'Evil Pieces.'"

"I assume you're telling me this because I am one of those pieces." I ask.

"Correct, and I want you to pay close attention to my devils as they do battle here tonight." she tells me.


"It's here." Koneko says causing Rias to pause and all of us to shift our attention on the upper rafters of the warehouse.

The room smelt disgusting, the smell of dry blood and possible decomposing corpses filled the atmosphere.

"Now what could that foul, fecal smell be? Hmmm, I also smell something delicious, I wonder if it's sweet or if its bitter!"

From the shadows, a figure emerged as if it was floating in the air. The figure was a voluptuous upper body of a naked woman with long black hair and sharp red nails. Her eyes were grey as she wore a seductive look on her face.

Name: Stray Devil Viser

Level: 17

Race: Mutated Devil

HP: 2,000

MP: 800

'Nice Rack' I comment idly.

(Partner) Ddraig warns me.

'I know, relax'

"Viser, you retch you betrayed your master and ran away to fulfill the lustful wants and desires that have consumed you, your sins are worthy of a thousand hells. In the name of the Duke of Gremory, be gone or meet your death!" Rias spoke stepping ahead of us slightly, shouting the last part as she pointed her hand at the stray devil.

"Oh, just give it a rest you little slut!" Viser snapped back as she reared her head back to grope her breasts.

"You're just jealous your breasts will never be a luscious as these babies." She moaned as she fondled her breasts.

"Wow, just wow!" I said with a mix of disgust and being creeped out.

(Partner, you just said that she had a nice rack)

'She does'


She stepped forward, falling off the rafters and landing on the ground, revealing the rest of her body which had weird humanoid legs. Her stomach held a mouth that was lined with giant teeth. A blue gem was placed in a patch of fur that connected her upper and lower body. Her nipples expanded as a glowing magic circle formed around her breasts.

"When I said it ends in ugliness, I wasn't joking." Kiba comments.

She promptly shot out a form of acid from her breasts at us. The rest of my peerage members jumped out of the way while I sidestepped the attack and activated the boosted gear.

"Kiba!" Rias yelled signaling her knight to attack the stray. Kiba removed his sword from its sheath and with movement I could barely track sliced the two arms off the stray.

Viser recoiled at the attack shrieking in pain as blood poured out of her severed limbs.

"Kiba is my knight, the knight has superior speed with their main weapon being a deadly sword." Rias spoke looking at Kiba's work with a satisfied grin.

Looking towards Kiba and his sword I use [Perverts Gaze].

[Demonic Bastard Sword] - {500 Attck DMG}

Durability: 200/200

'Damn that is one powerful sword!'

(No, it's not)


(Your sword is just weak, Partner)


Focusing back onto the fight at hand I observe as Koneko walked forward to the stray devil. The stray turned to her and clamped down on her with its sharp teeth in its stomach mouth. I went wide-eyed at the sight before I remembered that besides her clothes getting torn, she would be fine.

"Don't worry about her, Koneko is my Rook, the rook is unparalleled in their pure defensive and physical strength." Rias said placing a soft hand on my shoulder. Looking on as Koneko forced the maw of the stray open forcing her way out.

"Now fly." Koneko said flatly as she punched the stray breaking off its teeth. The stray flew and slammed against the wall from the force of Koneko's punch. Sliding down the wall, Viser fell on the floor limp.

"Akeno!" Rias called out.

Akeno giggled as she walked forward with a slight blush on her face.

"Ara Ara~, do I get to have some fun now." Akeno said still giggling as lightning sparked across her hand.

"Akeno is my Queen meaning she has the perfect balance of all the other piece's abilities excluding the Pawn, she is also a hardcore sadist." Rias concluded looking at her Queen.

Akeno unleashed barrage after barrage of lightning upon the stray devil turning it into a smoldering, limp drooling mess.

"Ok, Akeno that's enough." Rias said with red cheeks.

"Already, and it was just getting fun~." Akeno said giggling as her thighs rubbed together.

Rias walked to the now limp, smoldering and drooling stray devil confident that the battle had been won. However, Viser had enough energy to attack one last time. Viser put what low energy she had left into her breast shooting out more acid at Rias, who was too close to her to dodge.


Wrapping my left arm around Rias' shoulder and bringing her into my chest to protect her. I raise my boosted gear and block the acid, causing it to fall to the ground and melt the stone floor. Her soft hands clasped onto my leather armored chest as I held her.

"Thank you for protecting me." Rias said with a warm smile and a blush on her face.

+10 Affection with Rias Gremory... Affection: 45 | Obedience: 0

"You're welcome." I said with a small smile to Rias. She turned back to the stray devil who had used the last of its magic in that surprise attack. I and the rest of her peerage walked up close behind her ready to protect her this time.

"Stray devil Viser you have lost this battle; do you have any last words!" Rias asked with a loud, confident voice as she looked down at the defeated stray.

"Go to hell." Was all she weakly muttered out.

"Very well, game over. NOW IT'S TIME TO DIE!" Rias shouted as her power of destruction shot out from her hands, completely disintegrating Viser. Rias then turned back to face us with a big smile on her face.

"Well done everyone, now let's head home," she said as she walked to the exit of the abandoned warehouse, with us following behind her.

"Wait, so what piece am I?" I asked Rias, stopping her in her tracks.

"You're a pawn, Issei." Rias says as she walks out of the building with the rest of the peerage.

'Heh, maybe I am. But this pawn is about to do some crazy shit!'

(What are we going to do Partner?)


