
Slaying a Legendary Creature (Part 1)

[Quest Name: Incomparable Challenge.

You defeated Lucia, the seventh bishop of the Eye of Hermodr, but when you defeated him, you realized that there was something more to their plans, something beyond what Linus Farwynn had originally theorized. So you continued through the labyrinth and found a mysterious path that led you to the Hall of Lord Varkin, a mysterious being who is presumably the target of the Eye of Hermodr.


Quest Objective: Defeat Lord Varkin so that the Eye of Hermodr cannot complete its plans.


Possible rewards for completing this quest

- 5000 Fame

- Recognition from the entire Order of Dalamyr

- Special armor set

- Oktariorite Ore

- Scroll of Wisdom

- 25 class points]


When the group consisting of Kaizen, Xisrith, and ten other Descragons arrived at the imposing door of the boss's great hall, they exchanged tense glances.
