
Chapter 72:- Journey to visit Julia's Home

"Bad wolf, are you not tired?"

"Princess even if I am tired, this is no place to stop. Just a little more and we should reach the nearest city."

"You know if you're concerned about me, you can always feed one or two mana recovery pills. And also maybe give me a kiss which would erase all of my exhaustion."

"Pervert, I am not doing any of that. I don't care if you drop dead." Aditya smiled and continued flying above the clouds.

After leaving Watson, early in the morning, Aditya with Julia in his arms flew off above the sky. In this part of the continent, only the Nyland Kingdom had a teleportation array. Meaning that both Aditya and Julia had to travel all the way to the Nyland Kingdom to get access to the teleportation array.

Normally traveling to the Kingdom of Nyland would at least take 6 to 7 days. Instead of slowly, the dragon king just decided to carry his woman in his arms and the sky above the clouds so that no one would be able to see them.
