

I wake up the next morning from a deep sleep. I did not get a lot of sleep and I think I only fell asleep around four this morning. My thoughts were devoured by that woman, Madeline. It felt like she was in my room most of the night but I know it is an impossibility. I got up a few times, checking my room, just to see if she was there but there was no one.

How is it possible that I can think so much about someone that they became a reality? Her smell consumed my senses and that white dress she wore last night...but most of all just the way that her green eyes looked at me. This was of course not something bad it is something that I want so badly to become a reality.

Usually, after a show, I will sleep until it is the afternoon but I woke up at eleven. I just can not lay down any longer. I want to see Madeline tonight and I want the night to come quickly. I walk down to my kitchen and get myself a smoothie. I need to get some vitamins and minerals in my body.

After a show like last night, I need to take things very slow and try and relax my body but it does not seem like it is going to happen today. I feel weirdly energized. I decide to go for a run around the estate. I get dressed and make sure that I have my bottled water with me. Then I start to run.

Maybe this way she will leave my thoughts but strangely enough, it becomes even more intense. It is as if I can see her breath on my skin and things that are yet to come. I can feel my breathing increase as I run even faster but I know that I should not overexert myself.

After running for a while I slow down and rest my hands on my knees. What am I going to do to get this woman out of my head but then again do I really want her out of my thoughts? I enjoy thinking about her as this only excites me for what is about to happen tonight.

Then I make my way back to the house and take a shower. I go through some new song ideas and I have a look at the social media. It is completely blown up with my performance last night and the people are raving about it.

I have made a choice many years ago that I will never read thoroughly what people say, I will just glance over it and only see the best. There are many critics out there and people that are just out to make your life a living hell. So, I will stick to the good news, not the bad news.

Finally, the time has arrived for me to get ready for my date. I can not wait to meet this woman that has been residing in my thoughts since last night. I get dressed in the best possible clothes I can find and make sure that I have lots of sex appeal.

Then I make my way up to the sky lounge and the chef once again has outdone himself. I put the candles around the room like I do every time and while I am lighting the last candle she walks into the room.

I turn to look at her and she is dressed in the most elegant red dress with high slits on each side. She looks even more radiant than what she did last night and she still wears that smile of her so beautifully. I smile like an idiot and then I take her hand and kiss it.

"I am so glad that you could make it tonight"

Once again she is not freaking out like every other fan but she is composed and I love it.

"The pleasure is all mine"

I lead her to the table that is set up for the two of us and this time I do not sit across from her but right next to her from the start. It is as if I have already got to know her and now we are ready for the next step.

"You look so beautiful tonight"

She smiles shyly but she does not leave my eyes for a second. Then she says to me.

"I guess you say this to all the girls?"

Her voice is perfect in every way and it is like a sweet harmony to my ears. It is true that I say that to all the girls but this time it is more true than ever.

"I do not say these words to just anyone"

I see her smiling again at me and then she says.

"But I know that is not true..."

Then I take her hand again and I kiss it while I say with full confidence.

"You are the only girl for me"

She does not say anything back and just continues to eat her dinner. We don't say a lot to each other as there is a comfortable silence between us. I would say one sentence and then she would say another. Usually, it would be just some meaningless conversations.

Finally, the time arrives where I invite the girl up to my room. I have been waiting for this moment ever since last night and I can not wait to explore every part of her body. I stand up and then I say holding out my hand.

"Would you like to see my room?"

"I bet you say that to all the girls?"

"I am not that kind of a man, Madeline"

I know that I am lying but I want to pull out all the stops to get this girl because I really want to have my way with her. She smiles and then she stands up while taking my hand.

"I do not mind seeing your room at all"

This is going to be a great night. She seems to want me just as badly as I want her. I take her hand and entwine my fingers with hers. I slowly make my way up to my room and then I open the door.

"Ladies first..."

She walks past me and then turns to looks at me, saying.

"I bet you say that to all the girls"

I am so completely hypnotized by her that I do not care what that beautiful lips say to me. All I know is that I want to please her in every way possible and so I say.

"Not all the girls. Just you"

I know that I am lying but my desire for her has overcome my every logical thought. I have to control myself with everything in me not to throw her on my bed and have my way with her. I have to make sure to play my cards right or I might not get what I want.

But then something strange happens. She does not look around my room as everyone else does. She makes herself comfortable on my bed and then she takes her hand stroking my covers saying.

"I guess this is the place where all the girls were just too happy to give themselves to you?"

Her voice is just attracting me to her and I can feel every last defense crumbling. I want her and I want her now. I make my way to my bed and then I make myself comfortable next to her.

"There is no other girl but you"

At this point, I will say anything to get those beautiful legs on my back. She smiles at me and then suddenly she throws me on my back and straddles me. I am going to get so lucky tonight.

I do not know how she got me on my back so fast and where she got the strength to do that but I am enjoying the ride.

"So, you have been a naughty boy?"

"I will be as naughty as you want me to be"

Then she takes her finger from my lips and presses it against my chest all the way down. Then she stops just before she gets to my pants and then looks up at me. Suddenly her face changes into something horrific...
