

She ignored the noise she heard and looked at the sky. A full moon was shining beautifully on the dark cloudless night, surrounded by a sea of thousand tiny stars that glittered brightly in a fascinating way.

Elisia had never admired the night as she found it tedious and quiet. She grew up in a place where the sun and the moon couldn't reach, so the absence of light didn't bother her anymore.

But now, she loved the tranquility and silence surrounding her. She could only hear the whistles of the wind that made the trees dance. The cold breeze that brushed through her skin made her shiver, but she didn't care. She liked the feeling of being human, and she wanted to stay that way for Adrian.

She sighed when she thought about her husband. How could he forget her like that? She thought he loved her and that even death could not break the bond between them. But she was wrong.

The words Thane said during their argument were the things she already knew but couldn't admit to herself. She could not accept the fact that Adrian had forgotten her and that bringing him back to life was a mistake. She was hurt when Adrian denied her, but she was still thinking of a way to make him remember.

"I will make him remember me. I will find a way to make him love me again. I won't let that werewolf king kill you, Adrian. I promise I will return that dog to his grave." She said to herself.

Elisia was startled when she heard the cracking noise from earlier. She looked behind her and then turned her head from left to right. She finally realized that she didn't know where she was. It wasn't on the map Thane gave her.

Was she outside of the castle? What's this place? She thought inwardly. Looking around, it was like an old park with nothing but benches and trees in the middle of nowhere. A fountain without water stood in the center with a monument that looked like a big black wolf. Then she heard another cracking noise, but this time...

It was louder...

"Who's there?" She asked.

She waited for someone to come out or answer her, but all she could hear was the sound of the strong wind that gave her chills. She took a deep breath and tried to relax.

Then she heard footsteps coming from different directions. An abrupt feeling of fear consumed her. Her ability was not enough to defend herself. Like what her father said, it was worthless.

She looked around, waiting for who or what would come out first. Her heart pounded so fast when the footsteps became more clamorous and scattered. And she knew they were running towards her at high speed.

Then she remembered what Thane told her. He needed to introduce her as his mate because there were creatures who lived in Versipellis that hated her brother, Sura, so much. And once they found out about her, she might get in danger.

She wanted to run away, but based on the noises, she was already surrounded. She gulped as she waited for them to attack her.

"Hello, princess."

She heard a snarling voice of a woman coming from behind her, followed by wicked laughs from different directions. She looked around and saw a group of women, old and young, surrounding her. Most of them was dressed in rags.

She turned to look at the woman who had just called her princess. There she saw an old lady wearing a thin cloth, kept together by a handful of threads hanging from her shoulders like a scrapped old towel. Elisia saw a huge tear on the lower left side of the shirt, showing a big scar on the woman's stomach. A rugged vest over her top was torn and dirty, but at least it kept some of her burned skin hidden.

Elisia noticed that the other women had the same clothes as the old lady. With torn pants and worn-out boots to protect their feet.

They wore a red scarf around their necks and faces that covered mostly half of it. Elisia could only see their eyes, and only the face of the old lady was exposed. But the most noticeable from the group was their scent. She knew that smell because she grew up with it before moving to Terra. It was the scent of a rotting corpse.

"Who are you?" She asked, trying her best not to sound scared.

She heard them chuckle, making her fear grow. Their laughs sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember where she heard them.

"It doesn't matter. What matters to us is that you are here. We could finally get the first taste of revenge."

"Revenge? I don't remember any of you." She frowned.

"Don't lie! You're the one who did this to us!" The old woman shouted.

Elisia tried to remember what she did and who the woman was, but she still couldn't recognize any of them.

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't know you. I-It's late, so I must return to the castle." She said, then turned around to walk away.

Before she could even take one step, she saw two women blocking her way. When she looked around, the others did the same.

"Do you think you could get away from us? Never!"

Then she saw them take out their knives, guns, and arrows. Her eyes widened, and her heart beat like a drum. She had never felt so scared that she couldn't move an inch from where she was standing.

"A-Are you all crazy? I really don't know what you're talking about! What the hell's wrong with you?" She yelled back.

The only thing she could do to lessen her fears of the women was to shout at them. She could not fight and had no talent or experience in any battle. She was the useless youngest daughter of Asmodeus. Nothing more, nothing less.

The old lady laughed again, showing off her black rotten teeth. She walked toward Elisia and then grabbed her arms.

"I died on the sixth day of the second month three years ago. Why am I alive after three years of being dead? I was informed that a selfish demon princess turned back the time." The old lady said with eyes fuming with anger.
