
Chapter 71: Mercenaries (V) Pretending

"Well, I better make this believable."

The voice was close to Kilian and he felt how his shirt got pulled off completely, and fingers wer undoing his pants.

"Wait, don't."

He let out, it was suddenly happening fast right after he had eaten his fill.

"I am sure this thing needs to relieve itself as well."

Kilian's words were ignored, and he was pulled up to stand, with a body that pressed up against his back.

"Come on, I move you somewhere where you can relieve it without worry."

Kilian's pants were pushed down to his thighs and his member felt fingers getting a grip on it, holding it away from himself.

Kilian clenched his teeth, his face feeling hot with embarrassment.

'How dare he.'

His inside voice was enraged, but in reality, he said nothing, cause his body was hurting to let go, and he soon felt the relief of the pressure lessening as he peed.

"That was not that hard, was it?"

The voice was mocking, but Kilian could not retort, his mind still outraged by what had just happened.

The grip on his thing disappeared, and the body holding him lessened its hold, while the hands pulled up the pants again, leaving the front undone.

"We can't have you run off, you are our little golden ticket to freedom."

A finger gently ran down his back, making Kilian shiver.

"A very pretty ticket." Something soft moved over Kilian's face and another piece of cloth covered his mouth, tightened at the back of his neck.

"There, now you can't scream."

The voice had switched from condescending to almost amused, and Kilian felt the rough hands touch his skin, grabbing onto his arm and guiding him back to the soft cover he had laid on earlier.

His world was black and he was unable to speak with his wrists still tied, the rope had dug into his skin til it felt sore.

"There now give a good performance Young Lord."

Nothing happened.

Kilian kept listening for any little sound close by and after a while with nothing but the faint sounds of the mercenaries was unable to tell if Sail was still present or had left.

His legs were screaming for rest now, and he had to admit, he was not entirely uncomfortable on the soft covers.

"Sail, are you done yet, it is our turn now."

The voice send chills down Kilian's back, as he recognized it from earlier.

Kilian could hear cloth being moved, and a cold wind fell over his mostly naked body.

He could only imagine how he was laying there, tied up and clothing off with his pants undone.

"Not yet, don't be impatient Brutus, I will throw him your way when I am satisfied."

The voice was closer than Kilian had thought, realizing Sail must be laying right next to him, without him having noticed.


Kilian heard the displeased sound, and he felt how Sail placed a fingertip on his chest, scratching the nail slowly down over the skin til the opening of his pants.

"See, I am not done yet, so get out."

The last few words were harsh and loud, and the cold wind that was brushing over Kilian disappeared.

"You did good, what a nice performance, you almost convinced me you were flustered."

The fabric covering Kilian's eyes and mouth was lifted and slid down his cheek, and the darkness around him was vaguely lit up by a magical light that was hovering right under the ceiling of a big tent.

Even in the dim light Kilian could tell the tent was more lavishly than he had expected from a pack of mercenaries.

He was laying on a simple and there was even room for a table and chair nearby.

He looked up, noticing how a person could stand up without reaching the ceiling.

"Grand for a mercenary, isn't that right." The sail was gesturing his hand.

"I am supposed to be a low-born noble traveling, I can't show off any less than this."

Kilian's ice blue eyes finally got used to the dim light and looked at the man next to him.

'He is too close.' He tried to move away, but arms pulled him back into a chest, holding him close.

"Don't ruin the performance now, your flushed cheeks helped convince Brutus." the voice sounded more alluring now.

"I might have to mess you up a bit more to convince them next time."

"Just get off me."

For some reason, this man had not gone any further even if he had had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted.

'It is as if he was expecting Brutus to arrive.'

"Give me some credit, it is actually quite hard to hold back when you laying there like that."

The grey eyes were eating up Kilian, and he looked own at himself, noticing how his naked parts were pressed and ground against the rough fabric Sail was wearing.

"Hmm, it seems, he is coming back."

Steps were pacing outside the tent, and soon, the entrance was pushed aside.

"Sail, give him to us, we were promised a part of this."

The instance Brutus entered, Sail covered Kilian's lips with his own, pressing Kilian down on the covers hard, the kiss greedy and rough.

'Is he gonna do it?' Kilian had started to finally relax in the situation, thinking this man was not gonna go through with it.

'I thought he just didn't like men.'

The kiss said otherwise, and Kilian bit hard at the tongue exploring his mouth.


Sail let go and looked towards Brutus who had entered, his lips stained by blood.

"Get out!"

The tone was no longer trying to dissuade Brutus, and the tent suddenly felt hotter, the warm air making Kilian pant fast.

It felt suffocating, and he was not the only one as Brutus quickly left.

Sail got off him and stood up, straightening his own clothes.

"That should be enough for tonight." He then threw a blanket down on Kilian.

"Get some sleep."

I am out all day and I noticed the second chapter was not published. will update it Sunday together with 2 more for sunday/monday

Rain_Corncreators' thoughts